I'd rather he talks about what can be in the future- leave the past behind. There's not much to be gained by bemoaning the past or belittling the current.
Brewster tried that, and a lot of people seemed to hate him for it. Apparently there's something wrong with being confident and optimistic.
Kill, on the other hand, says "We've sucked for awhile, we suck right now, and we'll suck for a little while longer, but I'll do my best to make this program good again, and maybe, just maybe, we'll start to have some level of success a few years down the road, but then maybe we won't, but I'll do everything I can."
Some don't like seeing the program painted in a negative light like this, and others turn harsh at promises of success. Brewster didn't say, "Maybe we'll be good again in awhile, I don't know," he said, "I WILL turn this program around, we WILL be successful once again." And now that he didn't succeed, people take personal shots at him, call him a used-car salesman and a liar and a dirtbag, and act like he intentionally drove this program into the ground.
Kill says, "We're not very good, we've got a long road ahead of us, and we're going to work hard, and not take any shortcuts." Every time he told the media that the team was not talented and to have low expectations, they would just eat it up, they loved it.
Don't get me wrong, I love Coach Kill, and I like what he says about building a foundation on concrete, not on sand, and I want him to succeed just as much as I wanted Brewster to succeed, but going by media reactions, people much prefer to be told that the program is in a horrible state of disarray rather than that respectability is within reach and we ARE going to get there.