If seating is limited this year, how does that impact season ticket holders?

There are two places I go where I am happy to leave politics behind. Gopherhole and Facebook. Of course Facebook was overrun with politics long ago. It took a while, but by diligently blocking shared “news” sources on FB, and then ultimately unfollowing repeat offenders - I was able to return my FB feed to a regular non political personal escape. I hope I don’t have to do that here. Worst case situation, it will become like Walleye Central for me (which became too political for my taste before I even had FB or GH accounts). It will lose its value and I’ll quit visiting.

Just curious, what happened to my body, my choice? This whole thing is blown way out of proportion, and I mean no disrespect to those that truly suffered from Covid. Covid was the third leading cause of death in 2020 which includes some experts saying that the numbers were blown up by as much as 1600%. Florida, Texas and other states that had the loosest restrictions are far better off than NY, NJ, Mi and others that are still very regulated. Those that have received shots are you still wearing a mask? If so why? I haven't gotten the shots yet, although I am not entirely opposed to it. If there are still restrictions to outdoor events in your area you need to call BS on your local and state governments. What a total shit show the last year has been!

1600%!!!? Doesn't sound like you are listening to experts. You are listening to propagandists. As for the loose restriction/regulated comparisons. Anyone can cherry pick stats to prove a bias there. For example....New York and New Jersey very densely populated. Much easier to spread disease there regardless of mask restrictions. My rebuttal to that is....what about California? Doing better than either Florida or Texas. How about the midwest states? Minnesota doing way better than Iowa, North Dakota, or South Dakota in deaths per capita. In fact....the loose restriction states of Iowa and the Dakotas are a few of the worst in the nation. And that's despite the advantage of having a population that isn't condensed.

At most an abortion affects 2, maybe 3 lives if you believe life begins at conception (the parents and the baby accounting for the 3 lives). Your choice to not wear a mask appears to only affect yourself at first glance because you have to deal with getting sick, but you can spread it to others and potentially affect 10s-100s of others by infecting them.

If it was just you not wearing a mask, then fine, but it's a lot more people than just you. You can argue that everyone not wearing a mask is taking that risk, but if you all start getting sick and overwhelm the hospitals again, then you start affecting others who need to go to the hospital as well who did make the choice to wear a mask.

So as you can see, scale matters.

P.S. get out of here with that overcounted by 1600% propaganda BS you got from whichever "news source" you subscribe to.
What if the baby would have cured cancer... or COVID? That affects a hell of a lot more than 2 or 3 people! Butterfly effect bro... 😉

There are two places I go where I am happy to leave politics behind. Gopherhole and Facebook. Of course Facebook was overrun with politics long ago. It took a while, but by diligently blocking shared “news” sources on FB, and then ultimately unfollowing repeat offenders - I was able to return my FB feed to a regular non political personal escape. I hope I don’t have to do that here. Worst case situation, it will become like Walleye Central for me (which became too political for my taste before I even had FB or GH accounts). It will lose its value and I’ll quit visiting.
Ya, I bailed on fishing forums a long time ago. There seemed to be a lot of angry white men in there who liked to think they had the answers to all the world's problems. And by "world", I mean Mille Lacs, Leech, LotW, and any of their local lakes being used by people that are not like them.
I try not to get too political here; however, that being said, I assume that the new CDC guideline for allowing vaccinated people to be outside without a mask also applies to internet fan forums...so I hope by finally shedding the one on my avatar I am not labeled some kind of Walz sycophant, or better yet, a "sheeple".
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Proof of vaccination means within the limits of probability you will not go to the hospital because of the virus and will not infect other people who have not yet been vaccinated or will not get vaccinated.
So you should have carte blanche to mix and mingle without a mask or distancing.
I seemed to have touched a nerve among those who fear the government put a chip in the vaccine.
Makes sense now when we still have people lining up to get vaccines. By late August, everyone who wants a vaccination will have had one. They are free, so no financial barriers to get one. Why do you need to prove you've been vaccinated if the only people that can get infected and the only people they can subsequently infect are those remaining who willfully refuse it?

Makes sense now when we still have people lining up to get vaccines. By late August, everyone who wants a vaccination will have had one. They are free, so no financial barriers to get one. Why do you need to prove you've been vaccinated if the only people that can get infected and the only people they can subsequently infect are those remaining who willfully refuse it?
I like to bring my kid to the games. I doubt 6 year-olds will be vaccinated by August.

Makes sense now when we still have people lining up to get vaccines. By late August, everyone who wants a vaccination will have had one. They are free, so no financial barriers to get one. Why do you need to prove you've been vaccinated if the only people that can get infected and the only people they can subsequently infect are those remaining who willfully refuse it?
Not entirely true for 2 reasons:

1. Folks with severe allergies to the vaccine, who would otherwise have taken it. Are they supposed to just live the rest of their lives quarantined?
2. There is still a small chance you get infected after being vaccinated, it's very unlikely and it would be a mild case, but it is possible.

It would mean those who are able to get tickets are about to make bank on the resell market if they want.

What if the baby would have cured cancer... or COVID? That affects a hell of a lot more than 2 or 3 people! Butterfly effect bro... 😉
The exact same can be said for all the doctors that died during the pandemic, whether by accidental exposure or on the front line, so this argument doesn't really fit specifically for the abortions vs masking argument. I'd go as far as to say the butterfly affect from covid will have more impact than from abortions if you want to go down that route.

Plus, are you advocating for masking with this argument? The initial question was why "my body, my choice" for abortion and not covid. Bringing up the "baby could cure cancer" argument is an argument against "my body, my choice" meaning you either support masking then on the principle of forcing bodily choices when it potentially affects others, or you support the exact opposite of the argument that was being had (no abortions, no masking).

What if the baby would have cured cancer... or COVID? That affects a hell of a lot more than 2 or 3 people! Butterfly effect bro... 😉
If we accept women having equal rights as men we accept that they have as much reproductive freedom as men.
The abortion issue will fade as contraception did when he pill replaced barrier contraception.
Pills to expel the very smallll blob of tissue work up to close to three months gestation and are taken at home and are now available through the mail.

Well, this thread really went haywire, but as of April 26 Fan Relations said they do not yet know how many people will be let into the stadium this fall, but if you can't sit in your season ticket seats, you can have a refund or roll the amount over to next year. So the issue hasn't been resolved. I renewed anyway.

too difficult to show a ID to vote, but you need a vaccine passport to go to a sporting event or to fly. The socialists have taken over. Say it ain't so Joe.
Serious question...you uh...get how people can infect other people right?

NFL Draft event tonight only allowed fully vaccinated people. So there is a precedent already. In MN, I think we could get a good stadium turnout of only vaccinated folks.

NFL Draft event tonight only allowed fully vaccinated people. So there is a precedent already. In MN, I think we could get a good stadium turnout of only vaccinated folks.
Since a very high % of 65+ are already vaccinated, you are probably right.

Minnesota has what—27% capacity? for outdoor events? If that of 50%+ by start of football which seems very likely, all season ticket holders will have access to seats. Unless the number has jumped considerably I think ~50% of seats are season ticket holders.

You have a better chance of getting covid than you do gopher fb tickets

There are two places I go where I am happy to leave politics behind. Gopherhole and Facebook. Of course Facebook was overrun with politics long ago. It took a while, but by diligently blocking shared “news” sources on FB, and then ultimately unfollowing repeat offenders - I was able to return my FB feed to a regular non political personal escape. I hope I don’t have to do that here. Worst case situation, it will become like Walleye Central for me (which became too political for my taste before I even had FB or GH accounts). It will lose its value and I’ll quit visiting.
Sounds like something one of those people would say!!!


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