If Kill how many said no?


Sep 11, 2010
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It seems to me that if Kill is the guy as recent rumors say he is how many people said no?

Also, I would nope Maturi would realize where Gopher football stands nationally if he got turned down by a dozen candidates.

1.) Petersen - No
2.) Harbaugh - No
3.) Patterson - No

No surprise with those three so lets move on.

4.) Calhoun - No (But he also turned down Colorado so he is satisfied at his alma matter)
5.) Hoke - No (Used the meeting with the M&M boys as leverage for more money from SDSU)
6.) Sumlin - No
7.) Edsall - No
8.) Bellotti - No (Hard to blame him, wants to watch his kids play hs football/is older)
9.) Fulmer - No (Not the best candidate, never coached outside SEC and is a little older)
10.) Al Golden - No (He is waiting comfortably for his shot at the Penn State job)
11.) Dan Mullen - No (wanted too much money to leave)


12.) Mike Leach - Never contacted
13.) Ken Niumatalolo - Never contacted
14.) Larry Fedora - ?
15.) Jeff Jagodzinski - ?

Am I missing anyone?

i'd have to say at least 10-15 said no to get to him

If its Kill...I blame Maturi and Bruininks for this...this sucks!

If its Kill...I blame Maturi and Bruininks for this...this sucks!

Well thats what I mean. You got Maturi and Bruininks each claimed they had a "deep pool of good candidates" and even told that to the board of regents.

If its Kill that is a bold faced lie.

If you get turned down by 15+ coaches and get to Kill, you say to hell with it and roll the dice with Leach.

I'd rather have Shannon, who also said he was interested...

My worst nightmare if kill is hired.

Personally, I do not blame any of those coaches for saying no. We haven't legitimately been good for over 50 years. A guy like Jerry Kill looks and that and doesn't give a flying F. Hell, he probably loves the situation and personally I feel like he would be the best candidate to get us to the next level where we could land a hoke or golden or mullen. The fact is, all of those coaches could get much better jobs than the Gophs right now, for just as much money. It's just a fact.

It seems to be accepted that Fulmer would have taken the job. If that is true and we hired Kill or worse yet, Chryst, then this is Joel's biggest F-up and that's saying a lot.

Fulmer is a burned out coach looking for a big paycheck.

What waste of time this program is if it's Kill. They should keep Horton if this is the best they can do.

This is the angle we're forgetting. maybe instead of "why didn't we go after X or Y person" they flat out denied us in the first place.

If Sumlin, Golden or Hoke turned down the job, they're certified idiots.

After the top-drawer names, Kill's record is as good as any.

Maturi set this up by telling us we would get an experienced D-I coach and a "Tubby-Like" hire. It proves beyond a doubt what a complete idiot he is. In a public role you under promise and over deliver. He over promised and didn't deliver as he said he would.

Given all that, Kill's record indicates he's a real good coach. I expect we've got a lot of cash left for a real first class group of Co-ordinators and Assistant coaches and I expect that we will be very pleased with the results. At least as long as Brewsters recruits still have eligibility left.

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