I won't disagree with anything you said, or for that matter Prof. I'm just thinking what the ideal candidate for our current situation and that we want to commit the best we can get. We need the following attributes in a recruiting candidate: athletic frame, athletic ability, game aptitude, game experience, technical skill, communication skills, commitment, clarity of purpose, academic aptitude and ability, character and leadership. This is no small order in a human being. All but athletic frame are behavioral traits. You can exercise for athletic ability (time and effort), you can grow frame to a point, game experience is whatever they bring with them, technical skill can be taught, the rest is something that we can instill, but they need to bring it as well. One of the most important leadership skills is humility. I think you will find more in 3 star ranks than 4 or 5. This might seem contrary to what success would dictate, but I think the matrix calls for something else than what the recruiting services offer up for public consumption. If you factor in the non athletic attributes, some of those 5 star kids become 2 star candidates. We have seen 4 star athletes come in and never contribute because they were failures in the classroom and never developed their leadership skills. I think some 2 star recruits like Setterstrom and company were really 5 star recruits for what they became. The services may prove that a 4 star athlete functions well at Alabama, but Alabama is not in the league of Minnesota for the difficulty of our academics. Minnesota has different criteria for 4 and 5 star athletes than the Alabamas of this world. I think Kill's class last year really was as close to a 5 star class as is possible.