If Iowa and Wisconsin can win, why can't Minnesota?


few of us younger than 60 gives a rats ass about Gopher football. The football team is not relevant to them like the Vikings are. Hate to say it, but it is true. It is a poisonous combo of a lack of real fan interest, an administration not serious about major athletics, a poor string of coaches and AD's, and an acceptance of mediocrity as a virtue by the administration. All that adds up to 50 years of floundering.

I agree with your premise to a point, except that those who have been students in the last 10-11 years are more interested in Gopher football than those that graduated in the 80's and 90's. There's been a marked change starting with growing student sections in the last 4-5 years under Mason (granted we took a step back this year). Many of those alums are getting season tickets and still coming to the games.

Forget the (recent) past. Win, and they will come. That is all.

My vote: your local media and not-so-diehard fans

Every kid in Wisconsin grows up in a Badger sweatshirt; not so in MN. U of M is not part of the Minnesota identify for most residents.

Also, lot of gamesmanship by local media trying to make names for themselves by taking shots a the U and throwing teams, coaches, players under the bus. Great fun. In Madison the local media knows who butters its bread.

even rosen just joked that MN can't win like Iowa or Sconnie. I just don't get it. This area is so much better that Madison or Iowa City for football. I have a friend from work who's adopted son is the best Junior Wide out in the state and he wants no part of the U of M. I keep trying to get her to tell him he needs to go there to make the program better. He wants to go to Iowa.

even rosen just joked that MN can't win like Iowa or Sconnie. I just don't get it. This area is so much better that Madison or Iowa City for football. I have a friend from work who's adopted son is the best Junior Wide out in the state and he wants no part of the U of M. I keep trying to get her to tell him he needs to go there to make the program better. He wants to go to Iowa.

Having all the top football schools in the state in the same metropolitan area as the U can be a disadvantage.

Even if you live on campus, there is not a feeling of going away to school. Most kids want to go away to school.

Having all the top football schools in the state in the same metropolitan area as the U can be a disadvantage.

Even if you live on campus, there is not a feeling of going away to school. Most kids want to go away to school.

Unless your from Wisconsin or Iowa than you want to stay in your state:)

Let's not re-write history and pretend that Alvarez took over a program that was just a few years removed from being competitive. They were as irrelevant as a program can get. Not even close to the level of competence the Gophers have seen over the last decade.


I'll give you that Brewster had more success than Morton did but McClain had a better Big10 record than Mason did and had nearly identical overall winning percentages.

Coatta and Jardine were nothing to write home about though. And Hilles one year was lousy.

I always thought McClain was a decent coach.

Right. I'm not arguing that the Badgers were anywhere near as good as they have been since Alvarez took over or that they were that good before McClain but I am just disputing the statement that the Badgers were "Not even close to the level of competence the Gophers have seen over the last decade".

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