Idea for the Moderators - Penalty Box


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I was just looking through some of the recent posts and an idea came to mind. We've had a few recent incidents of bad behavior on this board and one way to discourage that would be to have a board penalty box.

The penalty box would be prominently displayed at the top of the page and if a poster steps over the line, they get added to the box with their infraction and months they're banned from posting. This would discourage the likes of Dr. (cry wolf) Don from posting non-sense and really back up the efforts of this board as a reference and forum for true/serious Gopher fanatics.

I like this board a lot, but I'm sometimes discouraged by some of the disingenuous postings. The ignore feature is good, but the penalty box might discourage poor behavior further.

I was just looking through some of the recent posts and an idea came to mind. We've had a few recent incidents of bad behavior on this board and one way to discourage that would be to have a board penalty box.

The penalty box would be prominently displayed at the top of the page and if a poster steps over the line, they get added to the box with their infraction and months they're banned from posting. This would discourage the likes of Dr. (cry wolf) Don from posting non-sense and really back up the efforts of this board as a reference and forum for true/serious Gopher fanatics.

I like this board a lot, but I'm sometimes discouraged by some of the disingenuous postings. The ignore feature is good, but the penalty box might discourage poor behavior further.

Interesting, very interesting. I nominate myself to be in charge of who goes in. Only if Rescooter doesn't want the job of course.

I like Dr. Don.

But the penalty box is a good idea, it would be an honor to be one of the first.

Interseting, very interesting. I nominate myself to be in charge of who goes in. Only if Rescooter doesn't want the job of course.

I'm just the idea guy - I'm not a good referee. Go for it!

I like Dr. Don too, but then again, I like canker sores.

You like chancre sores? Oh wait! Canker sores. That's entirely different.

Love the penalty box idea. Who would be the Gopher Hole Dave Schultz or (with all due respect to his untimely passing) Bob Probert?

I think the penalty box might be a good idea. One note of caution... sometimes when something like this exists, it can lead to people actually being WORSE because they know they have a built in 'do-over'. As long as the truly over-the-top stuff is still dealt with in the same way it is now, I think the penalty box would be a good place for some people.

Lets make it board interactive!

Can they add a vote box at the bottom and once you get (x) # of votes yo go into the penalty box, lets say a troll comes on this board and spews filth, then after say 10 votes by different posters he goes into the penalty box for a week.
Love the penalty box idea! I have never seen anything like it.

Can they add a vote box at the bottom and once you get (x) # of votes yo go into the penalty box, lets say a troll comes on this board and spews filth, then after say 10 votes by different posters he goes into the penalty box for a week.
Love the penalty box idea! I have never seen anything like it.

Yes, we need more censorship on the internet. Along with trolls and other jerks we should be able to put any poster in the penalty box with whom we disagree about anything. And, of course, this would be the quickest way to silence all of the posters who openly advocate for beer for everyone at Gophers Stadium. Let's do it.

Hockey sucks, and therefore penalty boxes sucks.... See me after class if you need to see the proof that proves this....

While we are setting up the penalty box, we may also need to contact the county attorney to get a restraining order for cncmin and his stalking directed at Adam Weber.

Hockey sucks, and therefore penalty boxes sucks.... See me after class if you need to see the proof that proves this....

If you hate hockey, how about soccer? Yellow or Red Cards given to the perps.

For those that think this is censorship, it isn't. This is a private board - moderators can do whatever they wish. A little filtering of trolls and troublemakers usually makes for a better experience.

I don't see it as censorship either. There's nothing wrong with honest and energetic disagreement that includes all viewpoints (even the marginally loony ones like I provide), but how things are said should count for something.

I understand the frustration with the team, but the bile level seems a bit high in here these days.

I do like Soccer. But imagine all the people flopping trying to get me a card when I call them out for being Myth Engineers(tm)........ :D.

Yes, we need more censorship on the internet. Along with trolls and other jerks we should be able to put any poster in the penalty box with whom we disagree about anything. And, of course, this would be the quickest way to silence all of the posters who openly advocate for beer for everyone at Gophers Stadium. Let's do it.

I only agree with the penalty-box idea if I am in charge. If I'm in charge, it is a great thing. If I'm not, then it really is censorship.

Yes, we need more censorship on the internet. Along with trolls and other jerks we should be able to put any poster in the penalty box with whom we disagree about anything. And, of course, this would be the quickest way to silence all of the posters who openly advocate for beer for everyone at Gophers Stadium. Let's do it.


Not saying you're wrong Upnorth...just think its hilarious that you manage to take a valid point (bolded above) and turn it into an opportunity to point out how persecuted you feel.

since it is FB it could be a personal foul...which could land you on the inactive list, or not trav eling w/ the "team" list.


Not saying you're wrong Upnorth...just think its hilarious that you manage to take a valid point (bolded above) and turn it into an opportunity to point out how persecuted you feel.

I don't feel persecuted, GoGold. I was just making an observation. And everyone knows that the absolute worst thing that can happen to any poster on an internet message board is to be ignored. I would have bet any amount of money that you had me on your Ignore List. So thanks for helping me to feel better about myself.

since it is FB it could be a personal foul...which could land you on the inactive list, or not trav eling w/ the "team" list.

I knew with a little brainstorming, someone would come up with an even better idea.

Personal foul and then being demoted to the inactive list. That's perfect!


In defense of..

I like Dr. Don too.

So, in defense of Dr. Don, since when is it verboten to post nonsense?

I see various levels of it every day here at the GH. It is what gives it charm.


I don't feel persecuted, GoGold. I was just making an observation. And everyone knows that the absolute worst thing that can happen to any poster on an internet message board is to be ignored. I would have bet any amount of money that you had me on your Ignore List. So thanks for helping me to feel better about myself.

I save the ignore list for extreme trolls of which you are not one.

What about newbs?

Do they have to have a probationary period, like a Fraternity Pledge?

Though I like this idea it would be abused by people who simply can't deal with people disagreeing with them...

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