I wish one reporter...


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
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I wish one reporter, or columnist, in this town had the courage to come out and speak out on behalf of the players who were not involved in the situation that lead to suspensions. Clarify that they are not a team of 100+ rapists, and that the vast majority are great young men.

Some of the post-game tweets from the "public" are nauseating, as there is such a general misunderstanding of the whole situation, and the current media conversation just fuels it. It's sickening g to read tweets and comments that people wish they would have lost, bunch of criminals, etc. Scoggins took a step in the right direction with his column, but someone has to go further. It would be great if Coyle or Kaler were the one's to help get that narrative started.

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Yellow Journalism is alive and well in this town.

Watching the news last night and this morning the petition to get him fired gets 10x the coverage than anything else. It's just sad.

In the media's defense, it's a nuanced issue that is simply too complicated for some people to follow.

There are posters on this board who argued that I was pro-rape or only ripping on the Title IX offices so we'd win at football.

Unfortunately the 100 other players stuck their nose where is should not have been by making a public statement and boycott. Had they shut up and just played the game, maybe it would have garnered more attention. Claeys and the team should not have made any comments until they had read the report. Lots of PR blunders to go around by all involved, from President on down to players.

Unfortunately the 100 other players stuck their nose where is should not have been by making a public statement and boycott. Had they shut up and just played the game may that would have garnered more attention. Claeys and the team should not have made any comments until they had read the report. Lots of PR blunders to go around by all involved, from President on down to players.

This is the kind of misunderstanding I'm talking about. Dumb.

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This is the kind of misunderstanding I'm talking about. Dumb.

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This is exactly why we have dumbed-down journalism. The nuances of the case are too difficult for some people.

Unfortunately the 100 other players stuck their nose where is should not have been by making a public statement and boycott. Had they shut up and just played the game may that would have garnered more attention. Claeys and the team should not have made any comments until they had read the report. Lots of PR blunders to go around by all involved, from President on down to players.

Nobody had the report or likely would have received the report without the boycott. They were protesting real or perceived injustice and even supposed fans don't seem to understand that.

In the media's defense, it's a nuanced issue that is simply too complicated for some people to follow.

There are posters on this board who argued that I was pro-rape or only ripping on the Title IX offices so we'd win at football.
Bob, the nuance is coming from editors who are providing a false spin and are too lazy to get their facts straight.
It's not too complicated, it's just that the truth is not convenient and doesn't sell papers.
Feed the masses a horror story and they'll buy more "news."

There have been a lot of articles about some of the oddities with university justice systems and Title IX, but almost all of those are long after the fact.

The players (well most) presumably never saw the report until later and were in a position where they were arguing for reinstatement of ALL 10 players.... that makes writing an article focusing on just their case kinda hard to do as the players didn't seem to be informed, they didn't really state their case well..... and nobody still knows what exactly was what.

As much as I'm concerned about these weird university justice systems, the player's didn't help themselves....

This is the kind of misunderstanding I'm talking about. Dumb.

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...and having a bunch of 18-23 year old's speak about something they did not witness is smart?

In the media's defense, it's a nuanced issue that is simply too complicated for some people to follow.

There are posters on this board who argued that I was pro-rape or only ripping on the Title IX offices so we'd win at football.

They were accusing you of Rape affirmative behavior not of being pro-rape, get it straight. :)

Unfortunately the 100 other players stuck their nose where is should not have been by making a public statement and boycott. Had they shut up and just played the game, maybe it would have garnered more attention. Claeys and the team should not have made any comments until they had read the report. Lots of PR blunders to go around by all involved, from President on down to players.
Here is an example of the false narrative.

The report had nothing to do with the boycott or rescinding of the boycott. The boycott was a call for due process. The ending of the boycott was out of respect for the accused who told them to go play.
The reason the players wanted the accused back on the team and able to play is that they hadn't even had a chance to argue their case before they were thrown in jail. No due process was available. The system is messed up. That is the reason for the boycott.
The media is ignorant and worse, misleading the public, with a false narrative.

I think you're looking for Reusse.

I wish one reporter, or columnist, in this town had the courage to come out and speak out on behalf of the players who were not involved in the situation that lead to suspensions. Clarify that they are not a team of 100+ rapists, and that the vast majority are great young men.

Some of the post-game tweets from the "public" are nauseating, as there is such a general misunderstanding of the whole situation, and the current media conversation just fuels it. It's sickening g to read tweets and comments that people wish they would have lost, bunch of criminals, etc. Scoggins took a step in the right direction with his column, but someone has to go further. It would be great if Coyle or Kaler were the one's to help get that narrative started.

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The Twin Cities has GOT to be the most negative sports media city in the country. Negative journalism in general is lazy. The repetition of it from the same sources is sickening.

It is embarrassing.

This is exactly why we have dumbed-down journalism. The nuances of the case are too difficult for some people.

I don't understand what this thread is discussing. Media? Journalism? Didn't Donald Trump just prove how insignificant it has become. The only thing I miss about it was I used to use newspaper to line the bird cage. Come to think about it I have not even had a bird for 40 years.

I go online and look at the headlines of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul rags. If I want to read the details then I have to pay for it and it is not worth the price of the electricity it would take to read it at any depth. The bulk of my information comes from Scout and Gopher Hole when it comes to the Gophers, and if there is anything worth reading the forums will quote it anyway. I pay for Scout and I contribute here also because overall it is worth it. There is certainly on lot of negativity on the forums, but there is also a lot of positive stuff and even some pretty good journalism from time to time.

...and having a bunch of 18-23 year old's speak about something they did not witness is smart?

Hind sight is always 20/20. Your view of this situation will be colored by at minimum whether you "know" the players are guilty, whether the players didn't show proper lip service to the alleged victim's rights, and possibly even outright racism in a few cases. There is obvious misandry on display in the media and from faculty, EEOA.

Standing up and disagreeing is never easy and will always cause controversy and heartburn. Minnesotans are famous for avoiding conflict and are not comfortable with it. The players are simply defending their family. Wouldn't you do that?

I don't understand what this thread is discussing. Media? Journalism? Didn't Donald Trump just prove how insignificant it has become. The only thing I miss about it was I used to use newspaper to line the bird cage. Come to think about it I have not even had a bird for 40 years.

I go online and look at the headlines of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul rags. If I want to read the details then I have to pay for it and it is not worth the price of the electricity it would take to read it at any depth. The bulk of my information comes from Scout and Gopher Hole when it comes to the Gophers, and if there is anything worth reading the forums will quote it anyway. I pay for Scout and I contribute here also because overall it is worth it. There is certainly on lot of negativity on the forums, but there is also a lot of positive stuff and even some pretty good journalism from time to time.

You're 100% right. I was just pointing out why the two rags are forced to just garner clicks. They can't step out of bounds. I am not arguing those rags have nearly as much relevance as they used to have.

There are posters on this board who argued that I was pro-rape or only ripping on the Title IX offices so we'd win at football.

Well, I think I was tagged pro-rape too. Coach Claeys was accused of being proud of his players for training a girl, and we all support a rape culture. We should all be ashamed.

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...and having a bunch of 18-23 year old's speak about something they did not witness is smart?

What, exactly, do you believe they were boycotting? From my standpoint, they wanted information about the situation from EK and MC. And they most certainly witnessed how things were being communicated from the top. They didn't like it and did the only thing they had power to do in order to try and change the situation. If you are upset a boycott occurred, you are blaming the wrong party. The blame should squarely fall on EK and MC. Though the team could have communicated some things a bit differently, and I'm sure as they look back the team would suggest the same, the threatened boycott was not only justified, but also very much served its purpose.

In the media's defense, it's a nuanced issue that is simply too complicated for some people to follow.

There are posters on this board who argued that I was pro-rape or only ripping on the Title IX offices so we'd win at football.

AP sportsguy seemed to be able to explain it pretty clearly. Probably the only local media person to actually do some investigative reporting on this

This is the kind of misunderstanding I'm talking about. Dumb.

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Yep, agree. Still stuck on the false narrative provided via surface-only, tabloid type reporting by majority of local media.

Here is an example of the false narrative.

The report had nothing to do with the boycott or rescinding of the boycott. The boycott was a call for due process. The ending of the boycott was out of respect for the accused who told them to go play.
The reason the players wanted the accused back on the team and able to play is that they hadn't even had a chance to argue their case before they were thrown in jail. No due process was available. The system is messed up. That is the reason for the boycott.
The media is ignorant and worse, misleading the public, with a false narrative.

To me one word sums up media's reporting on this, save AP sportsguy...L A Z Y

I don't understand what this thread is discussing. Media? Journalism? Didn't Donald Trump just prove how insignificant it has become. The only thing I miss about it was I used to use newspaper to line the bird cage. Come to think about it I have not even had a bird for 40 years.

I go online and look at the headlines of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul rags. If I want to read the details then I have to pay for it and it is not worth the price of the electricity it would take to read it at any depth. The bulk of my information comes from Scout and Gopher Hole when it comes to the Gophers, and if there is anything worth reading the forums will quote it anyway. I pay for Scout and I contribute here also because overall it is worth it. There is certainly on lot of negativity on the forums, but there is also a lot of positive stuff and even some pretty good journalism from time to time.

Just use incognito mode on your browser and get an ad blocker.

Good articles in Wall Street Journal and Boston Globe about the lack
of due process at the University

What, exactly, do you believe they were boycotting? From my standpoint, they wanted information about the situation from EK and MC. And they most certainly witnessed how things were being communicated from the top. They didn't like it and did the only thing they had power to do in order to try and change the situation. If you are upset a boycott occurred, you are blaming the wrong party. The blame should squarely fall on EK and MC. Though the team could have communicated some things a bit differently, and I'm sure as they look back the team would suggest the same, the threatened boycott was not only justified, but also very much served its purpose.

Absence of due process and the overly broad net the report cast. Have they been reading any of the many, many threads out here on the subject?

Absence of due process and the overly broad net the report cast. Have they been reading any of the many, many threads out here on the subject?

What? Of course I have. I've been active in most of them. I'm not sure what your point is, but I believe we are saying the same thing. Did you read the post I responded to when I wrote this?

What? Of course I have. I've been active in most of them. I'm not sure what your point is, but I believe we are saying the same thing. Did you read the post I responded to when I wrote this?

Yep, not you, a bit clunky from me as I edited it while typing it...meant those who keep posting the same false narrative over and over.

What, exactly, do you believe they were boycotting? From my standpoint, they wanted information about the situation from EK and MC. And they most certainly witnessed how things were being communicated from the top. They didn't like it and did the only thing they had power to do in order to try and change the situation. If you are upset a boycott occurred, you are blaming the wrong party. The blame should squarely fall on EK and MC. Though the team could have communicated some things a bit differently, and I'm sure as they look back the team would suggest the same, the threatened boycott was not only justified, but also very much served its purpose.

Players go to Claeys and he goes to Coyle and he goes to Kaler. They aren't entitled to information in this case.

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