I will not be optimistic at all for next year if


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I dont see some new names in the offensive line. If I see this same starting lineup next year it will be a long year.

I dont see some new names in the offensive line. If I see this same starting lineup next year it will be a long year.

Or if the present ones greatly improve. That is the #1 key to next year.

Or if the present ones greatly improve. That is the #1 key to next year.

Nope, QB play is #1, by FAR.

The O-line was not great by any means this year, but improved greatly as the year went along, and really did a pretty good job in the bowl game. They didn't open huge running holes, but Weber had plenty of time back there, usually > 5 seconds to do something - anything - with the ball.

If Seantrel comes here, and with the addition of Gjere, Allen, and some others, the future of the O-line actually looks pretty bright.

Nope, QB play is #1, by FAR.

The O-line was not great by any means this year, but improved greatly as the year went along, and really did a pretty good job in the bowl game. They didn't open huge running holes, but Weber had plenty of time back there, usually > 5 seconds to do something - anything - with the ball.

If Seantrel comes here, and with the addition of Gjere, Allen, and some others, the future of the O-line actually looks pretty bright.

I agree with your last statement only. There was only one running play where the OL opened a hole between the tackles.(I did probably miss five or six plays) I do not think Weber had "plenty of time." On some plays yes. Remember the scouting report on ISU was they didn't have a pass rush.....They did last night. What does that say?

station 19. Weber had 3-4 or more sec. most of the night. Most of the sacks came after that. Use a watch and see. The line played well on pass protection, and better on run. If they keep making improvement like this, that might even be a strong point next yr.

Weber's strength was taken away

Adam Weber as a freshman was a poor man's Eric Couch. He was a threat to run. I always thought he was an option QB. The coaching staff never saw it or tried it. As a sophmore he was restrained but still able to run. This year, he has been reduced to his least likely strength. Quick recognition and accurate throws. He can do neither. Now everyone couldn't wait for Grey, and the process is taking the same track. He was a dual threat QB. A strong arm, great ball faking, and a running threat. He also is shrinking. He looked his best in the spring game. What a glimpse. You know where this is going. Coach Fisch is a Florida guy. He was there with fun and gun. He saw QB's light up the SEC. He watched, assisted with Danny Wuerffel. Whether it was Wuerfel or Mathews or Rex Grossman. None were dual threats. They were classic pocket passers. Coach Fisch is driving dual threat QB's into a square peg. In doing so they become no threat at all. They become there own worst enemy. They hold the ball too long, steer rather than throw the ball, or wait unable to decide and take the sack. This is a scheme problem.

The second thing that's wrong, is a second threat in the backfield. We have no power backs. No one on the roster can break a tackle, and combined with that no one can break a long run. What a combination. Lamonte Edwards come on down. Without a run threat, think of Juice Williams with Medenhall and without. Think of Northwestern with Noah Herron, or Tryell Sutton and without. For the spread to work you need two viable threats in the backfield. We have none. And we use 4 wide recievers. Why? First, neither Weber nor Grey can decipher a 4 man pattern in under 3 seconds. Maybe a three or two man occasionally? Are we spreading them out to run it? Not very well.

Please coach, go back to the drawing board. Look at the talent, and build a scheme around the talent. If it ends up being a version of the single wing, I don't care. It would be better than the current offense, and mis use of the QB Talent.

Adam Weber as a freshman was a poor man's Eric Couch. He was a threat to run. I always thought he was an option QB. The coaching staff never saw it or tried it. As a sophmore he was restrained but still able to run. This year, he has been reduced to his least likely strength. Quick recognition and accurate throws. He can do neither. Now everyone couldn't wait for Grey, and the process is taking the same track. He was a dual threat QB. A strong arm, great ball faking, and a running threat. He also is shrinking. He looked his best in the spring game. What a glimpse. You know where this is going. Coach Fisch is a Florida guy. He was there with fun and gun. He saw QB's light up the SEC. He watched, assisted with Danny Wuerffel. Whether it was Wuerfel or Mathews or Rex Grossman. None were dual threats. They were classic pocket passers. Coach Fisch is driving dual threat QB's into a square peg. In doing so they become no threat at all. They become there own worst enemy. They hold the ball too long, steer rather than throw the ball, or wait unable to decide and take the sack. This is a scheme problem.

The second thing that's wrong, is a second threat in the backfield. We have no power backs. No one on the roster can break a tackle, and combined with that no one can break a long run. What a combination. Lamonte Edwards come on down. Without a run threat, think of Juice Williams with Medenhall and without. Think of Northwestern with Noah Herron, or Tryell Sutton and without. For the spread to work you need two viable threats in the backfield. We have none. And we use 4 wide recievers. Why? First, neither Weber nor Grey can decipher a 4 man pattern in under 3 seconds. Maybe a three or two man occasionally? Are we spreading them out to run it? Not very well.

Please coach, go back to the drawing board. Look at the talent, and build a scheme around the talent. If it ends up being a version of the single wing, I don't care. It would be better than the current offense, and mis use of the QB Talent.

Husker, you get my vote for the Gophers next offensive coordinator.

- The o-line did get better as the season went on. Which is not saying much. We ran the ball so-so in the second half last night.

- I've said for two years that it was a mistake to take Adam out of our running game.

Husker might have nailed Webers problems. We might have put him in a situation where he is the worst he can be as opposed to Dunbars system where he might have been the best he can be.

I think we have to recognize the vast improvment through the year on the Oline, and perhaps upsetting the gains by changing up the lineup might be foolish. If there was a far superior athlete ready, fine, but a slightly better one is going to perform worse than the guy who's been starting for a year or two. i say keep working the guys we have.

Too damn heavy

I agree with Greise (I think?) who said during one of the games that they O-Line needs to shed some weight, or at least get a little better on their feet. The Line may or may not have improved during the year, it's hard to say but they sure were not athletic or quick of foot.

On the team I played on in college, our line was ALWAYS the smallest in the conference and we were almost always in the top 5 in the nation in running. Small, mobile, and good on their feet.

The play-calling can sure help the running game a lot more than just improved line play. The Gophers have run the ball most effectively on drives in which they have completed a few passes successfully, opening up the running game. Play action on first down has been VERY effective for these guys.

The upside is, there will be an UNBELIEVABLE amount of competition for playing time on the line next year. The cream will most certainly rise to the top, whoever it may be; red-shirts we haven't seen yet, returning starters, newcomers, et al. If the line isn't CONSIDERABLY better next year with the incoming and returning talent, something is seriously wrong.

But in last 5 games last year, with the great Dunbar system, our offense was terrible as well.

I dont see some new names in the offensive line. If I see this same starting lineup next year it will be a long year.

I don't necessarily agree with the urgency of this post, but am certain you'll be at least partially pleased because there are bound to be one or two new names seeing snaps.

Can someone please post the depth chart for the OL for next year (including commits)?

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