I was wrong


Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
I posted some of this as part of a comment over on Gopher Illustrated. I'm reprinting it here cause I deserve to take my medicine after the statements I've repeatedly made.

I am truly amazed at how bad the defense has been. I was one of the guys raving about our D's athletic ability and size. I went to several functions to watch the team perform, and I saw guys who appeared bigger and more athletic than what I'd seen previously here. That made me optimistic for this year. While I still don't think I was wrong about the potential of those guys, I absolutely didn't realize how underdeveloped a lot of our guys are in their football skill sets. Unfortunately, it's not just the young guys. Even guys who have had a lot of positive PT in the past , like Tinsley, Cooper,and Carter have had me scratching my head wondering why they aren't playing smarter and more fundamentally sound. The season is still young, but there is no reason so many guys should be lining up incorrectly and consistently miss tackles and other chances to make plays

I was wrong. The skeptics were right. The Crow tastes bad, but not nearly as bad as the after taste of the OOC season.

As usual, I will be there cheering my head off on Saturday. If you see me feel free to say I told you so.


Anyone taking delight in being right about this team being disappointing should get out of the fanbase. This sucks and it's no time for celebration. I wish you were 100% right and we were starting the Big Ten schedule undefeated.

Whatever the future holds things are going to get better. If I see you I'll buy you a drink not give you crap. We're all in this together.

Anyone taking delight in being right about this team being disappointing should get out of the fanbase. This sucks and it's no time for celebration. I wish you were 100% right and we were starting the Big Ten schedule undefeated.

Whatever the future holds things are going to get better. If I see you I'll buy you a drink not give you crap. We're all in this together.

Well said.

Anyone taking delight in being right about this team being disappointing should get out of the fanbase. This sucks and it's no time for celebration. I wish you were 100% right and we were starting the Big Ten schedule undefeated.

Whatever the future holds things are going to get better. If I see you I'll buy you a drink not give you crap. We're all in this together.


I posted some of this as part of a comment over on Gopher Illustrated. I'm reprinting it here cause I deserve to take my medicine after the statements I've repeatedly made.

I am truly amazed at how bad the defense has been. I was one of the guys raving about our D's athletic ability and size. I went to several functions to watch the team perform, and I saw guys who appeared bigger and more athletic than what I'd seen previously here. That made me optimistic for this year. While I still don't think I was wrong about the potential of those guys, I absolutely didn't realize how underdeveloped a lot of our guys are in their football skill sets. Unfortunately, it's not just the young guys. Even guys who have had a lot of positive PT in the past , like Tinsley, Cooper,and Carter have had me scratching my head wondering why they aren't playing smarter and more fundamentally sound. The season is still young, but there is no reason so many guys should be lining up incorrectly and consistently miss tackles and other chances to make plays

I was wrong. The skeptics were right. The Crow tastes bad, but not nearly as bad as the after taste of the OOC season.

As usual, I will be there cheering my head off on Saturday. If you see me feel free to say I told you so.


I guess I was clouded by optimism and I will be there also still cheering and hoping the defense improves and we get better!

I'm right there with you but I don't feel like you need to apologize for hoping the for the best.

I had a realization on Saturday after the game. When it comes to being a fan of the Gophers, I would rather be an optimist and be wrong over being a pessimist and being right. My glass is half full with Kool-aid. If causes me to be labeled a rube or delusional, so be it.

Reality check

I posted some of this as part of a comment over on Gopher Illustrated. I'm reprinting it here cause I deserve to take my medicine after the statements I've repeatedly made.

I am truly amazed at how bad the defense has been. I was one of the guys raving about our D's athletic ability and size. I went to several functions to watch the team perform, and I saw guys who appeared bigger and more athletic than what I'd seen previously here. That made me optimistic for this year. While I still don't think I was wrong about the potential of those guys, I absolutely didn't realize how underdeveloped a lot of our guys are in their football skill sets. Unfortunately, it's not just the young guys. Even guys who have had a lot of positive PT in the past , like Tinsley, Cooper,and Carter have had me scratching my head wondering why they aren't playing smarter and more fundamentally sound. The season is still young, but there is no reason so many guys should be lining up incorrectly and consistently miss tackles and other chances to make plays

I was wrong. The skeptics were right. The Crow tastes bad, but not nearly as bad as the after taste of the OOC season.

As usual, I will be there cheering my head off on Saturday. If you see me feel free to say I told you so.


Perfectly said. Unfortunately, on defense, this has been a reality check for a lot of us.

Some people don't get that there's an unbelievably fine line between winning and losing. MOST every game hinges on a handful of plays, one way or the other. The Gophers have been no different.

The Defense:

You get one or two guys making a mistake on defense, you get a 30-40 yard run (see NIU game tape). That's it. A missed tackle here, in the wrong position there, and you've got a 50-yard scoring play.

The Gophers have lost games because they've given up the big play. Period. Call it trial by fire but hopefully these inexperienced mistakes will pay dividends down the road and these guys won't make the same mistakes as they get into Big Ten play.

I have no problem admitting I was dead wrong when I thought the defense would be at least as good this year. I just didn't see these kinds of defensive mistakes coming, particularly against the nonconference opponents.

Anyone taking delight in being right about this team being disappointing should get out of the fanbase. This sucks and it's no time for celebration. I wish you were 100% right and we were starting the Big Ten schedule undefeated.

Whatever the future holds things are going to get better. If I see you I'll buy you a drink not give you crap. We're all in this together.


I posted some of this as part of a comment over on Gopher Illustrated. I'm reprinting it here cause I deserve to take my medicine after the statements I've repeatedly made.

I am truly amazed at how bad the defense has been. I was one of the guys raving about our D's athletic ability and size. I went to several functions to watch the team perform, and I saw guys who appeared bigger and more athletic than what I'd seen previously here. That made me optimistic for this year. While I still don't think I was wrong about the potential of those guys, I absolutely didn't realize how underdeveloped a lot of our guys are in their football skill sets. Unfortunately, it's not just the young guys. Even guys who have had a lot of positive PT in the past , like Tinsley, Cooper,and Carter have had me scratching my head wondering why they aren't playing smarter and more fundamentally sound. The season is still young, but there is no reason so many guys should be lining up incorrectly and consistently miss tackles and other chances to make plays

I was wrong. The skeptics were right. The Crow tastes bad, but not nearly as bad as the after taste of the OOC season.

As usual, I will be there cheering my head off on Saturday. If you see me feel free to say I told you so.


Hey, I hoped against hope against hope that Brewster could make it. We knew the D-End situation was bad, but they lose Rallis and the middle becomes wide open? I didn't see it either. I'm still afraid that they won't be able to replace Brewster with a winner unless they get a guy with Gopher ties. What bothers me the most is the unrestrained glee at the Gopher losses. You're admitting that you're wrong. None of them are admitting that this is exactly what they've been hoping for.

I'll be there with you Saturday, though I'm having a heck of a time giving away the four extra tickets we bought.

Never underestimate the problems created by inexperience. Our 2-Deep includes 9 Freshmen and 6 Sophomores. None of them are starting because they are such God gifted athletes that OSU or PSU couldn't keep them out of the lineup. They are there because the upper class cupboard is bare.

With game experience comes...experience. The problems have been largely being out of position and poor tackling. These are things that are learned with experience. I expect we will begin to see much improvement in these areas. Just don't think it'll be enough against the upcoming "MEAT" of the schedule.

We can always hope. Remember we are tied for first place in the Big Ten as of today! Rose Bowl here we come. You may want to make your hotel reservations. Fortunately for me my cousin lives in Pasadena. LOL

Bull-honkey. I'm not eating in crow until I'm mathematically eliminated!!! Phear dis nerd, kids! We still have a chance, and I'm taking shots of optimism :D.

Bull-honkey. I'm not eating in crow until I'm mathematically eliminated!!! Phear dis nerd, kids! We still have a chance, and I'm taking shots of optimism :D.


Hey, I hoped against hope against hope that Brewster could make it. We knew the D-End situation was bad, but they lose Rallis and the middle becomes wide open? I didn't see it either. I'm still afraid that they won't be able to replace Brewster with a winner unless they get a guy with Gopher ties. What bothers me the most is the unrestrained glee at the Gopher losses. You're admitting that you're wrong. None of them are admitting that this is exactly what they've been hoping for.

I'll be there with you Saturday, though I'm having a heck of a time giving away the four extra tickets we bought.

I don't think anyone (short of Hawkeye and Badger trolls) was reacting with glee. It's just that when you've been shredded to pieces over the past few years if you dared to criticize Brewster or predict a season record more in line with reality, it's kind of nice to see those people who were attacking you look so foolish. Not nice to see the Gophers look so bad. There's a big, big difference.

There's still hope, Ahli. Still a couple gulps of koolaid left, maybe the team can refill the pitcher. I'm still in it to win it.

Props to you for taking your crow like a man. I dont think anyone wanted the Gophs to be this bad either. Even though we have (and probably still will) disagee on lots of stuff, I respect you coming out like this.

I don't think anyone (short of Hawkeye and Badger trolls) was reacting with glee. It's just that when you've been shredded to pieces over the past few years if you dared to criticize Brewster or predict a season record more in line with reality, it's kind of nice to see those people who were attacking you look so foolish. Not nice to see the Gophers look so bad. There's a big, big difference.

Well, you're different than a lot of the others taking some measure of satisfaction from the current situation, most of whom have come out of the woodwork these last few weeks. I have no problem with your take, because you took the lumps the last couple of years from me and others who were drowning in the snake oil. You've put in your time and and are, without question, a supporter of this team. Some of the others, I'm less sure about.

Regardless, I've eaten my crow and am now preparing myself for the long road to redemption and reconciliation. :)

I don't think anyone (short of Hawkeye and Badger trolls) was reacting with glee. It's just that when you've been shredded to pieces over the past few years if you dared to criticize Brewster or predict a season record more in line with reality, it's kind of nice to see those people who were attacking you look so foolish. Not nice to see the Gophers look so bad. There's a big, big difference.

+ 1

Well, you're different than a lot of the others taking some measure of satisfaction from the current satisfaction, most of whim have come out of the woodwork these last few weeks.

You are correct with that assumption. There are too many who have come here recently just to "show us" how right they were. Glee and delight in the U of M's misery.

AhliBobwa we had our disagreements over the state of the defense over the spring and summer. We didn't see the same thing. I didn't think the defense was going to be all that good but never did I expect it to be as bad as it has been. I'll admit I was wrong too.

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