I really, really hate Doogie

Doogie's "mentors" are columnist, they're not paid to analyze, they're paid to have knee jerk opinions in a knee jerk society and relax real newspapers laugh at the red star and the rest of the TC media

I like Doogie. We respectfully spared a few times, I specifically remember the time he thought he knew more than any MLB manager about how to use a bullpen, specifically a closer, and emphatically stated it was out of date and that Nathan should have been pitching in tight situations in the 6th or 7th inning if needed instead of being ready for the 9th. He is stubborn and doesn't back down.

But he is a good guy. I've met him a few times and even discussed his presence on this site and the abuse he took from the pack of stray dogs that attack anything beyond blind, homer logic. He expressed to me that it bothered him and it wasn't long after he quit contributing. In the end it was our loss. How many fan sites get a media member to contribute and dish some behind the scenes gossip?

As far as his style goes, yes it can be predictably aggravating. If we rattle off 3 straight conference wins next year, it will be Doogie in his post game show trying to start speculation as to whether Texas, if Mack Brown is struggling again, will overlook the health concerns and make a run at hiring Jerry Kill, or if Phil Nelson is gone after his junior year, while the rest of us are trying to savior the moment with a post game show on the radio. I don't know if it is a deal where a Star Trek/Dungeons and Dragons guy is trying to do sports, or if he is as dumb as a fox and trying to carve his niche by becoming the local Skip Bayless. Regardless he elicits a response from his listeners/viewers.

He deserved better than we treated him here and the only reason he takes the shots he does now is because he is genuine and not aloof like the others covering sports in the area, and banters with fans about local sports. I'm betting the most passionate Doogie attackers would love to have his career and access even for just a day.

Doogie is getting crushed in this thread. Comparing him to Reusse he's not that bad at all.

For those of you that are curious..that is my picture that Maroongopher is using as his moniker and he has decided that me being fat is somehow embarrassing to me...well it isn't. I am fat. I am also smart, funny, successful and have many friends. I am certain he/she does not.

Please be aware that if you have dialogue with Maroongopher and he/she doesn't like what you have to say...expect this type of personal and intrusive attack.

If in fact that is what Maroongopher is doing and I have no reason not to believe GopherinPhilly, all I can say is pathetic. This kind of crap makes one an in-house troll. From what I can see, GopherinPhilly is a thoughtful poster and I appreciate his insights whether or not I agree with them. In fact, I'm probably the opposite of GopherinPhilly. I'm not too fat. I'm also not smart, not at all funny, hardly successful and aside from my 62,039 facebook friends, I have only two "real" friends assuming you count my dog that bit me the other day. Aside from that, we're probably a lot alike;-)

I like Doogie. We respectfully spared a few times, I specifically remember the time he thought he knew more than any MLB manager about how to use a bullpen, specifically a closer, and emphatically stated it was out of date and that Nathan should have been pitching in tight situations in the 6th or 7th inning if needed instead of being ready for the 9th. He is stubborn and doesn't back down.

But he is a good guy. I've met him a few times and even discussed his presence on this site and the abuse he took from the pack of stray dogs that attack anything beyond blind, homer logic. He expressed to me that it bothered him and it wasn't long after he quit contributing. In the end it was our loss. How many fan sites get a media member to contribute and dish some behind the scenes gossip?

As far as his style goes, yes it can be predictably aggravating. If we rattle off 3 straight conference wins next year, it will be Doogie in his post game show trying to start speculation as to whether Texas, if Mack Brown is struggling again, will overlook the health concerns and make a run at hiring Jerry Kill, or if Phil Nelson is gone after his junior year, while the rest of us are trying to savior the moment with a post game show on the radio. I don't know if it is a deal where a Star Trek/Dungeons and Dragons guy is trying to do sports, or if he is as dumb as a fox and trying to carve his niche by becoming the local Skip Bayless. Regardless he elicits a response from his listeners/viewers.

He deserved better than we treated him here and the only reason he takes the shots he does now is because he is genuine and not aloof like the others covering sports in the area, and banters with fans about local sports. I'm betting the most passionate Doogie attackers would love to have his career and access even for just a day.

Again, it's not about him not being a homer. It's about his idiotic idea that Coach Kill should have a game manager and his refusal to state what he's really saying "Coach Kill is in over his head". I would have disagreed with that statement, but it wouldn't have been so obviously dumb as his tweet.

Does Doogie have passion? Eh, maybe. I think it's pretty clouded in his relatively new desire to generate as much clicks as possible. I think he's intentionally gone the way of Fat Pat and Souhan of trying to get clicks rather than trying to do his job.

Is Gopherhole worse off without him? I don't think so. He's free to write anything that he'd like and he's free to write things for the sole purpose of generating clicks, but we're free to give him the backlash that those kind of tactics will generate. He couldn't handle the backlash, oh well. I don't think he's written anything Gopher related that I read in a more eloquently written manner by a lot of posters on here or GI.

As far as wanting his access? Um...so what? I also think Ponder is a terrible QB, but I wish I was an NFL QB. I think 2 and a 1/2 Men is a god awful TV show, but I wouldn't getting paid like Ashton Kutcher. The access that his job gives him would be fun, that doesn't habe anything to do with whether or not he's a hack or not. You're free to think of him anyway that you'd like, but the criticisms that he's receiving here are part of the job (I can't find 1 personal insult).

I wondering if Doogie gets fired and is replaced with a cardboard box?! Hey, I'm just asking the question.

(Of course, I have no source, proof or examples to back that claim up. Just like Doogie taught me.)

I am surprised that Doogie himself does not come to the forum to defend himself. I know that he must have a different moniker; but he has come here before which I will admit that I have to respect. I am not standing up for what he said because it was pretty dumb; but he does step out from behind the curtain to defend his statements in the gauntlet. Now if Fat Pat and Souhan would do the same rather than sitting behind the desk and the microphone and just try to overpower their callers. The forum is always the great equalizer because if you make a dumb ass comment then you must stand and defend.

I actually miss Doogie representing himself on GH. He probably ran out of time to defend himself, but often he was just posting what he submitting in other media outlets. His (trademark symbol) Doogie Dots were priceless. To use a saying over-used by his ex-employer, "Closed circuit to Doogie, please come back".

We are not personally attacking him in any fashion. The consensus of this forum has always been that journalists/columnists should be respectful. His inflammatory remarks could forever join him at the hip with with Fat Pat and Souhan. Or he could choose to separate himself from them, and be a more respectful and trusted journalist.

I personally feel that some people here need to check themselves in regards to how they pile on the media. It isn't just the local sports media taking shots at Gopher Football. Ask a pool of casual and serious sports fans about the state of the program. It might be more of a case of Gopher Football fans being a cult following insulating themselves in a bunker together and becoming instantly enraged when the state of the program is questioned.

It is intellectually lazy at this point to dismiss Reusse because of his weight when he asks tough questions. The reality is real. The OL and skill positions were overmatched in conference play, the attendance trends at TCF are troubling, renewal rates might not be positive, and the team had a classic collapse Friday night. Those stories are true and are newsworthy.

The team has gotten better, they have a respected coach, and a lot of players are returning. Those stories are true and should be reported, but journalism requires an objective look at the state of the situation. I'd be disappointed if the media became a cheerleading squad with softball columns without asking tough questions.

I personally feel that some people here need to check themselves in regards to how they pile on the media. It isn't just the local sports media taking shots at Gopher Football. Ask a pool of casual and serious sports fans about the state of the program. It might be more of a case of Gopher Football fans being a cult following insulating themselves in a bunker together and becoming instantly enraged when the state of the program is questioned.

It is intellectually lazy at this point to dismiss Reusse because of his weight when he asks tough questions. The reality is real. The OL and skill positions were overmatched in conference play, the attendance trends at TCF are troubling, renewal rates might not be positive, and the team had a classic collapse Friday night. Those stories are true and are newsworthy.

The team has gotten better, they have a respected coach, and a lot of players are returning. Those stories are true and should be reported, but journalism requires an objective look at the state of the situation. I'd be disappointed if the media became a cheerleading squad with softball columns without asking tough questions.
I don't think anybody is proposing that tough question not be asked, they are just asking that some depth be provided behind those tough questions.

I don't think anybody is proposing that tough question not be asked, they are just asking that some depth be provided behind those tough questions.

+1 It is a simple as that.

No one is dismissing Ruesse because he's a big, people dismiss him because he's a troll. He writes things for the sole purpose of eliciting outrage/clicks. He's a joke.

The tough questions...I'm glad they're asked. I think the attendence is troubling and I've had a lot of good debates with people about the subject. The team lost on Friday, but it wasn't a "classic collapse". That's lazy. I can't think of another game that we lost at the end when we were in the driver's seat. It's easy to go to that card, if you're lazy. People always remember the games they blow but not the ones that they steal. Under Kill, I can't think of many games that we've blown when we were set to win. So Friday was a collapse, but certainly not "just another collapse by the Coack Kill led Gophers".

I didn't like Nelson's RS being pulled, I criticisized Kill for pulling the RS. I've criticisized Coach Kill and the program quite a bit, THE ISSUE IS NOT WITH CRITICISM. It's with resorting to trolling (See Doogie's idiotic idea) to generate clicks. The only thing more annoying that that hackery, are the people who are too blind to see the difference between criticism and trolling. You're defending trolling and that's fine, but don't get confused to think that the people who dislike Doogie and Fat Pat dislike him out of being overly sensitive to criticism. I'm a Gopher football and Timberwolf fan....do you really think I run from criticism?

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