I pull for all B1G teams in bowls, but...


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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...it is really, really hard to watch Penn State. They are horrible.

The fact they took Ohio State to overtime is a reminder OSU's spread with Alabama isn't big enough.

...it is really, really hard to watch Penn State. They are horrible.

The fact they took Ohio State to overtime is a reminder OSU's spread with Alabama isn't big enough.

If you are going to judge a team based on one game, then people could say the spread in our game isn't large enough considering we lost to Ill...who, IMO, is a much worse team.

Silliness. Alabama only beat Arkansas by 1. In your world, this should make OSU the favorite.

You guys are trying to hard. My point is Penn State is horrible and hard to watch. I know it is fun to be the counter-point-guy on Gopher hole. So enjoy.

I could do a better job disagreeing with me than you did. After all, Penn State took OSU to overtime and the Gophers lost by a touchdown in regulation. So... Penn State > Minnesota.

Also, Illinois proved they are better than Penn State by beating them this year, right?

Hackenburg is having himself a nice day, isn't he? A QB with a 300yd 3TD day sounds pretty good to me...

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He has been better as the game has gone on.

Well... A victory for the B1G... I'll take it.

So much for that 0-10 B1G bowl prediction, at worst we're 2-2 end of today

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Well... A victory for the B1G... I'll take it.

Yeah...and now Nebraska is giving USC all they can handle in the first half. I would so love it for the B1G to have a winning bowl season.

But I still won't be rooting for Wisconsin. Under no circumstances. As Elizabeth Hurley once said (and I'm paraphrasing), if Wisconsin was the last person on Earth, and it was necessary to sleep with Wisconsin for the preservation of the human race, I still wouldn't sleep with Wisconsin.

Yeah...and now Nebraska is giving USC all they can handle in the first half. I would so love it for the B1G to have a winning bowl season.

But I still won't be rooting for Wisconsin. Under no circumstances. As Elizabeth Hurley once said (and I'm paraphrasing), if Wisconsin was the last person on Earth, and it was necessary to sleep with Wisconsin for the preservation of the human race, I still wouldn't sleep with Wisconsin.

Wisconsin would prefer a dead deer anyway.

Hard to watch? That was a hell of a football game.

I agree. PSU has a really good defense and a terrible offensive line. That can lead to some poor looking football, but it's still a win.

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Nebraska with Bo would have won that game. however without a true head coach there were so many coaching errors it was hard to watch towards the end of the game

they put the game on the arm of Armstrong instead of the legs of Ameer? that right there should warrant that Assistant never get a head coaching position.

It's Bowl Season. I'm a B1G team guy.

Cheers for all 10

Comparative scores mean very little in terms of predicting future outcomes. It's all about matchups. Just because Team A beat Team B, and Team B beat Team C, that doesn't mean that Team A is a lock to beat Team C. Team C may run a scheme that gives Team A trouble, or have a favorable matchup at a key position. And - because the players are human, after all - one Team might just have a good day against one opponent, and a bad day against a different opponent. it happens. (ie- Gophs vs. Illinois.)

You guys are trying to hard. My point is Penn State is horrible and hard to watch. I know it is fun to be the counter-point-guy on Gopher hole. So enjoy.

I could do a better job disagreeing with me than you did. After all, Penn State took OSU to overtime and the Gophers lost by a touchdown in regulation. So... Penn State > Minnesota.

Also, Illinois proved they are better than Penn State by beating them this year, right?
You're right - there are a few wise guys on this board. Pay them no heed.

I cannot and will not ever cheer for a wisconsin team. As I have said before, the difference between Iran and Wisconsin is I am sure there is someone in Iran that I like.

Nice that we picked up 2 wins, but no one seems to doubt that we are better than the ACC. What I am really curious about is how we play against SEC, Pac 12, and Big 12.

I cannot and will not ever cheer for a wisconsin team. As I have said before, the difference between Iran and Wisconsin is I am sure there is someone in Iran that I like.

The WI-Auburn game is a win/win or lose/lose situation. I've deluded myself to the win/win scenario: if Wisconsin loses, that is great; if Auburn loses, the vaunted/hyped SEC goes down.

Nice that we picked up 2 wins, but no one seems to doubt that we are better than the ACC. What I am really curious about is how we play against SEC, Pac 12, and Big 12.

Actually there is alot of people that thought we were worse than the ACC. I dont know how many times I read stuff claiming the B1G was the worst of the power. Atleast we can stop that garbage.

As to the Auburn/Wisconsin game. I am praying for a 0-0 tie after about 5 OT periods. then they all die of exhaustion.

The WI-Auburn game is a win/win or lose/lose situation. I've deluded myself to the win/win scenario: if Wisconsin loses, that is great; if Auburn loses, the vaunted/hyped SEC goes down.

I think its lose/lose. If Wisconsin wins, a Big 10 division winner beat a middle of the pack B1G team and we have proved nothing as a conference, plus Wisconsin gets a win. If Wisconsin loses, a B1G 7-1 division champ just lost to a .500 SEC team.

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