I know--I shouldnt start another thread on the 1st down chant


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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So go ahead and rip on me. I can take it. But its about Jules Perlt. Tarball in another thread puts it in perspective why I dont like it. If you are old enough to remember PA announcer Jules Perlt---he would say FIRST DOWN MINNESOTA ON THE IOWA 10 YARD LINE for example. It would ring thru the stadium with excitement. That sounded first class and what I think a PA announcer should sound like. If you heard that compared to the current---thats another golden gopher first down you would see why it can ring hollow. Ok sorry about another thread on the chant but the older people in here will relate to this. Werent those great days. And of course------when he read the scores----FINAL SCORE------MICHIGAN 35 MICHIGAN STATE ----pause---36. He would give big upsets in backward order. aaaaah I miss him.

So go ahead and rip on me. I can take it. But its about Jules Perlt. Tarball in another thread puts it in perspective why I dont like it. If you are old enough to remember PA announcer Jules Perlt---he would say FIRST DOWN MINNESOTA ON THE IOWA 10 YARD LINE for example. It would ring thru the stadium with excitement. That sounded first class and what I think a PA announcer should sound like. If you heard that compared to the current---thats another golden gopher first down you would see why it can ring hollow. Ok sorry about another thread on the chant but the older people in here will relate to this. Werent those great days. And of course------when he read the scores----FINAL SCORE------MICHIGAN 35 MICHIGAN STATE ----pause---36. He would give big upsets in backward order. aaaaah I miss him.

Did you also walk uphill both ways to the game? :rolleyes:

If the current PA announcer tried to duplicate JP... instead of 3 threads per quarter ripping on the first down announcement, there would be 4 threads ripping on the sorry-azz guy trying to copy the immortal Jules Perlt. "Show some originality" - they would demand.

I can hardly wait for the first "And that's another Golden Gopher... FIRST DOWN" of 2011. Go Gophers.

At a pace of 3 per quarter, I figure there will be another 9 or so threads whining about the the same thing between now and then. That is a rate of about one thread per person that actually doesn't like it.

The image

of the whole program reflects on what happens on game day. Some love the chant but far too many think its sounds bush league. Maybe say it a few times a game but not repeatedly when we are 20 points behind and just running out the clock or we get a first down on a penalty etc. . If image isnt important then it isnt important.

"Far to many"? Very, very few have a problem with it. The first down cheer doesn't create a negative image. I'm sure we could find people who would favor tearing down the Statue of Liberty.

of the whole program reflects on what happens on game day. Some love the chant but far too many think its sounds bush league. Maybe say it a few times a game but not repeatedly when we are 20 points behind and just running out the clock or we get a first down on a penalty etc. . If image isnt important then it isnt important.

I used to feel this way, but if a tradition (I realize this isn't a tradition that dates back very far, but every tradition starts somewhere) is only done when times are good, well then it is no tradition at all, just band wagon.

I used to feel this way, but if a tradition (I realize this isn't a tradition that dates back very far, but every tradition starts somewhere) is only done when times are good, well then it is no tradition at all, just band wagon.

Agreed, you either do it or you don't. Stopping doing it when you get behind, now THAT would indeed be Bush League.

How about we put it to a vote? If people vote to keep the chant will the naysayers shut up?

It's funny these opponents of the first down cheer never post a poll. Probably because it would reveal that only a tiny handful oppose it.

Maybe we should setup a section just for them at TCF or a suite.

I kept waiting for one of the people that I assume to be in the vocal, yet minority camp not liking the announcement to finally post a poll. I kept waiting...

But, then I figured as is so often the case, one can word a poll to drive the results they WANT to see. So, I just posted a poll and I worded it in the best way I could to be neutral. Should be interesting. I have to admit that I am a little ashamed of myself for spending this much time arguing something so trivial only two days after a NEW COACH was hired.

I kept waiting for one of the people that I assume to be in the vocal, yet minority camp not liking the announcement to finally post a poll. I kept waiting...

But, then I figured as is so often the case, one can word a poll to drive the results they WANT to see. So, I just posted a poll and I worded it in the best way I could to be neutral. Should be interesting. I have to admit that I am a little ashamed of myself for spending this much time arguing something so trivial only two days after a NEW COACH was hired.

Funny thing is that someone waited for a new coach to be hired to bring the subject up again. I can't wait for "Will Kill put a stop to the standing?" thread.

In my opinion, whether its the announcement itself or the guy doing it, it does sound bush league...I don't care if the entire SEC does it either. Maybe they don't need to abolish it all together but only do it inside the 50 or 40 yard line...that way it doesn't wear on people all game long and is announced when fans are jacked up from the anticipation of scoring.

In my opinion, whether its the announcement itself or the guy doing it, it does sound bush league...I don't care if the entire SEC does it either. Maybe they don't need to abolish it all together but only do it inside the 50 or 40 yard line...that way it doesn't wear on people all game long and is announced when fans are jacked up from the anticipation of scoring.

"Bush League" is something done in lower levels, which is not done at higher levels. It can't be Bush League if it is something done at the higher levels. As far as I can tell, you're actually less likely to hear things like the First Down Cheer at lower levels, so it's the opposite of Bush League. You'll take the first down cheer out of my cold dead hands.

"Bush League" is something done in lower levels, which is not done at higher levels. It can't be Bush League if it is something done at the higher levels. As far as I can tell, you're actually less likely to hear things like the First Down Cheer at lower levels, so it's the opposite of Bush League. You'll take the first down cheer out of my cold dead hands.

Key word: "sounds". In my opinion it sounds like an announcement that I would hear at a low level football game...whether they announce it at low level football games or not I don't care.

Key word: "sounds". In my opinion it sounds like an announcement that I would hear at a low level football game...whether they announce it at low level football games or not I don't care.

Just so I am understanding you correctly, if they blew a viking horn for every first down, would that "sound" professional to you?

Key word: "sounds". In my opinion it sounds like an announcement that I would hear at a low level football game...whether they announce it at low level football games or not I don't care.

So you don't care what is true.

How about we just get tapes of JP making announcements at Gopher games and just digitally edit them so we have them in perpetuity?

I don't like players bouncing up and signaling first down either. There is something to be said of having been there done that. If you were at the USC game, they use an abreviated version of Fight On! with each first down. Even that rings a little hollow late in game when they are getting pasted. Nebraska used to chant, Go Big Red! And on defense Let's Go Blackshirts!

Chants generally orginate with a group, the simple Who Hate's Iowa? The one chant that never got off the ground that should echo down University Avenue prior to the game is SKI-U-MAH! Get the band with the base drum to excentuate the beat, that should rock the stadium.

Or if you really hate the and That's another Golden Gopher....... add lame chant.

I say we change it to "That's another Hawkeye FOURTH DOWN!!!"

How about some alternatives after each first down, the end of the rouser:
Minnesota, Minnesota!
Yay, Gophers

seems quick and easy

How about some alternatives after each first down, the end of the rouser:
Minnesota, Minnesota!
Yay, Gophers

seems quick and easy


The current first down cheer is JUST FINE, and students LOVE it and get into it when the game is close and we are driving down the field....the band even has the little bit they play after each time. Going to vote yes in poll now :D

How about some alternatives after each first down, the end of the rouser:
Minnesota, Minnesota!
Yay, Gophers

seems quick and easy

You want to become USC? Because EVERYONE hates how USC plays a short version of effing Fight On ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME.

I do appreciate that you're trying to come up with something else instead of suggesting that the one tradition almost all fans participate in should go away. While I happen to like the GGFD cheer, I'd be ok if it were replaced by a cool drum cadence or other band led chant that wasn't tied to the Rouser. I've always thought PSU's "Lets Go State" thing was pretty cool.
Clip 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=160l9bACq-c&feature=related
Clip 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KspO2ZH7aJM

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