I hope they "package" something for....

Nov 20, 2008
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the students. Not many will fly at between 400-500.00 dollars a pop. Just saw on the Northwest
line they bumped their ticket prices to Phoenix from 423.00 a few days ago to 540.00 now

If they package something like the $150.00 deal to the Sun Bowl in '03, the students would be moronic for not going. Maybe the best vacation I have taken in the US/Mexico.

I have to agree. I went to the Sun Bowl as a sophomore and it was $150 for a game ticket, two nights in a hotel, and bus trip down there. That was a steal at the time and a great game to be at. Plus spending NYE in Juarez was a great time. I believe we had a total of three buses full of students. The next bowl game they had a trip for over $300, so I passed.

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