I hate the word "can't" when it comes to the Gophers


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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I know 40+ years of middling to poor football can have a way of beating down a fanbase. Some of the stuff I see posted here on the GH frustrates me from time to time. On one hand I can't turn a blind eye to the Gopher FB lack of success in my lifetime. On the other hand I would have moved on long ago if I had the attitude that a lot of my fellow "fans" have when it comes to the Gophers.

There are challenges, yes. But please don't ever use the words "never" or "can't" when it comes to things like adding that third deck to the stadium, being a consistent winner, etc. Every time I hear about recruiting to MN "can't be done" I just think about how it really isn't any easier to Iowa or Wisconsin (or Boise, for that matter). It is just different. I noticed this video linked on the Gopher Gridiron site. There are all kinds of kids and in many ways, I think to recruit effectively you have to show how you are different, not the SAME as the atmosphere at the current powers. There is plenty to sell at the 'U'...

Great shot of TCF Bank Stadium at 3:08, btw.

Right on, Schnauzer! I love the U, love the team, love Jerry Kill and I always will. There is no shame in being a homer! Minnesota fans can be like New York fans - highly critical and easily indifferent.

If you want to know what I am talking about, look no further than the current "who will get to a BCS bowl first, MN or PSU" thread."

I know 40+ years of middling to poor football can have a way of beating down a fanbase. Some of the stuff I see posted here on the GH frustrates me from time to time. On one hand I can't turn a blind eye to the Gopher FB lack of success in my lifetime. On the other hand I would have moved on long ago if I had the attitude that a lot of my fellow "fans" have when it comes to the Gophers.

There are challenges, yes. But please don't ever use the words "never" or "can't" when it comes to things like adding that third deck to the stadium, being a consistent winner, etc. Every time I hear about recruiting to MN "can't be done" I just think about how it really isn't any easier to Iowa or Wisconsin (or Boise, for that matter). It is just different. I noticed this video linked on the Gopher Gridiron site. There are all kinds of kids and in many ways, I think to recruit effectively you have to show how you are different, not the SAME as the atmosphere at the current powers. There is plenty to sell at the 'U'...

Great shot of TCF Bank Stadium at 3:08, btw.

I agree with you 100%. Nice take!

If you want to know what I am talking about, look no further than the current "who will get to a BCS bowl first, MN or PSU" thread."

Yup. I thought of you and this thread when responding to that idiotic post.

I think Kill is a good coach and he will get the program back to a better level. Still think in the B10 its going to be hard to overtake OSU, Michigan, us, Wisconsin, and MSU on a regular basis though.

Maybe he can catch lightning in a bottle one year, things line up right, and you win 10 games. Mason did that for you a few years ago.

I think Kill is a good coach and he will get the program back to a better level. Still think in the B10 its going to be hard to overtake OSU, Michigan, us, Wisconsin, and MSU on a regular basis though.

Why? Sure, Michigan and Ohio State have been at or near the top decade in and decade out. But Wisconsin and MSU? They've been much more up and down than Michigan and Ohio State. What particular advantages do Wisconsin and MSU have over Minnesota that preclude doing as well? Why should we think that the best we can do is 5 big ten wins, 4 cupcake non-conference wins and an win in a minor bowl game. Wisconsin was in the same boat we were in before Alavarez was hired. At that point, you couldn't have guessed which school would be doing better 20 years later. People are to quick to assume that what is true now must be true forever.

If you think our situation is bad, consider Kansas State, before the arrival of Bill Snyder. If there ever was a hopeless program, it was KSU, yet they've been to BCS games. Coach Kill has a lot more to sell, in the U and the Twin Cities Area, then Coach Snyder does in KSU. If it was done there it can be done here.

If it can't happen, why bother watching? hope is eternal!

Agree with OP. If I didn't believe that some year we are going to get this turned around and have a breakout year I would not buy tickets or be on this board. Patience gets tried and tested. How "great" would be the Badger or Hawk fans be if they had our last 40+ years?

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