I for one think Goldy

It's pretty obvious that this needs to return:


Exploiting? I think the families of the veterans of this state would be grateful and honored. Exploitation suggests we would benefit unfairly from the name change. Very doubtful. I know that the soldiers I know would be proud and suggest that this would be a very attractive way to honor their fellow soldiers. Why we want to perpetuate a low level newspaper dispute is beneath this great state. There is no honor in black ink wars.

I think what was meant is that some would assume we sold the naming rights to our mascot to a company that sells energy drinks.

On that note, please don't let anyone from the U administration see this suggestion. They just might go for it.

It could be quite the trend: mascots all over the country could be changed from Tigers, Wildcats, Bulldogs, etc. to war heros, 9/11 victims, Cancer survivors, INDIANS, Nobel Peace Prize winners, etc.

And, the first time you attend a MN vs Wisconsin game with the new mascot, you can stand in pride as the Wisconsin fans chant "Beat those dirty Red Bulls!"

the 49ers can change their name to the 9-elevens.

You want Goldy to wear a sweater with a big block M on the front? Go to a hockey game.


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