I could use a boost

At this moment, the Gophs are 77 of 252 teams, with three FCS teams ranked ahead of us.

thank you. i was mixed up and didn't mean to include FCS. aren't there around 120 FBS teams? so 77 out of 120. little below half way. that makes sense. thank you. didn't mean to be so dumb.

thank you. i was mixed up and didn't mean to include FCS. aren't there around 120 FBS teams? so 77 out of 120. little below half way. that makes sense. thank you. didn't mean to be so dumb.

There is no apologizing in The Hole!


GopherHole in one picture


It's an emotional roller-coaster.

in all honesty, the Mid Level MAC teams look more polished, but that's probably cause of the lesser competition. we look so constipated much of the time. i guess it's important (for me anyhow) to remember that we did win those non-con games by a large margin albeit after slow starts. how many teams are there total in FBS/FCS and how many could we beat in total assuming each team played their average game? i think we'd be in the bottom third, don't you?

Curse, your entire post here just might qualify you for a dpodoll award.

Brother, you aint seeing things. the one thing that really stands out is MN QBs loopy slow out passes that should/will be going back for Pick 6s. Other squads have QBs with rifle arms so they need 5 - 8 yds and they whip in in there. Against NU it could be bad....real bad. Now, I am predicting a 3 game win streak starting against NU.

1 down 2 to go eff... it was me an 'bout 5 of you other guys who still believed.

2 down and one more to go. now, when someone says no one thought the gophs could win 2 in a row feel free to say ' i know someone.'

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