I am not a doctor

Doctors are people too

As a rule of thumb, the coaching staff and those they employ will always have the athlete's best interest in mind.

That's right. It is also why rules have changed and their are long term effects.

Disagree with you to the extent of how the symptoms were initially described- which was loss of feeling in half of the body. A stinger is painful and emanates from an injury of the cervical nerves (which subsequently form the brachial plexus as u mention), it does not involve paresthesia. Any true numbness involving half the body is almost always due to brain injury- see many of them in my practice unfortunately.

the issue lies there in trying to figure this out. He says "half his body went numb" but what does that really mean? I've had several buddies play hockey and have this happen on a hit but it really was just their upper body. I'd trust the medical personnel that evaluated him but at this point it's all just speculation.

the issue lies there in trying to figure this out. He says "half his body went numb" but what does that really mean? I've had several buddies play hockey and have this happen on a hit but it really was just their upper body. I'd trust the medical personnel that evaluated him but at this point it's all just speculation.

Completely agree.

I am not a Doctor but I have played Doctor:cool:

Good to know, Drake...

Homer, we don't need that kind of a Souhan reference here. If ya meant sarcasm, please include an icon indicating such.

You got me all wrong, Doc. I made the comment because Gopher Warrior seemed to be the main champion of saying that the player was fine and ready to go, when he seemed to think Coach Kill continuing to coach was a crime against humanity. Sorry - emoticons are above my pay grade.

Seems to me you are clearly right. I have not heard of a guy getting that kid of nerve involvement over one side of his body or even an arm or a leg being brought back that fast.
Maybe one of the Doc's that posts on here can straighten us out.


You clearly don't remember the wheelchair game.


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