I am not a conspiracy theory guy but..,

…it sure does seem like there are some questionable calls in close games vs Ohio State and Michigan.

1. That time the Gophers were hanging with Ohio State and Leidner took a helmet crown right to his face on a pick 6 play. It was called right on the field but somehow was overturned on review, allowing the pick six to stand. B1G office admitted the head scratching mistake later, I believe.

2. That time (2018?) the Gophers were trading touchdowns with Ohio State and looked surprising good against the Buckeyes until a phantom ref ball spot gave OSU a first down that led to an unearned TD.

3. That time another targeting foul was overlooked against OSU in the season opener, but upon review the refs did decide the concussed Gopher receiver did somehow have possession long enough to fumble. OSU ball, game over.

4. And of course today with the phantom onside kick offsides call.

5. Don’t forget prior to the phantom offsides call, the refs also tried to take away Jackson’s TD catch, which was perfect in every way. Very obvious on replay thankfully.

Who knows if the Gophers would have won any of those games? But when you are playing teams with that many advantages, it takes a Herculean effort to not only overcome the opponent, but the refs too.

There can be a bad call in any game, but it does not take a huge imagination to wonder out loud about conference and reffing goals when this stuff seems to consistently benefit the conference’s golden geese.
Bottom line: if the Gophers are going to beat OSU or Michigan, they have to win clearly. Razor thin goes to the ranked team. We made too many mistakes early. Upside: we learned again that Brosmer and our receivers can play if you let them (and OL holds their blocks for 4 seconds).

The easiest explanation is usually the correct explanation. There was no bias it was simply a ref making a bad call. It sucks, and we got screwed. But please tell me the motivation that referee had when he threw the flag. I’m really supposed to believe he had something to gain? He couldn’t care less who wins the game he only wants to be accurate with every call he makes and he made a bad call.
Watch the documentary on Tim Donaghy. The NBA ref who bet on games. He does a solid job describing the "suggestions" refs were given by league officials. Certain teams winning is good for the league, whatever league. I'm not saying today was that, but you have to wonder.

Watch the documentary on Tim Donaghy. The NBA ref who bet on games. He does a solid job describing the "suggestions" refs were given by league officials. Certain teams winning is good for the league, whatever league. I'm not saying today was that, but you have to wonder.

Considering the ways money are made legally and illegally and incentives involved, opaque nature of the business well, no business or industry is immune to the potential phenomenon.

As ludicrous as I may sound I’m not saying Uncle Guido has infiltrated or is manning the Big Ten Officiating HQ or C Suite in Illinois but, that or othe less Hollywood and more nuanced financial derivations and influences and connections could exist….truth can be stranger than fiction and there are plenty of people “amenable” to influence.

Tinfoil hat in hand.

Gophers have been on the wrong end (and good side) of other calls against other opponents like Purdue, to be sure. But that isn’t my point. My point is the consistency it has happened vs OSU and to a lesser extent but notable ways against Mich and PSU too.
Agree. I have written this a couple of times. There is no conspiracy against the Gophers. But in close games vs. Ohio St or Michigan, when a critical, 50/50 call has to be made, we get the short end of the deal. Count on it. I remember a tight game was vs Michigan a few years ago, Beth Mowens (sp) was calling the game and she blurts out, "there is no way Minnesota is going to get a call." A Michigan DL guy unloaded on Cupito well after the ball was thrown and she said, "that hit looks to be a little late." No flag of course.

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