Husker invasion coming?

Nebraska took over Notre Dame stadium (which has had 100% renewal rate for the last 50 years). For you to think that Nebraska won't have a major presence at Kinnick is hilarious.

Iowa hosted Nebraska in 1999 and there was no invasion. That was when Iowa stunk (1-10) and Nebraska was contending for a national title (12-1).

For 35% of Kinnick Stadium to be Nebraska fans, that means 25,000 will be Nebraska fans. No chance of that. Nebby might get 7,000 or 8,000. But, no way they get 25,000 into Kinnick.

Thanks tjgopher for your voice of reason in this thread as the fuskers will obviously NOT have a 35% presence in Kinnick Stadium.

A couple Nebraska tid bits. First, the idea of traveling with the team originated in the sixies when former Husker Bobby Reynolds opened a Travel Agency in Lincoln. Devaney contacted the two major retailers Gold's and Miller & Payne about carring Red hats, sweatshirts, jackets. That an a long run of Bowl games did the trick. Bobby had everyone booking trips as soon as the harvest was in. Later it was booked before they planted. The destination other than a Bowl game was Las Vegas not Kansas City. Reynolds made a boodle.

My second note is the rivalry is long standing. I believe the games in the thirties during Minnesota's National Championships were close and Nebraska got a win one year. Travel at the time was by train, and they ran extra sections during the season. Both the Burlington and Chicago Northwestern offered service to Minneapolis. I think they left on Friday got to Minneapolis in the evening, played the game and returned arriving late on Saturday Night or early Sunday. These stories were always told by my Grandfather and my Aunt who was the first Homecoming Queen at Nebraska.

Once the interstate was complete trips to Ames, Boulder, Columbia, Kansas, and Kansas State were more or less manditory. And the big game was down Intertate 35 in Norman. The sales of red cars, trucks, motorhomes was amazing.

Now with the cutoff from Omaha through Worthington complete, its about 6 hours.

But the biggest thing that happened was when signs in Memorial Stadium read Californians for Nebraska it began to dawn that alumni, retireees, people who moved still supported the team. So if Nebraska is playing Arizona State they can muster 20,000 fans in red. Many travel, but they have a ready fan base wherever they go.
Thanks for posting...didn't know the history of traveling with the team.

A couple of other personal notes. I guess you could consider me among one of the Husker fans who has Gopher season tickets. The difference being, I'm also a fan of U of M athletics, so I'll be attending and supporting the Gophers for all home football games and not just when Nebraska plays here.

While I anticipate a good turnout of Husker fans at TCF, I wouldn't except many fans to buy up season tickets. Most Husker fans tend to buy season tickets for nonconference games - most notably, Notre Dame and USC, and more recently, I've heard of fans buying or planning to buy Wyoming season tickets for the game this fall at Laramie.

Back to the possible turnout of Husker fans at TCF, if I had to guess I would say 20,000 Husker fans will show up. For starters, there's a surprisingly large base of Husker alumni and fans in the Twin Cities area. Also, as others have pointed out, it's a short drive from South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa, so while most Husker fans are more excited about the away games against Wisconsin and Penn St., the close proximity and easier access to tickets will encourage fans to make the trip.

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