Husker invasion coming?

everybody knows my name

Freakishly Hyperintelligent
Jan 18, 2010
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"The NU-Big Ten marriage will have a long, fruitful honeymoon. Nebraska will be eager to please and travel to all of the Big Ten sites. Minneapolis and Chicago better brace themselves for an onslaught of red every other year. The Twin Cities will become, for some, the new Kansas City – the place where folks go in the summer just because. Might take a decade, but the shift will be sure. There will be less and less reason to venture south for leisure if one of the key cultural connective tissues has been severed."

You can count on it. Nebraska has always traveled well and with their B1G inaugural season approaching, the scalpers will do very well.

NOTE: Does anyone know why the University of Nebraska (official name) athletics goes by NU? For years, Northwestern University has tried to get fans and reporters to use NU instead of NW. And now with Nebraska in the conference, they might as well change their name to North Western University and officially go by NW.

I am just excited for Kinnick to be 35%+ Red. I am a gopher fan, I can deal with an invasion.

"The Twin Cities will become, for some, the new Kansas City – the place where folks go in the summer just because. Might take a decade, but the shift will be sure. There will be less and less reason to venture south for leisure if one of the key cultural connective tissues has been severed."

Let's see some of that Husker dough spread around town at the MOA, the cultural sites, hotels, and restaurants. I can envision already an expansion of the Gophers stadium in the not too far distant future if Killer can bring Gopher Football to prominence. Do we have the smallest capacity stadium in the Big Ten?

I refuse to be compared with KC. They should have been coming here all along if they wanted some culture. Agreed with your point, though

One fear I have is the number of Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Iowa fans that have been able to purchase season tickets at MN due to the bad product the last couple years. I hope the excitement of Kill and moving forward with stop some this. However, with some Gopher fans dropping season tickets, I hope MN fans pick them up.

Haven't we had this conversation before? What "invasion"? Even for last year's Iowa game, the number of pee yellow and crap black fans were not as apparent as years past. It will never be like the dome, ever. There will be 95% renewals this year again, and every game will be virtually sold out. You're not going to have even 10,000 tickets available for the visiting fans. There are 3,000 available for vistors, so that would mean that 7,000 of 37,000 STH (20%) would give them up for a particular game. Not a chance.

I can't see a season ticket holder giving up their tickets for Nebraska, Iowa, AND Wisconsin.


highwayman, read it again. The article talks about people from Nebraska making a summer trip to the Twin Cities, not filling our stadium on gameday.


Haven't we had this conversation before? What "invasion"? Even for last year's Iowa game, the number of pee yellow and crap black fans were not as apparent as years past. It will never be like the dome, ever. There will be 95% renewals this year again, and every game will be virtually sold out. You're not going to have even 10,000 tickets available for the visiting fans. There are 3,000 available for vistors, so that would mean that 7,000 of 37,000 STH (20%) would give them up for a particular game. Not a chance.

I can't see a season ticket holder giving up their tickets for Nebraska, Iowa, AND Wisconsin.


I'm saying that Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Iowa fans have season tickets to MN and they sell all but their game. I know this is happening, but at what level I don't know. Example a Wisconsin fan has season tickets to MN and sells the Iowa, NDSU, Nebraska games to their fans knowing he will get minimum face value.

I know that charter companies in Nebraska have bought numerous season tickets in the past at schools like USC and Washington just for that one game. Their fans will pay whatever is needed to get tickets, as they did when they were able to fill half of Notre Dame stadium by offering enough money that their season ticket holders could not refuse. I don't know if there are that many die-hard gopher fans, season ticket holders included that will turn down several hundred dollars per ticket if they can get it.

You can count on it. Nebraska has always traveled well and with their B1G inaugural season approaching, the scalpers will do very well.

NOTE: Does anyone know why the University of Nebraska (official name) athletics goes by NU? For years, Northwestern University has tried to get fans and reporters to use NU instead of NW. And now with Nebraska in the conference, they might as well change their name to North Western University and officially go by NW.

No, but I do know what the "N" stands for on their helmets........KNOWLEDGE.

I'm all in favor of the folks of Nebraska coming up to Minnesota for tourism, culture, and whatnot (in addition to sports).
And, I'm guessing they'll enjoy this more than going to Kansas City.

Haven't we had this conversation before? What "invasion"? Even for last year's Iowa game, the number of pee yellow and crap black fans were not as apparent as years past. It will never be like the dome, ever. There will be 95% renewals this year again, and every game will be virtually sold out. You're not going to have even 10,000 tickets available for the visiting fans. There are 3,000 available for vistors, so that would mean that 7,000 of 37,000 STH (20%) would give them up for a particular game. Not a chance.

I can't see a season ticket holder giving up their tickets for Nebraska, Iowa, AND Wisconsin.


Nebraska may travel better than any other B1G team. They will buy every ticket they can get their hands on and there will be plenty of red at the game. While invasion may be too strong of a word, they will have a noticeable presence.

I know that charter companies in Nebraska have bought numerous season tickets in the past at schools like USC and Washington just for that one game. Their fans will pay whatever is needed to get tickets, as they did when they were able to fill half of Notre Dame stadium by offering enough money that their season ticket holders could not refuse. I don't know if there are that many die-hard gopher fans, season ticket holders included that will turn down several hundred dollars per ticket if they can get it.

I've seen an enlarged photo of that Nebraska at ND game for sale. It was awesome. Notre Dame stadium half red. I almost got it, even though I have no love for either school.

You can count on it. Nebraska has always traveled well and with their B1G inaugural season approaching, the scalpers will do very well.

NOTE: Does anyone know why the University of Nebraska (official name) athletics goes by NU? For years, Northwestern University has tried to get fans and reporters to use NU instead of NW. And now with Nebraska in the conference, they might as well change their name to North Western University and officially go by NW.

It is the University of Nebraska (UN) not Nebraska University. Northwestern University is NU. It is a charter member of the Big Ten (Western) Conference, though they bolted for about a year. Nebraska is an expansion team. NU should not and will not change their name or initials for anybody. I cannot believe you are suggesting that NU change to accommodate Cornhuskers.
Winona Phantom we salute you!
Michigan – 0
Minnesota – 22
24 October 1953

highwayman, read it again. The article talks about people from Nebraska making a summer trip to the Twin Cities, not filling our stadium on gameday.


A non-article. The population of Nebraska is half that of Iowa and half of that live in Omaha. Omaha is as developed as most large cities. There isn't going to be any great travel shift other than for football. This guy's premise is B.S.

A lot of the Big 12 schools put their letters like that. KU, CU, OU, NU. All those schools are University of _________. I heard it explained that Nebraska goes by NU because of their fight song "There is no place like Nebraska, dear old Nebraska U..."


Let them come!!

It is the University of Nebraska (UN) not Nebraska University. Northwestern University is NU. It is a charter member of the Big Ten (Western) Conference, though they bolted for about a year. Nebraska is an expansion team. NU should not and will not change their name or initials for anybody. I cannot believe you are suggesting that NU change to accommodate Cornhuskers.

Relax, it was a wry comment about Northwestern's struggle to be recognized as NU instead of NW. However, I'd still like to know why Nebraska uses NU and not UN (well, it should be UNL).

Edit Note: I just saw GILBball's explanation (ty).

Relax, it was a wry comment about Northwestern's struggle to be recognized as NU instead of NW. However, I'd still like to know why Nebraska uses NU and not UN (well, it should be UNL).

Nebraska back in the 60's used to even have NU on the helmets instead of just the N that they use today. I would venture that the use of NU back in the day was due to the fact that it was the only campus as part of the University of Nebraska system. The other branches of the current Nebraska system either did not exist or were state colleges and separate from The University of Nebraska system. For instance UNK today used to be Kearney State College, etc.

A non-article. The population of Nebraska is half that of Iowa and half of that live in Omaha. Omaha is as developed as most large cities. There isn't going to be any great travel shift other than for football. This guy's premise is B.S.

I agree with you that outside of football weekends there will largely not be a huge shift in Nebraskans traveling here. Kansas City is half the distance that Minneapolis is and the majority of Nebraska grads who leave Nebraska end up in either Kansas City and Denver. There is a decent amount of alums here as evidenced by going to any Jor Sensers on a football Saturday here. It doesn't even compare to the thousands and thousands of alums in Denver and KC. Denver takes close to the same amount of time to drive to as Minneapolis.

A couple Nebraska tid bits. First, the idea of traveling with the team originated in the sixies when former Husker Bobby Reynolds opened a Travel Agency in Lincoln. Devaney contacted the two major retailers Gold's and Miller & Payne about carring Red hats, sweatshirts, jackets. That an a long run of Bowl games did the trick. Bobby had everyone booking trips as soon as the harvest was in. Later it was booked before they planted. The destination other than a Bowl game was Las Vegas not Kansas City. Reynolds made a boodle.

My second note is the rivalry is long standing. I believe the games in the thirties during Minnesota's National Championships were close and Nebraska got a win one year. Travel at the time was by train, and they ran extra sections during the season. Both the Burlington and Chicago Northwestern offered service to Minneapolis. I think they left on Friday got to Minneapolis in the evening, played the game and returned arriving late on Saturday Night or early Sunday. These stories were always told by my Grandfather and my Aunt who was the first Homecoming Queen at Nebraska.

Once the interstate was complete trips to Ames, Boulder, Columbia, Kansas, and Kansas State were more or less manditory. And the big game was down Intertate 35 in Norman. The sales of red cars, trucks, motorhomes was amazing.

Now with the cutoff from Omaha through Worthington complete, its about 6 hours.

But the biggest thing that happened was when signs in Memorial Stadium read Californians for Nebraska it began to dawn that alumni, retireees, people who moved still supported the team. So if Nebraska is playing Arizona State they can muster 20,000 fans in red. Many travel, but they have a ready fan base wherever they go.

Whoever said that Iowa's Kinnick Stadium will be 35% red for Nebraska games is dreaming as Iowa season ticket renewals have been strong. Sure, there will be plenty of Nebraska fans traveling to Iowa games (similarly to Iowa fans traveling to Lincoln); however, the majority of both fan bases will have to settle for the tailgating and not the actual games.

Whoever said that Iowa's Kinnick Stadium will be 35% red for Nebraska games is dreaming as Iowa season ticket renewals have been strong. Sure, there will be plenty of Nebraska fans traveling to Iowa games (similarly to Iowa fans traveling to Lincoln); however, the majority of both fan bases will have to settle for the tailgating and not the actual games.

Nebraska took over Notre Dame stadium (which has had 100% renewal rate for the last 50 years). For you to think that Nebraska won't have a major presence at Kinnick is hilarious.

Good luck. The Gopher-Husker game this year is Homecoming for us. Buy up those seats today!

Nebraska fans during the Notre Dame game chanted Nebraska home game.

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