How much longer till we bring back our uniforms?

I'd like to see the gold tops and maroon pants used more often. Also, the road white/white is too boring for me.

I'd like to see the gold tops and maroon pants used more often. Also, the road white/white is too boring for me.

I heard more people, not generally Gopher fans, comment positively on the gold top/ maroon pants uniform than I ever would have imagined. I think it was the best of the Brewster era uniforms, looking especially good in this new fangled 'natural sunlight' that we installed this year, and would like to see it more.

People have to realize that there has never been an established uniform at this program, no such thing as a traditional look. Which one is the right one?

I for one want nothing to do with the Wacker era, especially the uniforms that look like they were inspired by that epic classic Running Man


If winning is the mark of a classic look and storied tradition than all gold ought rule supreme garnishing this program just about every bit of its national spotlight.


I heard more people, not generally Gopher fans, comment positively on the gold top/ maroon pants uniform than I ever would have imagined. I think it was the best of the Brewster era uniforms, looking especially good in this new fangled 'natural sunlight' that we installed this year, and would like to see it more.


For the most part, the first time my non-gopher fan friends see our uni's the first thing they say is "I really like your guys uniforms." I'm a big fan of our current uniforms, I think they are pretty sharp.

Mason's uni's were the best - I like the effort with the all gold but when it gets wet it looks orange on tv. Wacker's were pretty cool, but the teams were terrible. We have had better football wearing maroon tops and gold pants - or maybe going totally "old" school and wearing the '61 throwbacks full-time.

I don't care which era, just please can we be the maroon and gold gophers. not the white gophers, not the banana gophers, the maroon and gold gophers.

I agree with you. At least give us that. And why can't we wear gold pants with white top?

Here are the five combos used by the Gophers this year.

After really looking at the different styles, I can live with three of the choices.

Gold pants-Maroon tops are o.k.

Gold tops-Maroon pants are also o.k.

I hate the all Maroon style. It's like they wanted to recreate the great uni's of the Mason era, but failed big time.

I don't like the all white. Better than the all Maroon, but not by much.

Now on to the dreaded All Yellow. If they would actually have Gold and not Yellow I'd be all for them. They did look sharp until the game progressed. Darken those suckers and I think we have a winner.

Then again, it doesn't matter what we want. Brew will continue to go with the old, "I wonder what uni's they will wear" plan.

Thanks for the pics-very helpful.

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