How many good teams are there in college football?

Above .500 is good.

That's it, does that mean there are a lot of good teams, yes.

I feel like some of this "bad" stuff is influenced by social media where negativity and outlandish statements get engagement / response and reasonable / thoughtful things do not. People are incentivized to throw a fit ... so that's what they do, they're quietly trained. The medium is the message.
I used to think top half of the conference in years past were good. With 18 teams in the B1G, a winning record makes as much sense as anything else.

It's also subjective. There are years where teams in the B1G were one Elite (top 5) and one contender (top 15) and then some good teams, but teams that were average that finished above .500 only because the bottom teams really sucked. Conversely there have been years were there are teams that would have normally been "good" finished below .500 because the conference as a whole was stronger with 2 Elite teams and 3 contenders or something like that

There is no true definition, and the definition can change from year to year.
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Seriously, there aren’t 25 teams that are good enough to be ranked in the top 25. Yes I know that makes no sense, but it’s kind of true. The last 10 or so teams in the top 25 are so interchangeable and replaceable.

Seriously, there aren’t 25 teams that are good enough to be ranked in the top 25. Yes I know that makes no sense, but it’s kind of true. The last 10 or so teams in the top 25 are so interchangeable and replaceable.
I the end of each season you got maybe 10 teams that most people agree are "good".
That next group is decent. Going to bowl game in the modern era doesn't qualify a team as good.
Missing a bowl game means you are "bad".

on my chart, it goes like this for Fleck month-by-month (including this season)

August 4-1
Sept 16-6
Oct 13-12
Nov 12-15
Dec 5-1
Jan 1-0
tot 51-35
and then people post all summer his teams are slow starters

They start faster than they finish!

“Well there are a lot of close wins”

There are close wins in other months too.

Seriously, there aren’t 25 teams that are good enough to be ranked in the top 25. Yes I know that makes no sense, but it’s kind of true. The last 10 or so teams in the top 25 are so interchangeable and replaceable.

"Seriously, there aren’t 25 teams that are good enough to be ranked in the top 25."

You're right, it makes no sense, but it made me chuckle!

"ESPN humbly apologizes, but we can't give you a Top 25 this season because we don't believe there are 25 teams that are good enough to be in the Top 25!"

Your post does beg the question (which I asked earlier in this thread): If there really are only 10-15 "good" teams, and all the rest are "not good" as the kids say (or "bad", per the rest of us), then why do so many people watch college football? Why are people so invested in teams that are supposedly "not good"?

"Seriously, there aren’t 25 teams that are good enough to be ranked in the top 25."

You're right, it makes no sense, but it made me chuckle!

"ESPN humbly apologizes, but we can't give you a Top 25 this season because we don't believe there are 25 teams that are good enough to be in the Top 25!"

Your post does beg the question (which I asked earlier in this thread): If there really are only 10-15 "good" teams, and all the rest are "not good" as the kids say (or "bad", per the rest of us), then why do so many people watch college football? Why are people so invested in teams that are supposedly "not good"?

So the people who fill the stands and cheer, and the people who gather in the bars, and the folks who buy team jerseys, and the tailgaters are all gamblers?


I thought there were some fans who were students and alums and such.

I'm learning a lot on the inter webs!

So the people who fill the stands and cheer, and the people who gather in the bars, and the folks who buy team jerseys, and the tailgaters are all gamblers?


I thought there were some fans who were students and alums and such.

I'm learning a lot on the inter webs!
Did I say they all were, like you said in your reply?

Do you disagree that gambling apps like FanDuel, Draft Kings, etc. have increased the following of many sports, including college football?

Did I say they all were, like you said in your reply?

Do you disagree that gambling apps like FanDuel, Draft Kings, etc. have increased the following of many sports, including college football?

I have no idea how many people gamble on college football.

My original question was: If there are only a few good teams, why do people bother to watch?

Your reply: Gambling.

It sounds like you're taking the position that most of the people who follow college football are gamblers.

I have no idea how many people gamble on college football.

My original question was: If there are only a few good teams, why do people bother to watch?

Your reply: Gambling.

It sounds like you're taking the position that most of the people who follow college football are gamblers.
Probably not most (majority: 51%), you're right. But I'd say a lot.

Probably not most (majority: 51%), you're right. But I'd say a lot.

I disagree. When I watch the games from all across the country on TV, the people screaming in the stands don't strike me as gamblers. They look like dyed-in-the-wool, loyal fans to me.

And in the spirit of the original topic: I don't think they see their teams as "not good".

I disagree. When I watch the games from all across the country on TV, the people screaming in the stands don't strike me as gamblers. They look like dyed-in-the-wool, loyal fans to me.

And in the spirit of the original topic: I don't think they see their teams as "not good".
How many people watch college football in a week? Of those that watch, how many are in the stands? I watched about 12 hours of college football today and none from the stands. And yes, I gambled. On games I wouldn't care about if I hadn't. Maybe I'm the only one and have a skewed perspective?

How many people watch college football in a week? Of those that watch, how many are in the stands? I watched about 12 hours of college football today and none from the stands. And yes, I gambled. On games I wouldn't care about if I hadn't. Maybe I'm the only one and have a skewed perspective?

Well, maybe you're right. Certainly a person who watches college football only from a gambler's perspective wouldn't care about which teams are good and which teams are not good. They would only care about point spreads.

Are most Gopher Hole posters Gopher fans (people who are passionate about the maroon and gold) or are they just stone-cold gamblers?

Well, maybe you're right. Certainly a person who watches college football only from a gambler's perspective wouldn't care about which teams are good and which teams are not good. They would only care about point spreads.

Are most Gopher Hole posters Gopher fans, or gamblers?
I for one am a fan of Gopher football and a gambler of college football. More a Gopher football fan though.

I for one am a fan of Gopher football and a gambler of college football. More a Gopher football fan though.

It's interesting.

A gambler (at least a gambler who hopes to be successful) should strive to be cool and rational, and cast aside any emotion, which might interfere with accurate analysis.

A fan (which is derived from "fanatic") is almost precisely the opposite.

It's interesting.

A gambler (at least a gambler who hopes to be successful) should strive to be cool and rational, and cast aside any emotion, which might interfere with accurate analysis.

A fan (which is derived from "fanatic") is almost precisely the opposite.
I'm an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a riddle 😂

I've noticed it's become very popular to designate various teams as "not good". An example: at least one poster has opined recently that North Carolina is "not good".

This got me wondering: What qualifies any team as "good" (vs "not good")?

Is a team good if that team is in the Top 25? This would lead me to believe there are 25 good teams, no more.

Is a team good if it receives votes in one of the Top 25 polls?

Is a team good if it is better than 70% of the other teams in the country?

I'm genuinely interested in the how we come to a conclusion on whether or not a team is good, and how many good teams are in existence at the present time. What say you, Gopher Hole? What deciding factors make a team good or not good in your eyes?

How many good teams are there in college football, right now?

Well, you're looking at the P4 and maybe 3 G5 teams. It's still too early to tell. You can usually divide the conference in the P5s into 3 levels- high, medium lower tears... The medium tears are the ones you have to look out for. That goes for the P5 or G5 regular season games.

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