How many beers will you drink in TCF Bank Stadium during a Gopher game?

How many beers will you drink in TCF Bank Stadium during a Gopher game?

  • No beers for me

    Votes: 63 50.4%
  • I'm good for 1-2 beers a game

    Votes: 37 29.6%
  • Count me in for 3-4 brews

    Votes: 13 10.4%
  • 4+, I'm Frank the Tank

    Votes: 10 8.0%
  • I'm a wine guy, Chardonnay anyone?

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters
That's why the two beers to your seat idea is hard to believe.

Here's how you'll know prior to the the season. If the STrib was wrong, I'd be very surprised if the U didn't request that they print a correction (as well as to update the online story to remove the statement that beer taking beer back to the seats will be allowed). If that doesn't happen, you can be pretty sure beer will be allowed back to the seats. As for quantity, there is nothing that says one way or the other if it is 1 beer, 2 beers, or more that will be allowed.

Can students buy if they're 21? I'd assume so just because I don't see how they could prevent it. I'll probably buy some on the first game just because I can (I turn 21 that Thursday before the game). After that though I probably won't bother. I can drink for much cheaper, and much more conveniently, outside before the game.

Can students buy if they're 21? I'd assume so just because I don't see how they could prevent it. I'll probably buy some on the first game just because I can (I turn 21 that Thursday before the game). After that though I probably won't bother. I can drink for much cheaper, and much more conveniently, outside before the game.

Everything I've read points to yes. I don't think there is any legal way they can keep you from getting it if you're 21.

The regents are supposedly voting on the proposal this afternoon, so I would expect we will have the full policy later today explicitly spelling out what we can and can not do with beer in the stadium.

The regents are supposedly voting on the proposal this afternoon, so I would expect we will have the full policy later today explicitly spelling out what we can and can not do with beer in the stadium.

The proposal they're voting on doesn't include the specific plans. They simply give the administration the authority to serve the goods.

There is an implementation plan that the Regents undoubtedly are familiar with and I'm interested if they even speak to it specifically. If there aren't a bunch of dissenters or issues brought up with regard to the plan (not the proposal) -- which I don't believe there will be -- the U will go off and probably accept the plan as is (West end location, freedom to move around stadium while double fisting brews, etc), but I think it'll be on the U as to the finalization of the plan sometime in the future. Don't think it'll change though.

Bet that married gal from Iowa is pretty pumped up by this news.

I'll have a few. The weather and selection will influence my participation. It would be cool to have some Minnesota taps available. I'd love to enjoy a brew in the sun watching the game. I won't buy more than one or two a game, but it will be enough to greatly enhance my experience. I'm happy with the resolution because I felt that everyone should be able to have a beer. I think the set up and prices will prevent it from becoming a mosh pit. My experiences have pointed to ugly adults and students doing the damage in the parking lots and by sneaking in hard liquor. I don't think $7 beers with slow service will change a whole lot.

Don't drink no mo'.. Otherwise it would be Frank the Tank-ish. And I would regret not remembering the game.

Not me. I am the designated driver. That, and I will be taking my kids along.

Crap it passed - more idiots getting drunk @ TCF and fighting\puking in my section. As always it's about the mighty $$$$$

Crap it passed - more idiots getting drunk @ TCF and fighting\puking in my section. As always it's about the mighty $$$$$
I was against it from the start, but it's going to do little to alter the behavior of those who would fight or puke. If you're going to get that torched, you've got to put your time in beforehand.

Can students buy if they're 21? I'd assume so just because I don't see how they could prevent it. I'll probably buy some on the first game just because I can (I turn 21 that Thursday before the game). After that though I probably won't bother. I can drink for much cheaper, and much more conveniently, outside before the game.

yes. that is all you need to know.

p.s. since moving back to campus in 2009, the U's concern has not been about keeping it out of the hands of students per se. it has been about trying to not artificially create and/or foster an environment that may make it easier for it to find its way into the hands of underage students attending games. on-campus, school-owned stadium is a much different beast, operationally and politically, than it was when they were simply a tenant in the metrodome.

supadupafly said:
yes. that is all you need to know.

p.s. since moving back to campus in 2009, the U's concern has not been about keeping it out of the hands of students per se. it has been about trying to not artificially create and/or foster an environment that may make it easier for it to find its way into the hands of underage students attending games. on-campus, school-owned stadium is a much different beast, operationally and politically, than it was when they were simply a tenant in the metrodome.

Oh it will make it into the hands of underage students...plenty of underage students. I watched it happen at the dome and there is no way of stopping that.

I think the poll needs another option: Depends on how well the team's doing. :)

How many people will get wrecked at $8 a beer? It happens in the lot, pre-game actio,n and by sneaking in bottles.

Security might need to look closer at people coming in the door and turn more away who are already intoxicated. I don't see people sneaking bottles into Twins games or other college sports, like the Iowans seem to do in my section. Maybe there is room for improvement there.

Put the same people in charge of beer as we're in charge of entering the stadium in year one. Only four beers will be sold.

Zero for me.
I've never understood why anyone would pay $7.00 for a cool (not cold) beer.
For tailgating, I bring a six-pack to share, have a handy flask which gets me though the game, then have one more after the game at the tailgate spot.
The entire cost for me (including food) is about $12/game
If I have two beers and food at the stadium, I'm spending about $25 for crappy products, not to mention standing in line.
It's a no-brainer.

Zero for me.
I've never understood why anyone would pay $7.00 for a cool (not cold) beer.
For tailgating, I bring a six-pack to share, have a handy flask which gets me though the game, then have one more after the game at the tailgate spot.
The entire cost for me (including food) is about $12/game
If I have two beers and food at the stadium, I'm spending about $25 for crappy products, not to mention standing in line.
It's a no-brainer.

You are a pretty smart guy. Maybe you have advice for people who don't tailgate, don't want to sneak booze into the game, but want to have a beer at the game and are willing to pay $7.00 for a cool (not cold) beer. What other alternatives do we have?

You are a pretty smart guy. Maybe you have advice for people who don't tailgate, don't want to sneak booze into the game, but want to have a beer at the game and are willing to pay $7.00 for a cool (not cold) beer. What other alternatives do we have?

What other alternatives do you need? It seems as if you have painted yourself into the beer garden corner and are good with that. Go4it. Cheers!

You are a pretty smart guy. Maybe you have advice for people who don't tailgate, don't want to sneak booze into the game, but want to have a beer at the game and are willing to pay $7.00 for a cool (not cold) beer. What other alternatives do we have?

None. Make sure you bring a lot of cash.

I'm more into blow and H. And checking some porn during the half. Tip: Wrap your program around the smut rag and people are none the wiser.

None for me. The 3 hour drive each way with my son is a good deterrent.

i voted for the 3-4 but i will say thats for 2 people... but i will also say it depends on the game... like stated previously... if its 34-0 im sure you could double that... then head to the bars for a few more.... ive been going to the metro ump for years.... ive been trained to bring along extra cash

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