How many beers will you drink in TCF Bank Stadium during a Gopher game?

How many beers will you drink in TCF Bank Stadium during a Gopher game?

  • No beers for me

    Votes: 63 50.4%
  • I'm good for 1-2 beers a game

    Votes: 37 29.6%
  • Count me in for 3-4 brews

    Votes: 13 10.4%
  • 4+, I'm Frank the Tank

    Votes: 10 8.0%
  • I'm a wine guy, Chardonnay anyone?

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
How many beers will you drink in TCF Bank Stadium during a Gopher game?

I don't know, maybe 1-2 if the lines aren't too crazy. They have me pretty trained to make "other arrangments" so this isn't really a big deal to me.

I expect to pass on the beer most games (I am also used to making "other arrangements"). But if we get to the point where we are beating a non-con creampuff 35-0 at half time on a hot early-season afternoon, I might take a break from the game for a few minutes to enjoy a cold one. A lot will depend on the logistics and atmosphere of the beer garden they come up with.

Not sure. I had season tickets at the Dump for three years and might have purchased 5 beers during that time span. I'll probably buy one during the first game just because I can. After that, probably none, unless I get a driver for the Cuse game. I might bring a wad of cash just to see how much they're willing to sell me.

My drinking is before and after the game in the tailgate lot. I don't need to spend $7 for a beer at the game.

I don't know, maybe 1-2 if the lines aren't too crazy. They have me pretty trained to make "other arrangments" so this isn't really a big deal to me.

The lines won't be an issue in a very small beer garden with a capacity of a couple hundred. The line to get in may be a different issue. Ain't worth it either way.

The beers I will be enjoying at the game are ones that are stashed in my pockets so the U won't benefit from me.

The lines won't be an issue in a very small beer garden with a capacity of a couple hundred. The line to get in may be a different issue. Ain't worth it either way.
That's my thought. I tailgate to drink beer; I go to the stadium to watch college football, not stand around in a beer garden.

I could see us getting to the stadium early to see the Victory Walk and then going in and having one or two before the game starts. Maybe depending on the day, swing over before or during halftime and have another. At the Dome we pretty much had two a game or so typically.

Limit the fun whenever possible *ugh*. They ought to open it as soon as the team walks in from the Victory Walk and have the fans come right in behind them.

I need an "other" choice. I might get 2 or 3 beers in a whole season (tops).

Somehow a Brat and chardonnay just doesn't cut it.

I am with the majority here. It is nice to have it as an option and if there was vendor like the dome I would be more inclined to have a beer or two. However, the fact of the matter for me is that I am not getting up out of me seat to hunt down a beer and miss 10 minutes of game action. I am there to watch a game, not drink beer. Plus, like ski-u-mah said, I have come to make "other arrangements" if I want a cocktail during the game. Just gotta be mindful of the eagle eye security guy that roams the top of my section. He is serioius about his job...

I'll save it for the Monte Carlo Club on 3rd and Washington. Usually a Bloody Mary at the Alumni Center before the game. Never been one to pound the beers at a Gopher Football game. Back during the school years at Memorial Stadium, it was hauling in the wine skins filled with Thunderbird, Mad Dog 20, Bali hi, Annie Green Springs, and the other skin wines popular at that
time. Easier to sneak in versus beer, but a headache waiting to happen.

I heard a few saying you can still bring beer back to your seat after buying from the beer garden? Anybody hear anything? I have a hard time believing this would be the case.

I'll save it for the Monte Carlo Club on 3rd and Washington. Usually a Bloody Mary at the Alumni Center before the game. Never been one to pound the beers at a Gopher Football game. Back during the school years at Memorial Stadium, it was hauling in the wine skins filled with Thunderbird, Mad Dog 20, Bali hi, Annie Green Springs, and the other skin wines popular at that
time. Easier to sneak in versus beer, but a headache waiting to happen.

Any chance you parlayed this interest in fine wines into a successful career as an esteemed sommelier?

I heard a few saying you can still bring beer back to your seat after buying from the beer garden? Anybody hear anything? I have a hard time believing this would be the case.

That's what the STrib reported today.

I heard a few saying you can still bring beer back to your seat after buying from the beer garden? Anybody hear anything? I have a hard time believing this would be the case.

Yes - that is the proposed plan. Beer for all. Go buy a couple, and head out to roam the stadium as you wish.

Why is that hard to believe? The U has dramatically changed their stance, that's all.

Why is that hard to believe? The U has dramatically changed their stance, that's all.

You answered your own question here. The U is not known for dramatically changing stances over short periods of time, especially not stances that they've staked out publicly for a while.

You answered your own question here. The U is not known for dramatically changing stances over short periods of time, especially not stances that they've staked out publicly for a while.

I disagree. I've seen them dramatically change their stance on multiple issues recently.

My read is that in reality, the state law may actually be more restrictive now than it was two years ago (in terms of limiting sales to the general public).. it's just that the U has decided to change their stance.

I disagree. I've seen them dramatically change their stance on multiple issues recently.

The key there is recently. It's going to take time for people's opinions to change given that most folks haven't seen this be the norm over the length of their relationships with the U (at least that's what I taken from my own experiences and have always heard from folks on here/alum friends). Also, it's a safe bet that not everyone here has been exposed to every recent change that you have.

I won't be drinking any beer at TCF. Too expensive, probably too far away from my seats, and too many 11AM games.

Will the MegaDeath T-shirts and mullets be out in full force on September 8 for the inaugural opening of the beer garden?

Will the MegaDeath T-shirts and mullets be out in full force on September 8 for the inaugural opening of the beer garden?

If there are no tractor pulls at the dome...yes indeed!

Gopher Warrior said:
I disagree. I've seen them dramatically change their stance on multiple issues recently.

My read is that in reality, the state law may actually be more restrictive now than it was two years ago (in terms of limiting sales to the general public).. it's just that the U has decided to change their stance.

And I also disagree with you - the U does not dramatically change their stance - Try your best to provide some examples of this. That's why the two beers to your seat idea is hard to believe.

And I also disagree with you - the U does not dramatically change their stance - Try your best to provide some examples of this. That's why the two beers to your seat idea is hard to believe.

I'd rather not on here because some people are very sensitive to them, but if you're interested feel free to PM me. I can understand why it would be hard for some to believe that the U is likely going to allow people to grab a couple of brews at football games and walk around the stadium/back to their seat/etc. After all, the comments coming from the U have left no doubt they were, in the past, very much against the idea of allowing alcohol sales to the common folk.

New guy at the helm, though. I'd be curious what the Board members have thought over the last few years -- will they oppose Kaler's recommendation? Have their views changed or do they wish to support leadership's position on this, regardless of whether it's yay or nay on beer for the masses?

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