How long does he have?


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2009
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I think most people on this board are either calling for Brewter to either be fired now or at least think he deserves to be fired. I have been a Brewster backer up until yesterday and think that ultimately he does deserve to go. I honestly don't have any idea how you can coach those kids up for USC after this terrible loss. Their confidence has to be entirely gone if they can't even beat USD. I really don't think I need to see a 5th year of Brewster after seeing the regression of the program this year. I think most people knew Brewsters seat was getting warm this year and he would have to show some progress. That clearly is not happening. My question is at what point do you think he will be gone. I think he will be gone after the Illinois game but before Iowa comes calling. Another year of winning 0 trophies will be the final nail in the coffin for him. I think Maturi will see that he has no shot of beating Iowa and pull the plug. When do you think he will be gone?

I want him fired now, but realistically I think the end of the season. However, if they are playing Big 10 games to a stadium that's half full, or less, then it could come sooner.

The problems were expected this year with a young defense. Not to this level. But expected. I think Maturi gives the team a few games to mature on Defense and prove their worth. If they can't I would expect Maturi to make a move by game 8.

The difficult thing about yesterday is that everything I was hoping to see I saw. I just was not expecting such a poor showing in the secondary. If we would have had a solid game on defense I'd be extremely happy with yesterday. But this pill is so bitter, and the loss so ugly, and bodes so poorly, I don't know how we fix such a gaping hole.

In the end you have to step back and ask if the program is headed in the right direction. As painfull as yesterday was, it was still just one game and the season will be judged on more than that. I'm not optimisic, but it's not over til it's over. The foreshadowing is ominous though.

My most alarming concern is our lack of pass rush. It was our bane for third down conversions last year. The first game there was no expectation to develop a pass rush given the kind of offense they run. However our inability to put a hat on the QB is going to kill us all year. We will continue to play more and more really safe defenses so we don't give up the big play as our defense is walked down the field. We will once again hope that they make a mistake instead of dictating what kind of offense we can run.

That is the one of my most disappointing things (obviously outside of just losing to a fcs team).

EDIT: bah I meant to reply in the Defense thread. Too much scanning trying to catch up.

I have been going back and forth on the "when," too. Maturi fired Monson early in the BB season, so there is precedence. And you could argue that it helped the coaching search in that case. The biggest concerns either way would be fan apathy and recruiting.

A case could be made for firing Brewster today. The one reason I see not to is that he will continue to recruit. Probably not very successfully, but at least he will be out there selling Minnesota to high school seniors. When a new coach comes in, he will have to introduce and sell himself, but at least he won't have to start from scratch on where Minnesota is. If Brewster is fired too soon, there will be nobody out there selling the school until December (or January, knowing Maturi).

He won't be able to hire a replacement until December or January. That has nothing to to with it being Maturi. It's just how it works.

I agree that we need a different head coach in 2011. I am also of the opinion that we will need a coach that can do two things: 1) Coach and 2) Instantly provide some credibility to the program (a la Tubby Smith). We will need to pay through the nose for this coach. If Maturi can find someone like this who is available before the end of the season, then he should pull the trigger. Otherwise he should wait until the end of the season in order to get someone who is currently coaching.

If we are 8 games into the season and we still only have one or 2 wins (I do not see how we get that second win) Maturi has to cut the cord and get on the coaching search immediately. It would be good to have a coach in place before the bowl games are over. This is usually when you see all the coaching moves. This would also give the new coach time to recruit. In any case, if this season is a disaster, Maturi would be an idiot to wait until the end of the season to fire Brewster.

GO4INLALALAND is right. If the only reason we are waiting until November 30 is to keep recruits, then a season that is OBVIOUSLY futile to everyone (including potential recruits) will negate the reason to keep Brew until then. If we lose a couple of potentially winnable games (N Ill, Northwestern, Purdue), Maturi should go ahead and end it in late October so that he can openly search for a new coach.

Just remember, any coach worth a damn can't be hired until their season is over. Don't expect a new face until January if Maturi makes a move. What happens early is the coaches removal, not the hire.

If USC puts up 70 plus points I could honestly see Maturi pulling the plug as early as next week but it probably won't happen until Mid Big Ten Season...

Just remember, any coach worth a damn can't be hired until their season is over. Don't expect a new face until January if Maturi makes a move. What happens early is the coaches removal, not the hire.

I think you are 99% correct, but I do think there's a 1% chance of finding a great coach that is available. Wasn't Tommy Tuberville (sp?) out of a job last season before ending up at A&M this season? I would have taken a coach like that. There may be others out there that are in-between jobs that would be ideal.

Also, what about the possibility of luring a retired coach back to commit to a 4 year rebuilding process in which he would ID a coach in waiting within the 1st 2-4 years? Kind of like K State bringing Bill Snyder back? I don't have anyone off the top of my head and its a far-fetched idea, but not impossible.

With As The World Turns

going off the air I now have a replacement show to watch. This has been repeated but you can't just fire someone without having a new coach lined up.
That won't happen until after the bowl season. The next coach has to be a home run. If the New Orleans Saints, the Tampa Bay Bucs, the St. Louis Rams can win the Super Bowl and if Boise State can be a winner there is no reason that it cannot happen here. Even Washington State went to the Rose Bowl a few years ago.
I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and I will keep waiting. Forget winning a national championship, I would thrilled to even just tie for a Big Ten Championship. Even Iowa had a period of 20 years where they didn't have a winning season. It can be done. The almost Chicago Cubs of college football label is getting old. Gopher fans deserve better.

You should NEVER fire a coach until the season is over in CFB. Can't get a replacement till then anyway.

In any case it is WAY too early to talking about firing Brew. None of us know how the rest of the season will play out.


Other factors

I think with President Bruininks retiring, does he push the button and make the change before he goes, or does he leave it for the New President to chose. And there is the idea the new President may want his own AD, and Joel's job is over. Does Joel unilatterally decide to keep, or replace the coach knowing he could be a lame duck?

And if they push the button mid season, who takes over? Horton? Who?

But the key for me is how deep are Joel's choices, does he have 2 maybe three go to candidates? Does he call Tony Dungy for his opinion, suggestions, candidates?

I know he would be my first call.

And if they push the button mid season, who takes over? Horton? Who?

Who cares? By the time Brewster is fired no one will be watching Gopher fb so no one will care who is coaching.

Also, you can fire a coach during the season, I recommend in the latter part, and start talking to potential candidates during the regular season. Now they will likely not start coaching until the season is over, but at least you have your guy lined up so that when the season is over the new coach is ready to step in. Also, as in the case of Brian Kelly @ ND, he quit before Cincinnati played its bowl game. So a coach may chose to quit before the bowl season is over.

I think with President Bruininks retiring, does he push the button and make the change before he goes, or does he leave it for the New President to chose. And there is the idea the new President may want his own AD, and Joel's job is over. Does Joel unilatterally decide to keep, or replace the coach knowing he could be a lame duck?

And if they push the button mid season, who takes over? Horton? Who?

But the key for me is how deep are Joel's choices, does he have 2 maybe three go to candidates? Does he call Tony Dungy for his opinion, suggestions, candidates?

I know he would be my first call.

I think we will know in three weeks how the season is going to turn out. If they go 2-1 it may be enough to keep interest in Brewster. A 1-2 or 0-3 record in the next three weeks will pretty much seal Brewsters future.

Who cares? By the time Brewster is fired no one will be watching Gopher fb so no one will care who is coaching.

Also, you can fire a coach during the season, I recommend in the latter part, and start talking to potential candidates during the regular season. Now they will likely not start coaching until the season is over, but at least you have your guy lined up so that when the season is over the new coach is ready to step in. Also, as in the case of Brian Kelly @ ND, he quit before Cincinnati played its bowl game. So a coach may chose to quit before the bowl season is over.

Ya, a coach taking his team to a bowl game will quit and come to Minnesota because we're just like Notre Dame. Or wait, there's always Tony Dungy. The frickin delusion on this board amazes me.

This morning would be fine by me. Brewster has shown me nothing in the last 3+ years to convince me anything will be different the rest of this year. When Mason lost to NDSU, at least he had winning seasons, had been upper half of the Big Ten, and had won trophies. Brewster is consistently outcoached and his "great" recruiting has been worse than Mason's the last two years. What does keeping him gain? We can start talking to out of work coaches and some that are unhappy (like Tubby was) and see what happens. We could get a bowl team's coach if they were from a small school in a lower conference, but otherwise no way. Also, D1 FCS will have several coaches whose seasons are done in November. Appalachian State, NDSU, etc. Might as well get word out that we are looking for a coach.

Ya, a coach taking his team to a bowl game will quit and come to Minnesota because we're just like Notre Dame. Or wait, there's always Tony Dungy. The frickin delusion on this board amazes me.

So you don't think that we could score an offensive coordinator or defensive coordinator or a head coach from a smaller school that is taking its team to a bowl game? Instead you think Maturi is going to hire a coach from a school with a losing college fb program whose teams have no prayer of going to a bowl game with the hopes that this same coach can turn around MN?

I know Maturi does not always make the best decisions, but I do not think that he is going to hire a coach from a losing fb program. If you do, then you are delusional.

This morning would be fine by me. Brewster has shown me nothing in the last 3+ years to convince me anything will be different the rest of this year. When Mason lost to NDSU, at least he had winning seasons, had been upper half of the Big Ten, and had won trophies. Brewster is consistently outcoached and his "great" recruiting has been worse than Mason's the last two years. What does keeping him gain? We can start talking to out of work coaches and some that are unhappy (like Tubby was) and see what happens. We could get a bowl team's coach if they were from a small school in a lower conference, but otherwise no way. Also, D1 FCS will have several coaches whose seasons are done in November. Appalachian State, NDSU, etc. Might as well get word out that we are looking for a coach.

Nobody is happy today. But you're kind of just wrong. Brewster has done pretty much what Mason did, and mason never had a recruiting season as good as Brewsters worst.

We can't hire a coach without a strong recruiting background in Minnesota. That eliminates most coaches from smaller schools. It's a big buck guy, a guy from a recruiting hot bed area like Florida, or we will continue to be a bottom dweller.

Nobody is happy today. But you're kind of just wrong. Brewster has done pretty much what Mason did, and mason never had a recruiting season as good as Brewsters worst.

Shnoodler, I always respect your opinion, but I think you are wrong here. Mason's teams never got beaten by 1-AA teams (close once but not beaten) - Brew has lost twice in 4 years. Mason's teams could beat Iowa and Wisconsin - true that it wasn't very often but obviously more than zero times. Mason's teams could beat a ranked team. Mason's teams could lay the wood against inferior talent. So, I agree that Brewster has recruited better on paper, I don't think you can honestly say that he has acheived the level of on-field success (mediocrity?) that Mason did.

Nobody is happy today. But you're kind of just wrong. Brewster has done pretty much what Mason did, and mason never had a recruiting season as good as Brewsters worst.

We can't hire a coach without a strong recruiting background in Minnesota. That eliminates most coaches from smaller schools. It's a big buck guy, a guy from a recruiting hot bed area like Florida, or we will continue to be a bottom dweller.

+1000 Lets not look through maroon colored glasses when remembering the Mase era (mediocrity until the end of time, defensive performances virtually every game like the one from yesterday, and historic implosions - Michigan, Wisconsin, Insight Bowl, etc.). There is no way I want to go back to that. Brew may not be the answer but we definitely know Mase was not.

Shnoodler, I always respect your opinion, but I think you are wrong here. Mason's teams never got beaten by 1-AA teams (close once but not beaten) - Brew has lost twice in 4 years. Mason's teams could beat Iowa and Wisconsin - true that it wasn't very often but obviously more than zero times. Mason's teams could beat a ranked team. Mason's teams could lay the wood against inferior talent. So, I agree that Brewster has recruited better on paper, I don't think you can honestly say that he has acheived the level of on-field success (mediocrity?) that Mason did.

We've gone over this. I'm not really interested in doing this again because the numbers are pretty clear. We're nearly identical. You can pick a difference and ignore the overwhelming rest of the data. But we have essentially achieved the same results albeit in different ways. We are clearly more talented. Eyeballs tell that story.

Mason was a better coach with less talent in an offense heavy program. Brewster is a better recruiter and mediocre coach in a more balanced program.

+1000 Lets not look through maroon colored glasses when remembering the Mase era (mediocrity until the end of time, defensive performances virtually every game like the one from yesterday, and historic implosions - Michigan, Wisconsin, Insight Bowl, etc.). There is no way I want to go back to that. Brew may not be the answer but we definitely know Mase was not.

You guys have bad memories....Mason routed teams like this USD usally...further, he beat OSU, PSU (numerous times), Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. Who has Brewster beat? Bad memories???? The reason we got Brewster was to upgrade from avg instead we downgraded.

If they get blasted by USC and lose to NIU then he is on is way out.

Mason's team were better with less talent that is all there is to it. Mason had head coaching experience before he got to Minnesota. To try and suggest that Brewster compares to Mason as a coach is ludicrous.

Mason had ten seasons. If you want to slog through ten seasons of Brewster I'm sure he'll have a handful of wins over those same schools. Your point means nothing.

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