How important is UW?

Smokin' Joe

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Sep 1, 2009
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How important is a victory over wisconsin?

Would Gopher fans prefer to go 9-3, with a victory over Wisconsin, but not playing in January Bowl; or 10-2, with a loss to Wisconsin, but playing in January?

I'd prefer to play in January. It would be better for national recruiting (even though I would have to listen to my co-workers).

What is your preference?

Give me January any day of the week, haven't had that in my lifetime, I have seen wins over Wisconsin ... issue = lose to Wis., but will win @ PSU, OSU, & Iowa? Rest of home schedule though incredibly favorable.

Like Doogie, I don't see 10-2 with a loss tomorrow as likely at all. That said, I'll take 10-2 with a win tomorrow.

If we don't beat UW we are not good enough to play in Jan. 10-2 with a loss to the Badgers would set us up for disappointment in January. I say win now continue to improve and deserve to play and win in Jan.

They are a rival that is vying for the same recruiting territory, so you should care a lot. Wisconsin's and Iowa's successes in recent decades has come partly as a result of our failure.

wisconsin, easy. idk y but i hate no other team worse than those pieces of s hit. I've only had two goals for this season: beat Air Force to win our inaugural game at TCF and beat wisconsin. anything else to me is icing, and so far some friggin awesome icing

This isn't close, you take the 10-2 over the 9-3 in this hypothetical situation.

The way a win over Wisconsin (or Iowa) is woth more than an overall better record is if the Gophers have had a slightly above average season or worse. For example, I'll take 6-6 with a win over Wisconsin any day over 7-5 and a loss, I'll take 3-9 with a win over Iowa any day over 4-8 with a loss. 9-3 with a win instead of 10-2? no 10-2 instead of 11-1? no.

I think the breaking point is 9-3/8-4

At that point, you have to ask is 9-3 memorable? Where would it put you in the rankings? Does 9-3 get a real Bowl game or just a bowl game?
If the season is not going to end up memorable overall, then I'd rather beat Iowa and/or Wisconsin.

How important is a victory over wisconsin?

Would Gopher fans prefer to go 9-3, with a victory over Wisconsin, but not playing in January Bowl; or 10-2, with a loss to Wisconsin, but playing in January?

I'd prefer to play in January. It would be better for national recruiting (even though I would have to listen to my co-workers).

What is your preference?

That's the choice? 9-3 or 10-2?

How about 5-7? If the Goofers can't beat a team of mostly Freshmen and Sophomores at home, for the Axe, they sure as helll won't beat OSU, PSU, Iowa and MSU. and probably won't be able to handle either Illinois or Purdue.

It's just sad.

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