I've been thinking about when Fleck said the Gophers can change how we are seen by outsiders by beating good teams. Well, were on a cruise in early November, on which I spotted a lady wearing a Penn State sweatshirt. I had on a Minnesota hat and asked if she was enjoying the success of the Lions this season. She said that she was very excited about the upcoming Ohio State-Penn State game because both teams, in her view, would be unbeaten. I said "well, Penn State has to play the Gophers soon and the game will be in Minneapolis." She didn't mean to sound snooty but she said dimly "Oh...are they having a good season?" Evidently she was only vaguely aware that we have a team and she seemed old enough to recall November 6, 1999 in Happy Valley. Our cruise ended before our game with them but I am sure that she learned a little something about Minnesota!