How come Bo Ryans name is never linked to any other job opening?


Dec 27, 2009
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I just heard on the NCAA broadcast that Bo Ryan is the winning-est coach in Big ten history (10 year record) . Why is his name never linked to other openings such as Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, etc? How can Wisconsin lock in their top coaches? Is that program so much better than Minnesota that they would never leave?

Some teams have had a look at him, but after watching a few minutes of Wisconsin basketball they fall asleep.

Because he coaches at one of the top 10 program in the country right now. He's up there in age, so higher profile programs won't offer. Anyone that would, can't match Wiskey...financially and otherwise.

Saw a surprising article the other day that listed UW Basketball as the highest revenue BBall program in the B10. They were #1, OSU was #2.. wouldn't have thought that before seeing it.

Because he coaches at one of the top 10 program in the country right now. He's up there in age, so higher profile programs won't offer. Anyone that would, can't match Wiskey...financially and otherwise.

Saw a surprising article the other day that listed UW Basketball as the highest revenue BBall program in the B10. They were #1, OSU was #2.. wouldn't have thought that before seeing it.

If UW is one of the Top 10 programs in the country, then Bo is vastly underachieving as his post-season results aren't even close to matching that.

Go Gophers!!

Some teams have had a look at him, but after watching a few minutes of Wisconsin basketball they fall asleep.

I was going to go with in any other conference everyone would rip their own eyes out, but that works too.

Pretty simple.

They are a boring style to watch.
Limited postseason success (no final fours).
Not a history of moving (only two D1 jobs, last move 10 years ago to a job that was clearly better).
Has not had a history of winning multiple places (only has postseason appearances at one D1 job).
Kind of Old

As opposed to Tubby
Plays a below average style to watch (In My opinion). Bad in the half court, but typically tries to press, run, and recruits more athletes than polished basketball players.
Postseason success (National Championship)
History of moving (held multiple D1 jobs before Kentucky...left Kentucky for an inferior job).
History of success at multiple schools.
Kind of Old (which is probably the reason rumors will gradually wind down).

Isn't it obvious?


His heart is two sizes too small.

I just heard on the NCAA broadcast that Bo Ryan is the winning-est coach in Big ten history (10 year record) . Why is his name never linked to other openings such as Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, etc? How can Wisconsin lock in their top coaches? Is that program so much better than Minnesota that they would never leave?

Because all other colleges in the entire universe know that you would go there and bad mouth everything about them, their coaches, their players, and their Fan Boards. Therefore, we are stuck with you.

poor Dr can always put M2S on ignore........maybe I should educate you on how this board operates?

Age, school and playing style. He wouldn't go somewhere like Auburn or NC State, and a school like Arkansas or Arizona wouldn't want him. He's best off where he is. Whatever we think of him Tubby is a 'sexier' hire that gets school like Virginia and Oregon all excited and he's allowed the perception that he'll listen to fester. Bo is not not as sexy and hasn't whored himself out to anyone who calls.

1.) UW is basically his dream job. He was an asst at UW very early in his career, and came back when the opportunity was there.

2.) Think what you want, but it's a Top 15-20 program. There aren't many opening at schools with a better program.

3.) Bo runs a clean program. He could never succeed at Ark, Tenn, UGA, etc, because he doesn't cheat.

4.) Fans of other programs always complain about a boring brand of basketball, but you have to play a style that fits the type of recruits you can get. You know what? Under Bill Cofield and Steve Yoder we played an up tempo game, with a roster full of athletes. We also finished between 8th & 10th every year.

It may not be exciting to you, but only 4 schools have made the round of 32 for 5 straight years - UW, Pitt, Kansas, Purdue.

If Bo can finally take Wiscy to a final four or play for the Nat'l Championship...I think perception will change...until then, boosters at power schools don't know who he is.

Wiscy, with thier school and student support and the money the program makes, makes it a top 10-15 program nationally and hiring Bo away from Wiscy would be very difficult if he didn't want to leave for other reasons.

Some teams have had a look at him, but after watching a few minutes of Wisconsin basketball they fall asleep.

I really don't get the criticism that Bo's teams are boring. Geez, last night the announcers kept saying what an excellent BB game it was, and I agree. These teams played great BB, made free throws, executed an offense and had some great blocks on D. What more do you want? I think they also said it was Bucky's 13th straight appearance in the Big Dance. I'm pulling for the Big 10 so I hope they continue their success. It's up to Tubby to start recruiting some of our own MN boys that are leaving for Wisconsin.

The guy has spent the last 30 years in Wisconsin and has a top 3 Big Ten team every year. What incentive is there to go anywhere else, but maybe home? Home is Pennsylvania. As a MN fan, it is refreshing to see a coach that doesn't have to pick up the phone from any other schools to get an extension.

I watched as much of the post game press conference on Thursday as I could stand. Grinch comes across as someone who trys to be funny but isn't. He also seems to have a high opinion of himself. I have always disliked the guy and the way he acts on the sidelines from day 1. He and brent enema are quite a pair.

First off, Bo is not a money or fame hound. He took the UW Plattville job because he knew that he knew he had the chance to have a nice life and raise a family. He stayed for 15 years and won 4 NCs.

Second of all, can you imagine what kind of retirement package this guy has?! He's basically been a state employee since he became an assistant at UW in 1976, then moved on to UW Plattville, then moved on to UW Milwaukee, then to UW.

Third, I think there's a lot of truth to the fact that few ADs like his style of basketball. Nowadays, to play this style of basketball, you have to recruit kids that see through the BS about running and gunning. Very few star athletes out of high school understand the game the way Bo Ryan does, emphasizing offensive efficiency and strict man-to-man team defense. Missing out on JP Tokoto, an in-state kid, at least partly because of style of play is just the most recent example.

Because he coaches at one of the top 10 program in the country right now.

Trying to be as objective as possible and not letting my hate for Bucky enter into it, I found this statement to be utterly ridiculous and that thought was enhanced by a quick scribbling of top programs in the nation:
Top 15, more or less
Michigan St.
Ohio St.

Outside of Indiana (which has considerable capital built on years of success), all of these programs have either achieved multiple Final Fours or had talent that has gripped the nation (ex. Texas w/Durant, TJ Ford) in recent years. Wisconsin is nowhere near the Top 10 programs and I'd say they are in the scramble below the top 15, which I'd include with these teams:

As much as it pains me to say it, I'd say the program Wisconsin is most similar to is Pitt-very solid, consistent regular season success with few marquee players who just can't get over the hump in the NCAA tournament. At least with Pitt you get a team that often hovers in the top 5 of the polls in the regular season though.

Top 20 program, arguably, yes. If they advance to the Final Four this year? I still don't see them as a top 15 national program-they don't have the history, appeal, style, or headliners of the programs listed above them. And as for the info that Wisconsin is the top money maker in the Big 10 in college basketball that doesn't equate to elite basketball program; it reminds me of the Forbes' article a few years ago that made the claim Kevin McHale was the top GM in the NBA due to the strong finances (at the time) of the T-Wolves.

I would think the resume makes a difference, how often has he changed jobs. The perception is that he is happy and not looking.

Because Bo Ryan, for better or worse, is Wisconsin basketball, and coaches who are their program rarely if ever leave.

I don't like Bo Ryan, but I do respect him. He's a hell of a coach. I can say the same for Kurt Ferentz. I can't say the same for the thing that coaches the Bucky football team.

In a lot of ways, Ryan is a perfect coach for Wisconsin. If a young coach came to the UW and had Ryan's first four seasons (2 B10 titles, 1 BTT title, 1 sweet 16, 1 elite 8) he'd be gone. Ryan is older and not flashy, paid his dues at the D3 level in-state, and had been an assistant at the UW back in the dark ages. He's got some deep roots in the state and a lot of different reasons to stay (family, history, financial). He has shown he can win recruiting the upper midwest and getting the type of kids he wants to coach.

It is a situation that leads to stability and consistency. The UW has 14 NCAA wins in Bo's tenure(and perhaps more), which is OK by me. I know the UW doesn't fit the profile of the usual Final 4 team (at least one of: historical power, high talent state, "loose" with rules/academics/both). Counting the end of Bennett's tenure, this is the 5th of 12 sweet sixteens the Badgers have been in and we've won at least a game 10/12 times. Not Wooden-esque but given that there was no comparable UW hoops success since the 40's, I'll take it.

I get why Ryan is disliked. He's demonstrative on the sidelines. His sense of humor doesn't always translate and he kind of plays up the pugnacious Philly guy thing. I'm OK with that. He runs a clean program. I've liked how he has handled disciplinary situations. He wins and brings in a lot of kids who are easy to root for.

Bo Ryan

Although I dislike anything Wisconsin most of the year, I do admire and very much respect the job Bo does for Wisconsin basketball, usually with what many feel is inferior talent. I find them easy to cheer for in the postseason. Does anyone know how his pay ranks among the other Big 10 coaches?

How come m2s lies about living in Culver City, CA? Or is it "Marina Del Rey"?

How come GVVadger is banned? (Oh, wait - I know the answer to that one.)

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