How about Bruce Pearl?

Waaaaa someone has a different opinion than me waaaaaaa. If you cry about my opinions rather than attempt to counter them, perhaps your convictions aren't as strong as you think they are. Until then, keep crying.

Two scandals over a span of more than 30 years hardly qualifies us as "one of the NCAA's most scandal ridden". One was in 73 ( Mussleman) and the other was in 99, over a dozen years ago. I can name several seedier programs including Michigan, Boston College, Baylor, and UNLV. John Calapari could have his own wing of seediness for scandals at U Mass and Memphis where each time he fled just before the posse arrived. We are by no means pure as the driven snow but IMHO calling us the worst of the worst is a stretch .
When and where did I say "worst of the worst"? Please cite it for me. TIA!

Three scandals. Dutcher was ousted because of the Mitch Lee rape scandal. The players were cleared, but it was still another black eye on the program. Yeah, Minnesota is actually considered one of the most scandal-ridden hoops programs in the last 40 years. (not even close to what happened with Baylor, but nevertheless.)

I've heard Pearl's name floated for the UCLA job. They hired that scumbag Rick Neuheisel to coach their football team, until they found out that the guy can't win cleanly.

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