How about Bruce Pearl?


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Mar 26, 2013
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A name no one has mentioned is Bruce Pearl. Having grown up a Tennessee fan, the guy did some amazing things. When he arrived at Tennessee, they were awful. Pearl's first season: a 2 seed in the NCAA tournament. Over 6 seasons, Pearl led Tennessee to 6 NCAA tournament appearances, 3 sweet 16s, and an elite 8. The guy knows how to win basketball games.

We'd have to deal with his show cause penalty. Otherwise I'd be a fan, he also worked miracles at UW-Milwaukee.

But besides the penalty the guy is Great. He also completely energized the fan base at Tennessee.

I'm 100% behind Pearl, but he's got another year of show-cause left

Good Lord he was seedy. Great coach but you'd have to shower before and after games to live with yourself. Wasn't he also the guy at Iowa taped a recruit after he committed to Illinois trying to get the kid to incriminate Illinois in illegal recruiting ?

I am quite certain ESPN will be on probation after Pearl is done working for them.

Good Lord he was seedy. Great coach but you'd have to shower before and after games to live with yourself. Wasn't he also the guy at Iowa taped a recruit after he committed to Illinois trying to get the kid to incriminate Illinois in illegal recruiting ?

Yes, just ask Jimmy Collins, Illini fans, or Deon Thomas what they think of Bruce Pearl.

I always liked his comment when he said 'he and Pat Summit, combined, had won X number of National Championships at Tenn'.

If you're interested in Pearl, why not Tim Floyd? That guy wins wherever he goes and its been fairly well documented that he was the fall guy at USC. Check out the recruit he has coming to UTEP next year. If he can bring talent like that to UTEP, guess what he'd do at Minnesota

If you're interested in Pearl, why not Tim Floyd? That guy wins wherever he goes and its been fairly well documented that he was the fall guy at USC. Check out the recruit he has coming to UTEP next year. If he can bring talent like that to UTEP, guess what he'd do at Minnesota

I am a big Tim Floyd fan.

I am a big Tim Floyd fan.

Actually I was thinking the same thing with Floyd. Great coach, but the issue is that people are going to still connect him to the OJ Mayo investigation even though he was cleared.

If you're interested in Pearl, why not Tim Floyd? That guy wins wherever he goes and its been fairly well documented that he was the fall guy at USC. Check out the recruit he has coming to UTEP next year. If he can bring talent like that to UTEP, guess what he'd do at Minnesota

I always liked him when he was at ISU. Floyd never had the success anywhere else that he did in Ames. Maybe that's what Hoiberg was thinking in signing up there long term.

One of the most scandal-ridden programs in NCAA basketball hiring one of the most scandal-ridden former coaches alive. I don't see how this could fail.

Love, love, LOVE Pearl (was in grad school at UW-Milwaukee when he was there). Brings a very fun, aggressive style of basketball. Great energizer, strong recruiter, unbelievable salesman. Greasy? Yes. Slimy? Yes. But man did I love what he was doing at UW-M every step of the way.

That said, the show-cause will essentially mean no way we land any of the big 3. And we don't need any more scrutiny from the NCAA after Monson and Tubby successfully got us away from the taint of the Haskins scandal. It just wouldn't work here (at least right now, under these conditions).

And I can see his brand of optimism and energy not working well with our media (shocking, I know).

I see someone in the SEC like Auburn or Georgia taking a chance on Bruce Pearl after his show-cause expires.

One of the most scandal-ridden programs in NCAA basketball hiring one of the most scandal-ridden former coaches alive. I don't see how this could fail.

Calling the U one of the most scandal ridden programs in NCAA basketball is going a bit overboard.

Clem is a choir boy compared to Bruce...where ever he has been trouble is not far behind

Argue the point.

Two scandals over a span of more than 30 years hardly qualifies us as "one of the NCAA's most scandal ridden". One was in 73 ( Mussleman) and the other was in 99, over a dozen years ago. I can name several seedier programs including Michigan, Boston College, Baylor, and UNLV. John Calapari could have his own wing of seediness for scandals at U Mass and Memphis where each time he fled just before the posse arrived. We are by no means pure as the driven snow but IMHO calling us the worst of the worst is a stretch .

Yes, just ask Jimmy Collins, Illini fans, or Deon Thomas what they think of Bruce Pearl.

Guy is slime. He is completely dirty and will do whatever it takes to get ahead.

He can bring success, but the record won't stand once he gets investigated.

Plus, he is just so *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#y. Guy had a second house for his girlfriend that his wife found out when he received the tax statement.

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