How about a new name for the football forum..


Nov 21, 2009
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Six national titles are ancient history. I'm all for being positive, but even Gopher Football Forum would be better. We need to look forward, not back to the good old days.

Six national titles are ancient history. I'm all for being positive, but even Gopher Football Forum would be better. We need to look forward, not back to the good old days.

About every other week someone brings this up. The name is fine. And no, Kill wouldn't want it named after him. So you would rather it have a more "current" name like Gopher Football Forum?

Six national titles are ancient history. I'm all for being positive, but even Gopher Football Forum would be better. We need to look forward, not back to the good old days.

I agree. Those championships, while still important, lose some luster with every passing year.

Whatever, the name is fine. There's a difference between celebrating your program's history (like through the forum title) and clinging to a meaningless past.
I'd much rather have this than "Brew's Crew" or any other coach-name wordplay. The name is fine. I'm all for keeping it until it's no longer accurate.

Before Brewster left I was lobbying for the forum to be renamed Piece of Pasadena.

National Titles do not lose luster, there is only one given out every year. The Gopher program has SIX of them and that's quite an accomplishment. I'd much rather have had them happen in my lifetime, but the accomplishment does not lose luster with time. The Boston Celtics didn't stop talking about all their titles when they were lead by guys like Dino Radja and were Eastern Conference also rans...that didn't diminish the relevance of what Bill Russell accomplished decades prior.

Until we win a Big Ten Championship, National Title, or Rose or other major bowl championship, the current forum name seems appropriate. It signifies what has happened in the past and hopefully can happen in the future. I for one was alive to enjoy the last NC and the Rose Bowl victory the following year. They were just as much fun as the Twins winning the World Series in "87 and "91.

Keep it. It's fine, and a great reminder for all the Iowa and Wisconsin trolls.

I've got no problem with linking to he past. It just doesn't roll off the tongue, nor does it scream Gophers.

"Hey, did I tell you what I read in the 'six national titles' forum?". "No, is that the forum about how many titles the SEC has won in a row?"

If not Kill, it'd be better to name it after Bierman, Warmath, Dinkyown, The Bank, The Rouser, Hail Minnesota, etc.

If I were in Nebraska, I'd name it after the bkackshirts, Ohio State, dotting the 'I', Madison, 'Jump Around', etc.

National Titles do not lose luster, there is only one given out every year.

Multiple teams have won national titles in the same season. Minnesota and SMU both claim they won the national title in 1935.

Regardless of what we name the football forum, no one is going to call it that name, they will just call it "The Gopher Hole". The "6 National Titles Football Forum" name annoys our rivals, and that's good enough for me.

Regardless of what we name the football forum, no one is going to call it that name, they will just call it "The Gopher Hole". The "6 National Titles Football Forum" name annoys our rivals, and that's good enough for me.[/QUOTE]


I've got no problem with linking to he past. It just doesn't roll off the tongue, nor does it scream Gophers.

"Hey, did I tell you what I read in the 'six national titles' forum?". "No, is that the forum about how many titles the SEC has won in a row?"

If not Kill, it'd be better to name it after Bierman, Warmath, Dinkyown, The Bank, The Rouser, Hail Minnesota, etc.

If I were in Nebraska, I'd name it after the bkackshirts, Ohio State, dotting the 'I', Madison, 'Jump Around', etc.

I'm pretty sure 99% of people on here would say "Hey, did I tell you what I read on gopherhole?" and not reference the specific forum that it was on.

I think if it had been named "Football Forum" it would be fine, but once you've gone and named it "Six National Titles Football Forum", changing to something not as positive seems like a let down. Like we're giving up our prospects of seeing #7. I, for one, hope to see #7 while I'm still alive.

Before the Bank opened would have been a great opportunity to rename the board after the stadium, but changing it now seems silly.

I agree with TLHGO4, until we win something worth braggin' about, keep one of the few things we have. Otherwise we might as well change it to "Mediocrity (at Best) Since 1967 Football Forum".

I'm pretty sure 99% of people on here would say "Hey, did I tell you what I read on gopherhole?" and not reference the specific forum that it was on.

True. I was actually funking of Hineygate when I wrote this, which is a forum that gets referred to b name a lot, but that's because there are a million Scout forums, so saying Hineygate identifies it as Ohio State.

BTW, Hineygate is a really domb name for a forum and I have no idea what it means.

How about the "Kelly Leeks Memorial Football Forum"

Is there another forum where the 3 of you get together and actually make funny posts? All of your stuff here seems like someone's B-material. For a group who was "invited back", and "returned" with so much bluster and bravado, your collective posts have pretty much elicited a huge yawn.

Is there another forum where the 3 of you get together and actually make funny posts? All of your stuff here seems like someone's B-material. For a group who was "invited back", and "returned" with so much bluster and bravado, your collective posts have pretty much elicited a huge yawn.

Boom, roasted.

I suppose anyone who fakes their own death and is not having to pick his teeth off the floor probably feels pretty happy about the outcome.

I've also suggested "stroke the posts" fb forum but would also be open to "The Minnesota Way" Football Forum.

I like tying the forum name to the current coach somehow.

I've also suggested "stroke the posts" fb forum but would also be open to "The Minnesota Way" Football Forum.

I like tying the forum name to the current coach somehow.

I think "Stroke the post" should be a mandatory student cheer, whenever and wherever it is appropriate.

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