How a scene from ‘Breaking Bad’ became the theme for Gophers’ ‘scary’ defense


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Greder:

During Season 4, wife Skyler White (Anna Gunn) pleaded for her husband Walter White (Bryan Cranston) to stop trying to justify him selling illegal drugs and just admit he was in danger.

“Who are you talking to right now?” Walt asked. “Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to not go into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears. It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to.

“So, let me clue you in. I’m not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? Naw. I am the one who knocks.”

Gophers head coach P.J. Fleck revealed the motto after the bowl game at Chase Field in Phoenix. He felt the need to offer an obvious disclaimer: They aren’t promoting any activities from the actual show. “We took one specific scene and it fit what we were doing,” he said.

Go Walter White!!

Both shows r theater. People get wasted; time-outs get wasted. Waddayagonnado?🤔

You need to now that we are in our off season!
I keep hearing its a great show, but I have a hard time getting into shows that I missed the beginning and they already started and is so many seasons long to catch up. I guess I'll have to change my best and get into it.

I keep hearing its a great show, but I have a hard time getting into shows that I missed the beginning and they already started and is so many seasons long to catch up. I guess I'll have to change my best and get into it.
Agreed. Reminds me of when everyone told me to watch Sopranos and I did and it was not as good as hyped.

Cast, story, pacing perfection. PJF is no Walter White. Maybe Saul.

I keep hearing its a great show, but I have a hard time getting into shows that I missed the beginning and they already started and is so many seasons long to catch up. I guess I'll have to change my best and get into it.
I enjoyed the show, but the people who are offended if you don't think it's the most incredible piece of entertainment that's ever been produced are a little off-putting. It was good, maybe even top 10 good, but it's not "The Wire" or a few others I could list

I enjoyed the show, but the people who are offended if you don't think it's the most incredible piece of entertainment that's ever been produced are a little off-putting. It was good, maybe even top 10 good, but it's not "The Wire" or a few others I could list
Thanks. Knowing how lazy I am, I'm wondering if I have the energy to actually get involved in that long term "relationship". It would take me thousand years to catch up.

I remember they played the "I am the one who knocks" a few times on the big screen a few years ago.

Think we can convince Michigan and Ohio State to re-enact Hector Salamanca and Gus Fring's last meeting?

I enjoyed the show, but the people who are offended if you don't think it's the most incredible piece of entertainment that's ever been produced are a little off-putting. It was good, maybe even top 10 good, but it's not "The Wire" or a few others I could list

Yeah, no show or genre is for everybody. Some people will be put off by the dark themes of BB, or GOT or maybe just don’t like dramatic TV or prefer lighter material. Speaking of that, Dark (German version) is the finest sci-fi drama series of all time and I’ll fight anyone that disagrees.

Think we can convince Michigan and Ohio State to re-enact Hector Salamanca and Gus Fring's last meeting?

That was emblematic of the Big Ten‘s national reputation after last night. If you haven’t seen the show yet and plan to ever do so, do NOT Google this reference.

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