Hole Polls: What will the storyline be AFTER the USC game?

i voted for usc pulling away at the end. i think gophs play much better and hang tight and end up losing 27-24, but no moral victories from this goph fan. not now.

Local Man Gets Drunk After Loss

If USC is able to establish any kind of running game it isn't going to be pretty. If the Gophers D-line holds their own, the Gophers might be able to hang tough.

Ok, ok, ok. I've grown as pessimistic as the next guy... But what if we win?

IMO, a win puts us right where I thought we'd be after three games, allows us to go 3-5 in the Big Ten season and be bowl bound, and likely puts the fire Brewster chants on the back burner.

All of a sudden we're looking at very winnable games against Illinois, Northwestern, and Michigan St. and what could be close games against Iowa and Penn State. Not saying it will happen, just giving Brew some credit: one game, no matter how bad, doesn't mean the season.

i really dont care how the rest of the season goes, for the sake of hte program its best to bomb out early, get rid of brew early so that the program can start looking for coaches EARLY and get a good one before theyre snapped up. if we wait maturi is just going to hem and haw over it until theyre all gone.

we need to be like USC. They had the book thrown at them. Their response, we will get through this and be stronger for it. We need the same attitude!

"Violence Breaks out at TCF as two Gopher Holers come to blows debating semantics"


i really dont care how the rest of the season goes, for the sake of hte program its best to bomb out early, get rid of brew early so that the program can start looking for coaches EARLY and get a good one before theyre snapped up. if we wait maturi is just going to hem and haw over it until theyre all gone.

This mentality is absolutely mind-boggling. So your mind is made up, even if the Gophers start to gel on defense, and put together an 8-4 season, it doesn't matter? Time to change the whole regime and start from scratch? I commend you for your objectivity and for having an open-mind.

As soon as you get into the real world, I look forward to you being a meaningful contributor to society.

Minnnesota pounds USC!

Minnesota pounds USC that will be the headline on Sunday. This game will not even be close! We should win the game by a big margin. I'd be dissappointed if we didn't win by 3 or 4 touchdowns!

If USC is able to establish any kind of running game it isn't going to be pretty.

It isn't going to be pretty.

Well if it reads:

"Man drinks his weight in beer, then pukes and cries in the alley"

That's me. :cry:

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