Hippies united against Ricky Stanzi

I've never known hippie men to wear dresses. I have known people to wear kilts. I've never worn a kilt myself, but my understanding is that women want to know if men who wear them are going "regimental", and often try to find out for themselves. This strikes me as a prime reason to wear a kilt.

Hippies and college communists are all desperate attention whores. Ricky has made their days by bothering to insult them, like a verbal interception returned for a touchdown.

I've never known hippie men to wear dresses. I have known people to wear kilts. I've never worn a kilt myself, but my understanding is that women want to know if men who wear them are going "regimental", and often try to find out for themselves. This strikes me as a prime reason to wear a kilt.

When my buddy got back from a semester in Scotland he brought a bunch of kilts and we hit the bars in them. I can definately confirm women's interest and aggresive nature in trying to find out.

Young campus politicos of all stripes are attention whores, but (and you have to remember that I am in my late 50s and cannot really comment on the state of campus life these days with any measure of experience) in my day, the dopers just wanted to be left alone making them, if anything, anti-attention whores. The only thing I remember the hippies of that era doing that was marginally annoying to me is that they always put bandanas on their dogs.

You didn't hear it, Starflower. You read it.

It's a common figure of speech. Ok, my point still stands, it's one of the most absurd things I have read. There are any number of ways far, far more likely to get attention than being a hippie. It would be like going to Minnesota in November to get a tan on the beach.

The only beef I have with the hippy-dippy crowd is when they choose not to bathe as part of their hippy ethos, so in an attempt to cover up their natural body odor they douse themselves in patchouli oil, which makes a funky smelling situation to begin with all the funkier, as the combination of BO and patchouli is about enough to gag a maggot. Beyond that minor annoyance, live and let live. Why should I care? Why should Stanzi? Why should anyone?


God are you a tool.

I see I struck a nerve. That was the point...thanks for the confirmation.

On another note, "hippies" pretty much went away by the mid-70's or so. Timothy Leary was an afterthought by then, Grace Slick was getting long in the tooth, and Charlie Manson was long since locked away to rot by then. Whatever Stanzi's referencing there, they ain't hippies. They may be losers (though it's hard to judge a book by its cover). Presumably he's been on campus for several years and has a fairly good read on who's going place and who's not. I'd put my money on a kid with Stanzi's drive & determination vs. the scenery to which he refers on the U of I campus.

Having said that, I hope we knock him on his ass several times (legally) this Saturday. Go, Gophers! Beat Iowa!!!

For a cheap beer, PBR is actually damn good, easily 'best in class' in my opinion. And before the hipsters took up the mantle, PBR was the beer of choice for skinheads, oi-boys, and punks, which were the tribes that I called 'home'. Ahhh the good old days. I've drunk a freaking ocean's worth of PBR in my lifetime.

I had quit drinking by the time PBR had any cachet on the hipster circuit.

I was a Miller High Life guy, but every now and again, I was known to say, when hoisting a can/bottle of Pabst, "PBR is what I are!"

I had quit drinking by the time PBR had any cachet on the hipster circuit.

I was a Miller High Life guy, but every now and again, I was known to say, when hoisting a can/bottle of Pabst, "PBR is what I are!"

We used to call PBR 'Liquid Gold', ha. :)

I'd put my money on a kid with Stanzi's drive & determination vs. the scenery to which he refers on the U of I campus.

Having said that, I hope we knock him on his ass several times (legally) this Saturday. Go, Gophers! Beat Iowa!!!

I agree- I think we should all follow some judgmental kid who calls out people he doesn't know and simply decides to stereotype. Wonder what he thinks of TE CJ Fiodorowicz? Doesn't sound like a good Christian to me! Check out DE Claybourne's hair- dude's gotta be a Bob Marley lovin' reefer freak! Wonder what he thinks of Durrell Johnson-Koulianos- he's adopted! Those orphans are almost always criminals. Check out OL Brett Van Sloten? Probably a killer like that Joran Vander Sloot. F'ing DUTCH!!!! Thank God we have that kid looking out for America!! Get rid of all the bad apples!

Uh oh- maybe the real issue is that your boy Ricky :cool02: may just be PO'd that someone else is getting all the good stuff in IC. Someone is now offering a photo they claim to be of Ricky enjoying a quick smoke. This could get interesting or it might just be a PO'd pothead trying to stir something up. Kinda humorous though.


Stanzi is just your classic wanker. He's an immature 23 year old who is just far too opinionated and judgmental about things at that early stage of adulthood, ya know. Part of it is that arrogance of youth, when you think you've got all the answers and have everything all figured out. I thought I was pretty damn smart too and felt pretty damn cocky about that, until real life and the real world started slapping me around a little bit and taught me the meaning of the word humility while also making me realize that in all actuality I hadn't known diddly-crap.

Stanzi would be far better served to just shut up, listen and learn what life has to teach him every single day. But it's easier to just spout this empty jingoism with no intellectual depth or substance behind it (his comment at the Orange Bowl....."America. If you don't love it, then leave it. USA #1" is typical of his level of perception, what I would consider a stereotypical 'meathead' style response, just stupid and unnecessary on a variety of different levels), I don't even know where I'm going with this, other than to say that I really don't think this guy is all that bright, in fact I'm certain of it.

I love my country too. I served it, and would do that over again if asked to do so. But I also respect the individual rights of others to make their choices as free Americans and as human beings, and whether I disagree with their choices or not is entirely beside the point. None of it though gives me or anyone the right to act like a judgmental and closed-minded prick towards others.

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