He's BAAACCKKKK (Maybe) Bret Bielema to Michigan State


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bret Bielema has &#39;definite interest&#39; in Michigan State football coaching job <a href="https://t.co/yZopwZpe1v">https://t.co/yZopwZpe1v</a> via <a href="https://twitter.com/freep?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@freep</a>. He did good at Wisconsin horrible at Arkansas.</p>&mdash; stuart left (@stuartleft) <a href="">February 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He would do well there. Knows BIG football and can recruit very well to his brand of football. Would be a great hire for them. Not sure why people here slam the guy every chance they get. His Wisconsin teams never lost to us. He is a top tier coach.

Didn't he say a lot about how much greater the SEC is and didn't he have a rough go at it in Arkansas?


He certainly was successful at Wisconsin but the Russel Wilson team probably should have gone undefeated in my book and given their potential, I'd say that was a messed up season in terms of what they should have accomplished.

All in all, if I were an AD, I'd avoid BB.

Bret back to the Big 10? I'm all for it. In October, I would have bet $20 he would be the next Illini coach. Lovey improbably beats Becky and saves his job.
Here at Minnesota, we would probably be down on the list of teams Bret would like to dominate. Michigan would be his first priority. Next up you know he'd like to annihilate Becky.

He would do well there. Knows BIG football and can recruit very well to his brand of football. Would be a great hire for them. Not sure why people here slam the guy every chance they get. His Wisconsin teams never lost to us. He is a top tier coach.

Really.....you don't know why people hate on him here? Dude was a douchebag at Wisconsin and he and Brewster legit hated each other. The whole going for 2 because the chart told him to in a game they were dominating ring a bell?

Guy is probably a decent coach but he is also a tool. Won't really care much one way or another if Michigan State does end up hiring him. Not really sure how he will do there if it does happen. He had a nice run at Wisconsin and was pretty bad at Arkansas. Not sure he would be able to recruit the kind of talent he would need to in order to compete with the likes of Penn State, Ohio State and Michigan on a yearly basis.

BB to MSU is great for Minnesota. Another villain in the conference and a change to enrage Wisconsin. I like it so much and not just because I am too lazy to change my avatar.

Really.....you don't know why people hate on him here? Dude was a douchebag at Wisconsin and he and Brewster legit hated each other. The whole going for 2 because the chart told him to in a game they were dominating ring a bell?

Guy is probably a decent coach but he is also a tool. Won't really care much one way or another if Michigan State does end up hiring him. Not really sure how he will do there if it does happen. He had a nice run at Wisconsin and was pretty bad at Arkansas. Not sure he would be able to recruit the kind of talent he would need to in order to compete with the likes of Penn State, Ohio State and Michigan on a yearly basis.

I always thought "the chart" comment meant .... Barry made the chart ... but Bert didn't want to say it explicitly.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bret Bielema has &#39;definite interest&#39; in Michigan State football coaching job <a href="https://t.co/yZopwZpe1v">https://t.co/yZopwZpe1v</a> via <a href="https://twitter.com/freep?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@freep</a>. He did good at Wisconsin horrible at Arkansas.</p>&mdash; stuart left (@stuartleft) <a href="">February 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I would love this. I would really enjoy watching him fume as the Gophs put a 6 TD beat-down on Sparty.

Twitter is flooded with comments from MSU fans today, demanding they go after PJ. There are at least as many replies letting them know how delusional they are. Most of those are Michigan fans, rubbing salt in the wound, by reminding them that Minnesota is a better job right now.

There doesn’t seem to be much clamoring for Bielema at this point.

I think Bret would struggle there, but I'd love to see them hire him. He's certainly more of a Big Ten than SEC type of guy. Unless he's been humbled by the Arkansas fiasco, he'll clash with Harbaugh out of the gate. He didn't leave Madison on good terms, so that would be interesting to watch. I can't imagine Chryst engaging in too much back and forth, but Alvarez seemed to be blind-sided by his departure and the uw fans I know can't stand him. I am sure that PJ considers him a friend, but the Gopher fan base hasn't forgotten the extent of his douche-baggery, so he'd be an instant villain here as well.

If my math is correct, he was 1-5 against OSU and 2-3 against PSU while at wisconsin, so not a whole lot of luck against the powers in the East. He was 3-2 against Michigan, so I guess that's a plus for him.

Would be fun for BB to be at MSU. Would enjoy the drama in the east.

It won't be an easy ride second time around the B1G.

No, MSU can do much better than to hire an egotistical has been. His success at Sconny was because of the system set up by Barry. He isn’t a good coach, just an ashehole.

Bret Bielema reminds me of a guy who would fit in well with Stan Gable and the rest of the Alpha-Betas.

That other two point conversion with Bret is at 1:19. ;)

He might be an alright football coach but he is all the things in this thread: tool, douchebag, unlike able, arrogant, an annoying meathead and the list continues.

If Michigan State wants to hire him I’d be fine with that. Lol

He might be an alright football coach but he is all the things in this thread: tool, douchebag, unlike able, arrogant, an annoying meathead and the list continues.

If Michigan State wants to hire him I’d be fine with that. Lol
He’s also shown he can’t coach without the puppet master. I’m fine with it too.

Meh. I supposed it would be nice for our Gophers to shove some whoopings down his throat.

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