Herm Edwards

Gopher Fan

Oct 12, 2010
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If Dungy is actually going to be involved in helping us find our next coach, it wouldn't surprise me to see Herm get mentioned.

Edwards was contacted by USC for their Head Coaching vacancy after Pete Carroll left for the NFL.

Seems like a quality hire if it were to be made. I think his personality would be great for the recruiting trail, and his motivational techniques have been viewed by millions.


*disappears back into cave*

The guy is a nut. There's a reason he's been fired from every coaching gig he's held. And as far as I know he has zilch college experience. It would be like Ty Willingham, except that Ty was sane. Might as well bring in Denny Green. Same number of EEO points, their equally bugshiite, and at least Denny's had some success and experience coaching a CFB team.

I don't see the comparison between Herm Edwards and Ty Willingham. Or Dennis Green for that mat--oh

So... just throwing this out there...

Would Denny Green be a bad hire? If it were Denny Green or some run of the mill coaching "prospect" like Trestman or some other non-BCS guy who would you want?

#1. Denny has won at the college level.
#2. Denny is crazy, so our press conferences would be meaningful
#3. Did I mention he's crazy?

Herm Edwards might be the worst football coach in America. Don't let his enthusiastic talk blur his terrible coaching record (in wins and losses and on field decisions). I turn the tv everytime he starts talking. blah blah blah.

Denny Green would probably do a decent job, but the ego isn't worth 8 wins a year. He would get 8 wins a year. Never less than 8, but never more than 8.

So... just throwing this out there...

Would Denny Green be a bad hire? If it were Denny Green or some run of the mill coaching "prospect" like Trestman or some other non-BCS guy who would you want?

#1. Denny has won at the college level.
#2. Denny is crazy, so our press conferences would be meaningful
#3. Did I mention he's crazy?

Hire someone from the English department to run the team instead. That way, when someday in the future his former players put together a website like saveourgophers.com they don't embarrass the University. At least not from the standpoint of being illiterate.

Denny would not be a bad hire. He's been successful at the pro and at the college level. I don't think it would be a bad hire but Denny would definetly not be my first choice.

Denny would not be a bad hire. He's been successful at the pro and at the college level. I don't think it would be a bad hire but Denny would definetly not be my first choice.

The fact that people are legitimately mentioning the Sheriff's name as a step up speaks volumes about how effed up our program is right now. I only brought up Green as a benchmark of how bad a hire Herm would be. Denny would get us back to respectability, at least on the field. Off of it, not so much. His ego, not to mention his lack of mental stability, would be a disaster. I don't think the U would be able to look past that little incident of Denny chasing his secretary around the desk, either.

I equate Denny with Glen Mason in one key respect: Both of these guys could have had the state of Minnesota eating out of their hands if they just understood the concept of public relations. Both are smart guys and good football coaches who just didn't "get across."

Denny won't get the job.

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