Hendrick Ekpe and Jordan Hinojosa show up enrolled!

Hope all had a great Holiday season.

Jordan is there. I am so fraking ecstatic. it was such a long and hard fought road to get there. But his perseverance made it.

No I told you so's, just pure happiness. As a father, I am so happy of the education he will be receiving. I also know he's freezing his ars off. He left MIAMI at 76. To be below zero is a tremendous shock. he got there on the 17 and on the 18 had a sore throat and a cold, LOL. But im so, so happy to be a true part of he gopher family.

God bless you all and hoping for a 9-3 and spending New Years at the Rose Bowl.

The good news is that his first week in Minnesota will probably be the coldest this winter. It is expected to maybe reach the thirties this weekend. When it does, he will feel like he is back in Miami!

The good news is that his first week in Minnesota will probably be the coldest this winter. It is expected to maybe reach the thirties this weekend. When it does, he will feel like he is back in Miami!

No sheeat. It's all relative isn't it?

Hopefully someone will show him the tunnels around campus (East Bank only) and he can get around without much problem. And remember, it's a dry cold.

Hope all had a great Holiday season.

Jordan is there. I am so fraking ecstatic. it was such a long and hard fought road to get there. But his perseverance made it.

No I told you so's, just pure happiness. As a father, I am so happy of the education he will be receiving. I also know he's freezing his ars off. He left MIAMI at 76. To be below zero is a tremendous shock. he got there on the 17 and on the 18 had a sore throat and a cold, LOL. But im so, so happy to be a true part of he gopher family.

God bless you all and hoping for a 9-3 and spending New Years at the Rose Bowl.

There's a tunnel system on each bank, and St. Paul as well, though not all buildings are necessarily connected. But you can definitely avoid a lot of cold walks by learning them well and utilizing them.

I'm glad Jordan made it. For future reference, Florida has a very detailed list of requirements for graduation, such as words written in papers and pages read in books assigned. If you transfer schools there can be gaps in the records that need to be addressed before graduation. If your working towards documenting these gaps, you have a hold placed on your graduation, the NCAA Clearing House can't clear your academic eligibility with the hold in place. This is what I believe happened to Jordan, he was cleared very late, after alternative commitments had been made.

There was a similar problem in Minnesota when the Profiles of Learning were being considered. The NCAA often looks at course names and levels as opposed to course content, which I suppose is understandable at a level.

There's a tunnel system on each bank, and St. Paul as well, though not all buildings are necessarily connected. But you can definitely avoid a lot of cold walks by learning them well and utilizing them.

You neglected to mention that wind tunnel crossing the Mississippi river between the west and east banks. You have two choices though. One is with wind and the other is out of the wind. As you have stated, it is all about being educated and learning how to best utilize them.

This post is for all the Southern Student/Athletes (you too getthemall):

Winters up here can be brutal for about 3-months out of the year. For the other 9-months, we have some of the best weather you'll find anywhere. Our winters make us tougher, cause us to pull together, and make for great conversation with the non-locals. Besides that, we have very hot blond women wearing Parkas, but once the weather warms up, they shed the Parkas. Trust me, it's well worth the wait.

I spent a couple years in Miami. That first winter, all the locals were complaining about the cold, but it felt warm to me. The next winter, I was as cold in a Miami winter as any of the locals were. You adapt.

I spent a couple years in Miami. That first winter, all the locals were complaining about the cold, but it felt warm to me. The next winter, I was as cold in a Miami winter as any of the locals were. You adapt.

I spend about 1/2 my time in Southern California and about 1/2 my time in MN (throughout the whole year, not like winters in CA and summers in MN).

I was in MN until Wednesday this week and it was absolutely brutal back home.
It's like 60 degrees here today and overcast and people are annoyed about the lack of sunshine.

Good to see that he made it to campus. On one of the GI Radio podcasts, the Gopher Illustrated guys seemed kind of doubtful that he would eventually make it to Minnesota.

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