Hendrick Ekpe and Jordan Hinojosa show up enrolled!

I believe Wilson isn't enrolling until Spring. Could be wrong.

The U of M is on semesters; there is no spring quarter.

I realize that. I heard he was coming in the Spring, though. Maybe his JUCO goes by quarters, so he misses his last quarter to participate in Spring practices in Minnesota? That probably wouldn't work out. I probably heard wrong...

Players cannot participate unless enrolled. A guy can't enroll mid-Spring semester and participate in spring drills. He can enroll for summer classes and practice with the players under the strength coaches during the summer.

Wilson didn't get here until Friday and one stop isn't real time.

He's definitely in Minnesota, he tweeted yesterday about how cold it is.

Do the Spring Semester enrollees count towards last years count

Are they allowed to count these 4 guy's towards last years ead count or scholarship total
I imagine some of last years early enrollees were counted towards last year? Is it up to 4 players
you can count back or 5 ?

gopherdudepart2 said:
Are they allowed to count these 4 guy's towards last years ead count or scholarship total
I imagine some of last years early enrollees were counted towards last year? Is it up to 4 players
you can count back or 5 ?

It doesn't really matter this year since we will be signing well under our yearly limit. The limiting factor this year is the overall 85 scholarships.

Marcus tweet: "Talked to the JC coach of #Gophers LB recruit Damien Wilson who said the Mississippi native should be starting classes today or tomorrow."

Go Gophers!!

It's nice to see Hinojosa officially a Gopher. There was always some mystery around this kid and I'm glad to see him part of the program.

That said, I feel bad for these southern kids getting welcomed to the U with this weather. (Wilson (MS), Hinojosa (FL), and Ekpe (TX))

It's nice to see Hinojosa officially a Gopher. There was always some mystery around this kid and I'm glad to see him part of the program.

That said, I feel bad for these southern kids getting welcomed to the U with this weather. (Wilson (MS), Hinojosa (FL), and Ekpe (TX))

Hinjosa's dad, getthemall, told us, and several of you did not believe him.

Welcome to Gopher Land, Jordan, and Jordan's Dad, getthemall.

Hinjosa's dad, getthemall, told us, and several of you did not believe him.

Welcome to Gopher Land, Jordan, and Jordan's Dad, getthemall.
I never had any problem believing in him after talking with my cousin that lives in Florida. School records there, are an administrative nightmare, especially with transfers.

Hinjosa's dad, getthemall, told us, and several of you did not believe him.

Welcome to Gopher Land, Jordan, and Jordan's Dad, getthemall.

I don't think anyone was rude with their skepticism about the situation. It was a bizarre set of circumstances and I'm sure Jordan and his dad would both agree that it wasn't exactly how they thought it would have played out. He was supposed to enroll in the winter of '12 and we were told he had some loose ends to tie up and he'd be a fall enrollee. Then he didn't come in the summer and ended up at a JuCo after talking about boarding a plane to MN. Even this past year, it wasn't the typical recruitment (or at least reporting of the recruiting). I don't think anyone was rude in pointing out that was not the usual way these things play out. All that said, I think everyone is ecstatic that he's a Gopher.

I don't think anyone was rude with their skepticism about the situation. It was a bizarre set of circumstances and I'm sure Jordan and his dad would both agree that it wasn't exactly how they thought it would have played out. He was supposed to enroll in the winter of '12 and we were told he had some loose ends to tie up and he'd be a fall enrollee. Then he didn't come in the summer and ended up at a JuCo after talking about boarding a plane to MN. Even this past year, it wasn't the typical recruitment (or at least reporting of the recruiting). I don't think anyone was rude in pointing out that was not the usual way these things play out. All that said, I think everyone is ecstatic that he's a Gopher.

Too lazy to go look it up....but there were several posters who were very rude when it came to his commitment. I remember comments saying that the chances of him ending up with the Gophers was 0%. There were comments about his high school play, junior college stats, etc....I'm sure Getthemall would like to give us all a big "I told you so!"

It's nice to see Hinojosa officially a Gopher. There was always some mystery around this kid and I'm glad to see him part of the program.

That said, I feel bad for these southern kids getting welcomed to the U with this weather. (Wilson (MS), Hinojosa (FL), and Ekpe (TX))

Hey, this is about as bad as it gets. Might as well take the worst punch right away and have it only get better from here haha

Too lazy to go look it up....but there were several posters who were very rude when it came to his commitment. I remember comments saying that the chances of him ending up with the Gophers was 0%. There were comments about his high school play, junior college stats, etc....I'm sure Getthemall would like to give us all a big "I told you so!"

I think there was very little of this here. What was here was a link to one of the Florida papers where there was a nasty thread between (presumably) Hinjosa's dad and (presumably) parents from another school.

Too lazy to go look it up....but there were several posters who were very rude when it came to his commitment. I remember comments saying that the chances of him ending up with the Gophers was 0%. There were comments about his high school play, junior college stats, etc....I'm sure Getthemall would like to give us all a big "I told you so!"

Ok 15 minutes of my life I won't get back but I did a search on getthemall. There are 4 main threads consisting of over 100 posts AND NOT ONE is overly critical of Jordan. You and Dr. Don are creating a strawman on this one unless there is a hidden thread somewhere.


Too lazy to go look it up....but there were several posters who were very rude when it came to his commitment. I remember comments saying that the chances of him ending up with the Gophers was 0%. There were comments about his high school play, junior college stats, etc....I'm sure Getthemall would like to give us all a big "I told you so!"

There might have been a tiny bit of that but it wasn't malicious. I don't think people questioned Hinojosa personally, it was more of a natural reaction to a less than ordinary path to his college career. People also had similar skeptical reactions to Josh Campion's chances of ever wearing Maroon and Gold (also Hasan Lipscomb, Marquis Hill, Dinero Moss, etc.). When players take a different path because of some issue, the certainty of them ever being a Gopher is often in question. It's not personal. I think we all want Hinojosa to be a Gopher and we always had. He plays a vital position in the Big 10, he was recruited by some really good programs (Michigan State, West Virginia and Penn State)....I think it was more of a "I don't want to get my hopes up" than it was a "he's not going to come here" sort of thing. It's somewhat similar to Andrews. Those of us who questioned whether he'll sign with the U are just doing so in a logical way of saying "hey, most kids with these opportunities don't end up here".

All of that said, you're right. There might have been some snarky comments but this message board probably has the least number of those comments of any board I've been to on the internet (don't believe me? read the comments section in the pioneer press/strib or youtube).

Welcome aboard Mr. Hinojosa!

I'm glad Jordan made it. For future reference, Florida has a very detailed list of requirements for graduation, such as words written in papers and pages read in books assigned. If you transfer schools there can be gaps in the records that need to be addressed before graduation. If your working towards documenting these gaps, you have a hold placed on your graduation, the NCAA Clearing House can't clear your academic eligibility with the hold in place. This is what I believe happened to Jordan, he was cleared very late, after alternative commitments had been made.

There might have been a tiny bit of that but it wasn't malicious. I don't think people questioned Hinojosa personally, it was more of a natural reaction to a less than ordinary path to his college career. People also had similar skeptical reactions to Josh Campion's chances of ever wearing Maroon and Gold (also Hasan Lipscomb, Marquis Hill, Dinero Moss, etc.). When players take a different path because of some issue, the certainty of them ever being a Gopher is often in question. It's not personal. I think we all want Hinojosa to be a Gopher and we always had. He plays a vital position in the Big 10, he was recruited by some really good programs (Michigan State, West Virginia and Penn State)....I think it was more of a "I don't want to get my hopes up" than it was a "he's not going to come here" sort of thing. It's somewhat similar to Andrews. Those of us who questioned whether he'll sign with the U are just doing so in a logical way of saying "hey, most kids with these opportunities don't end up here".

All of that said, you're right. There might have been some snarky comments but this message board probably has the least number of those comments of any board I've been to on the internet (don't believe me? read the comments section in the pioneer press/strib or youtube).

Welcome aboard Mr. Hinojosa!

My recollection was like yours, that people were more concerned and weren't sure if he could under NCAA rules end up enrolling here this year. I don't remember any real negative reaction (unlike the Dinero Moss fiasco when everyone dumped on him for going to "Iowa"). I think your assessment of the reaction is accurate. And I agree legitimate. Just natural that folks are going to be concerned that a talented kid was taking a detour getting here since that historically increases the chances he'd never make it. I think everyone is very glad he did make it (except maybe Wiscy and Iowa)! Congratulations!!!

I'm glad Jordan made it. For future reference, Florida has a very detailed list of requirements for graduation, such as words written in papers and pages read in books assigned. If you transfer schools there can be gaps in the records that need to be addressed before graduation. If your working towards documenting these gaps, you have a hold placed on your graduation, the NCAA Clearing House can't clear your academic eligibility with the hold in place. This is what I believe happened to Jordan, he was cleared very late, after alternative commitments had been made.

Yeah and I believe it was posted here by his dad that it was also partially an ACT thing.

But in general, that explains why eligibility for players out of Florida is always a guessing game. If you ever notice, it seems like the biggest question marks in terms of eligibility come out of the State of Florida.

Hope all had a great Holiday season.

Jordan is there. I am so fraking ecstatic. it was such a long and hard fought road to get there. But his perseverance made it.

No I told you so's, just pure happiness. As a father, I am so happy of the education he will be receiving. I also know he's freezing his ars off. He left MIAMI at 76. To be below zero is a tremendous shock. he got there on the 17 and on the 18 had a sore throat and a cold, LOL. But im so, so happy to be a true part of he gopher family.

God bless you all and hoping for a 9-3 and spending New Years at the Rose Bowl.

Hope all had a great Holiday season.

Jordan is there. I am so fraking ecstatic. it was such a long and hard fought road to get there. But his perseverance made it.

No I told you so's, just pure happiness. As a father, I am so happy of the education he will be receiving. I also know he's freezing his ars off. He left MIAMI at 76. To be below zero is a tremendous shock. he got there on the 17 and on the 18 had a sore throat and a cold, LOL. But im so, so happy to be a true part of he gopher family.

God bless you all and hoping for a 9-3 and spending New Years at the Rose Bowl.

Haha, yeah, especially early on, he'll need something to cover his face when he's out cause when you're not used to this, it hits you like a fist. Get a nice thick coat, hat, and gloves, and he'll be good. Something about that first week of classes lines up with the worst temps of the year from my recollection. I just feel like I remember going back to classes and it was always freezing.

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