Henderson to Prep rumor

sad but funny. wonder if daddy knew this all along.

Excuse my ignorance, but what does "Going Prep" mean?

Going to prep school next year gets him a clean slate despite having signed a letter of intent. Because prep school isn't college he'll still have 5yrs to play 4. There were rumors that he was an academic nonqualifier.

Question: Will Bryant McKinnie arrange a limo for his trips to prep school?

So let me get this straight......

It's a secondary violation to have a cardboard cut-out of the recruit with the University's jersey on it....BUT perfectly acceptable to have a former player (booster) take the recruit out to dinner in a limo???? If correct, the NCAA is seriously screwed up.

Kind of shocked he didn't end up a Gopher on signing day if this is how things are going to play out.

I wish this kid and his whole family would just go far away and never come back.

All that money for a CD college prep, but then not be prepared? Strange. gotta be >10K/yr.

Not a real shock. The word´s been out for month´s that he didn´t have the grades to play anywhere. If self promotion is your game (and it is) Why not milk your 15 minutes for all theyr´re worth, take all your visits, ride in some limos, eat some lobster, visit some strip clubs, have a couple press conferences and sign with powerhouse USC since you know it won´t matter anyhow? ZERO chance of Henderson ever wearing Maroon and Gold. Zero.

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