Has it occurred to anyone....

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned as a possibility since I haven't read every single post about this issue but I haven't seen it brought up yet.

Has it occurred to anybody that that the laptop issue and whether it's resolved or not actually has little to NOTHING to do with how long Royce will be suspended?

It has always been my thought/contention that Tubby suspended Royce for just plain being an idiot and putting himself in a variety of poor and ill-advised situations. Essentially, he's trying to get through to the young man that he's not bigger than the team, that he needs to be more accountable, that he needs to start representing himself and his university with more class and character.

It just seems everybody is making the assumption that if/when Royce is cleared of any wrong-doing with the laptop incident that Tubby will instantaneously bring him back on the team. Unless I missed a statement of his saying as much, I just don't think that's what Tubby is thinking.

Regardless of the status of the laptop incident, my thinking is that Tubby just doesn't think Royce has changed one bit (the various Youtube antics, internet posts, etc.) and hasn't really shown Tubby what he's been wanting to see in order for him to return to the team. That's what I read into Tubby's comments like, "Royce still has things he needs to work out", etc.

I guess I'm just saying that I wouldn't be blaming the UMPD's lack of urgency/ineptitude for the team not having the services of Royce White on the basketball floor. It also may not be a given that if he's ever absolved of any wrongdoing in that instance that it doesn't mean he's magically returning to the team the next day.

Just my two cents...

My thought has always been that Tubby will not immediately reinstate Royce upon the finalization of the laptop investigation. However, I believe that it would have been the final hurdle. Tubby could perhaps give him a few games off after the conclusion of the investigation, but there is absolutely no chance of Royce coming back before the conclusion of the investigation. In other words, the laptop is not the only thing standing in his way, but it certainly something that needs to be resolved before Tubby would even think of reinstating.

The ol Tubbster is not letting Royce play until he feels like it! Place yourself in the office in the seat sitting across from the guy giving you the tubby stare...lol We all seen him at the games yelling stomping his heal of his shoes..remember how he did lawernce mckenzie at mich state 2 years ago he used a whole time out to yell at him! You got to love Tubby but i agree this suspension is for his all around poor behavior

In the Strib sports section article Maturi indicated there may well be issues beyond the laptop investigation.

And no, you are not the only one this has occurred to. The problem of his general behavior has been discussed often on the board.

In the Strib sports section article Maturi indicated there may well be issues beyond the laptop investigation.

A part of the email I exchanged with Maturi regarding Royce returning to the team. It's what settled for me that he wouldn't be playing this year. It seems pretty straightforward the legal issues are what is suspending him from play, and his other issues that have suspended him from the team completely.

is guilty of another incident in addition to several team rules being broken. Coach Smith and I are in complete agreement that Royce needs to show more progress before he plays for the Gophers.

It would be surprising if there were not other things going on (which we don't know about). At the end of the day..I want this resolved sooner, not later. If Royce is not a part of our team..lets finalize it. This way we can focus on moving forward and coaches can identify recruiting targets to fill the gap.

Unless I hear that he did something really really bad..like beat his girlfriend, etc... I am fine with him being let back on the team (with a no tolerance policy moving forward). Not minimizing a theft but running with a bad crowd is different than having other issues.

Its in Tubby's court I guess. Hey, if we had a great non-conference home slate...we would be talking about that. Thanks Joe E..you are enabling this story! :)

In the Strib sports section article Maturi indicated there may well be issues beyond the laptop investigation.

And no, you are not the only one this has occurred to. The problem of his general behavior has been discussed often on the board.

Agreed. I certainly wasn't implying that I had a revelation that nobody else had experienced. It just seems that the OVERWHELMING sentiment on the board is that resolution of Situation A (laptop incident) automatically and unequivocally results in Situation B (returning to the team).

While I'm not defending the UMPD, IMO they have almost nothing to do with why White isn't with the team, and will have little if anything to do with when/if he returns.

I guess it's moot now if he really is leaving the team for good. Alas, the saga takes another twist...

Royce White has been...............

acting out (as a competitive basketball player) since he was very young. Don't know whether it's ADD, or some personality disorder, but he has never been "normal," in his personal behavior. With everything he has to gain, and his obvious physical talents, the hope was/is that he would "see the light," and learn how to fit in, so he would get his opportunity to stand out! This has not happened yet.

Tubby and company don't want to reinstate him and them have another embarrassing event take place. Royce is obviously trying for force the issue by "quitting."

Good Luck with that Royce.

acting out (as a competitive basketball player) since he was very young. Don't know whether it's ADD, or some personality disorder, but he has never been "normal," in his personal behavior. With everything he has to gain, and his obvious physical talents, the hope was/is that he would "see the light," and learn how to fit in, so he would get his opportunity to stand out! This has not happened yet.

Tubby and company don't want to reinstate him and them have another embarrassing event take place. Royce is obviously trying for force the issue by "quitting."

Good Luck with that Royce.

If this is the case so be it, but why isn't he practing then. Holding him out of games makes all the sense in the world. Keeping him from practice makes no sense. What would be the point.

Has it occurred to anybody that that the laptop issue and whether it's resolved or not actually has little to NOTHING to do with how long Royce will be suspended?

THANK YOU!!!! A voice of reason. I can't even sift through all the posts today - blaming Tubby, Maturi, UMPD, Myron, and the sky for being blue. Dear god...for all that we do know, I'm guessing we don't even know a fraction of what's going on.

If Royce is not on the basketball team, and is indeed leaving, there is only one person to point a finger at...and the people who are logical on this board know that it's Royce himself.

It also breaks my heart to say that, because I really, truly, did believe in him, and have since I met him years ago. But come on people, a kid is not being suspended for being a "suspect" in a laptop theft case. And it's not just suspended, it's completely being apart from the team. As I've said before, Trevor is being alleged with someone far worse, and he's still involved with the program.

Who know what is going on, until we get a statement from the U, nothing is final. Royce could pull a FOT, and retract his retirement ;)

THANK YOU!!!! A voice of reason. I can't even sift through all the posts today - blaming Tubby, Maturi, UMPD, Myron, and the sky for being blue. Dear god...for all that we do know, I'm guessing we don't even know a fraction of what's going on.

If Royce is not on the basketball team, and is indeed leaving, there is only one person to point a finger at...and the people who are logical on this board know that it's Royce himself.

It also breaks my heart to say that, because I really, truly, did believe in him, and have since I met him years ago. But come on people, a kid is not being suspended for being a "suspect" in a laptop theft case. And it's not just suspended, it's completely being apart from the team. As I've said before, Trevor is being alleged with someone far worse, and he's still involved with the program.

Who know what is going on, until we get a statement from the U, nothing is final. Royce could pull a FOT, and retract his retirement ;)

I've said this on at least 3 separate occasions.

If this is the case so be it, but why isn't he practing then. Holding him out of games makes all the sense in the world. Keeping him from practice makes no sense. What would be the point.

I think the theory behind it is that is an honor to even have the chance to be part of the U of MN basketball team and this kid's head is so in the clouds, that it isn't even worth it for the team to have him at practice.

I've said this on at least 3 separate occasions.

You may have, but you've also said this:

this sets the program back, becasue now star recruits from MN will think twice about coming here because the administration will not have their back
I believe you're blaming the administration - when you have NO clue how much they went to bat for him.
royce is cleary getting charged with WWB. Walking while Black.

You're blaming race...like you have time and time and time and time again.

and I couldn't even gone on looking at more than 1/2 page of your posts, for fear, I would lost brain cells.

Please do not ever say you posted the same thing as I did, as we would never, ever, have the same thing to say. (Unless you were saying you said the same thing as Ogee...in which case, there's still no way, he's contributes a lot to this board).

THANK YOU!!!! A voice of reason. I can't even sift through all the posts today - blaming Tubby, Maturi, UMPD, Myron, and the sky for being blue. Dear god...for all that we do know, I'm guessing we don't even know a fraction of what's going on.

If Royce is not on the basketball team, and is indeed leaving, there is only one person to point a finger at...and the people who are logical on this board know that it's Royce himself.

It also breaks my heart to say that, because I really, truly, did believe in him, and have since I met him years ago. But come on people, a kid is not being suspended for being a "suspect" in a laptop theft case. And it's not just suspended, it's completely being apart from the team. As I've said before, Trevor is being alleged with someone far worse, and he's still involved with the program.

Who know what is going on, until we get a statement from the U, nothing is final. Royce could pull a FOT, and retract his retirement ;)

Geez, that's the trouble when there's a frenzy like this going on. A post like Ogee's that makes sense gets lost. It doesn't take a very close reading of statements by Tubby, Maturi, and Rene Pulley to realize that it's not just an isolated incident like the laptop theft that's caused this whole mess. I don't know what else is going on, but I do know a person's actions are part of a pattern. So far, the pattern I see with Royce doesn't give me much hope for the Gophers or for himself. One theory today is that Tubby messed up by keeping White away from the team instead of embracing him with positive support. That's conventional wisdom, but Tubby does have some experience, and I'd guess that conventional wisdom just wasn't working.

You're a person I pay attention to, GopherLady, and I've been interested in your reaction to this. (I just respect your perspective and am leaving the creepy relationships to Dr. Don) I think you do know some of the other things because I noticed you weren't exactly leaping to White's defense when you had the chance.

--There's a lot of wanting to blame others. Thanks for giving some forum authority to the notion that White is the one who is responsible for what's happened to his basketball career. It's just mind-numbing that he has jeopardized a scholarship worth many thousands of dollars not to speak of possibly millions of dollars earned by having a pro career.

--White hasn't been callously cut loose by the university. I'll bet there's been a lot of counseling and guiding here, and it seems to be in vain. Yes, they want to save a young man, but Tubby also sees a rare basketball talent and wants to use that. White just isn't giving him much help.

--You know him better than I do, GopherLady, but Royce isn't a real heartbreaking figure to me. If the Coen brothers did basketball movies, I think Royce would be perfect in a comedy role. He's a character obviously full of himself; tries to manipulate events and people; and is going to meet an unplanned fate because he misreads his situation. I would love to have Tubby play himself in the scene where Saul tells Tubby about the first YouTube release rumored to be coming out. "He's doing what?" and then the slow burn on Tubby's face. The only person I feel sorry for is White's grandfather who seems like a really decent man.

--I like your closing, GopherLady. Royce didn't exactly slam the door shut, did he? I'd guess though this might be a case where he might have misread his situation.

Forgive me if this has already been mentioned as a possibility since I haven't read every single post about this issue but I haven't seen it brought up yet.

Has it occurred to anybody that that the laptop issue and whether it's resolved or not actually has little to NOTHING to do with how long Royce will be suspended?

It has always been my thought/contention that Tubby suspended Royce for just plain being an idiot and putting himself in a variety of poor and ill-advised situations. Essentially, he's trying to get through to the young man that he's not bigger than the team, that he needs to be more accountable, that he needs to start representing himself and his university with more class and character.

It just seems everybody is making the assumption that if/when Royce is cleared of any wrong-doing with the laptop incident that Tubby will instantaneously bring him back on the team. Unless I missed a statement of his saying as much, I just don't think that's what Tubby is thinking.

Regardless of the status of the laptop incident, my thinking is that Tubby just doesn't think Royce has changed one bit (the various Youtube antics, internet posts, etc.) and hasn't really shown Tubby what he's been wanting to see in order for him to return to the team. That's what I read into Tubby's comments like, "Royce still has things he needs to work out", etc.

I guess I'm just saying that I wouldn't be blaming the UMPD's lack of urgency/ineptitude for the team not having the services of Royce White on the basketball floor. It also may not be a given that if he's ever absolved of any wrongdoing in that instance that it doesn't mean he's magically returning to the team the next day.

Just my two cents...

Very true. What about the classroom? Just trust in Tubby and forget about White would be my advice.

I think the theory behind it is that is an honor to even have the chance to be part of the U of MN basketball team and this kid's head is so in the clouds, that it isn't even worth it for the team to have him at practice.

That's not reality, it is an even proposition for most, with the chance for a few to make it to the pro's. How many take a job while going through school and consider the job an honor to pay for school. I don't find this any different. These kids are being used if that is the case, plain and simple. Big time athletics is a business and it is reflected in the saleries head coaches and even assistant coaches make. Treating it differently is not based in the real world.

I'd like to see Mr. White accept blame for what he has done wrong, seek forgiveness and compassion. Then tell people he's taking a red-shirt year off to straighten his life around and come back a stronger and better person. I understand this would be a tough thing to do and require some real guts. I think 95% of the people would back him if he did this and meant it.

Prima Donnas

I agree that the laptop incident is irrelavent. My concern is with White's character and attitude. There is no question that he has made some serious mistakes in his past. He may well be innocent with respect to the laptop incident, but I am troubled by his claims that his has been unfairly treated. I have seen no evidence that he is contrite about his past mistakes and that he wants to turn his life around. I think we have already seen the impact of prima donnas on team chemistry in the form of Joel Prysbilla and Kris Humphries. I agree with Clem Haskins who sought solid players who would stick with the program for four years rather than those who are focused on on an early NBA draft. I'm not ready to give up on White, but I wouldn't let him back on the team until he demonstrated he is ready to accept responsibility for his mistakes and to be a team player. That has nothing to do with what happens with the laptop investigation.

I'd like to see Mr. White accept blame for what he has done wrong, seek forgiveness and compassion. Then tell people he's taking a red-shirt year off to straighten his life around and come back a stronger and better person. I understand this would be a tough thing to do and require some real guts. I think 95% of the people would back him if he did this and meant it.


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