Has anyone seen Builtbadgers?


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2011
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I've been a bit spotty... Have some cool things going on that are taking some time.

But, that said, I don't recall seeing Built in a while. Worried about him.

Anyone recall seeing him?

I was wondering as well. Seems like more than a year since I've seen a post from him. Didn't always agree with his takes, but always felt he had very reasonable opinions and thoughts on the program and College Basketball in general.

I was wondering as well. Seems like more than a year since I've seen a post from him. Didn't always agree with his takes, but always felt he had very reasonable opinions and thoughts on the program and College Basketball in general.
Yep. Solid mind to bounce basketball ideas off of. Plus, he seems like a good man. I hope he checks in soon.

I remember I asked a while back about him. If I remember correctly, he said he was just taking a step back, without much explanation.
He’s not the only one who has taken a step back. Traffic here is way down, even accounting for the time of year. That says a lot about interest in the program from a population that should be most engaged. I feel like I’m in a reboot of Major League, Power Five edition.

Beating Iowa again will encourage a few more folks to climb back on the bandwagon. Losing the opener was a buzzkill. And traffic was meh BEFORE the loss.
In this town you can't go 5 and 7 regular season and expect goldfish behavior going forward.

He’s not the only one who has taken a step back. Traffic here is way down, even accounting for the time of year. That says a lot about interest in the program from a population that should be most engaged. I feel like I’m in a reboot of Major League, Power Five edition.
I agree, I don't post a ton, but I was a very avid lurker until recently. I've found that I'm starting to lose interest. Losing the core from last year's team was pretty disheartening.

He’s not the only one who has taken a step back. Traffic here is way down, even accounting for the time of year. That says a lot about interest in the program from a population that should be most engaged. I feel like I’m in a reboot of Major League, Power Five edition.

I could be wrong - but I think part of the issue is that opinions on Johnson have become so polarized, it's just like with politics. there is no middle ground. either you like Johnson or you think he should never have been hired.

and every thread just turns into the same thing. endless p*ssing matches with people on opposite sides shouting (figuratively) at each other. after a while, it's just no fun to be on here either reading or participating in the same argument every day.

for me, Gopher Hole is entertainment. a chance to have some fun reading about and discussing Gopher Sports. but the politics board has become largely unreadable because it's the same people having the same argument on every thread. and now the Basketball board is going down the same path.

I expect traffic will pick up once the season starts. And I hope that people can at least try to respect other opinions even if they don't agree. but I'm not holding my breath on that.

I could be wrong - but I think part of the issue is that opinions on Johnson have become so polarized, it's just like with politics. there is no middle ground. either you like Johnson or you think he should never have been hired.

and every thread just turns into the same thing. endless p*ssing matches with people on opposite sides shouting (figuratively) at each other. after a while, it's just no fun to be on here either reading or participating in the same argument every day.

for me, Gopher Hole is entertainment. a chance to have some fun reading about and discussing Gopher Sports. but the politics board has become largely unreadable because it's the same people having the same argument on every thread. and now the Basketball board is going down the same path.

I expect traffic will pick up once the season starts. And I hope that people can at least try to respect other opinions even if they don't agree. but I'm not holding my breath on that.
College sports is purely year to year now. The offseason prep recruiting used to keep me engaged as it could be a predictor of how good the team may be down the road. It's hard to stay engaged in the offseason when 90% of the team will be likely turning over the following season. Just don't have the same storylines to follow as in the past.

I agree, I don't post a ton, but I was a very avid lurker until recently. I've found that I'm starting to lose interest. Losing the core from last year's team was pretty disheartening.

This is me as well. I used to check this page multiple times daily. Now I’m lucky to check in once a week.

College sports is purely year to year now. The offseason prep recruiting used to keep me engaged as it could be a predictor of how good the team may be down the road. It's hard to stay engaged in the offseason when 90% of the team will be likely turning over the following season. Just don't have the same storylines to follow as in the past.
Completely agree. Makes more sense now just to wait till the season to see who your 12 are.

College sports is purely year to year now. The offseason prep recruiting used to keep me engaged as it could be a predictor of how good the team may be down the road. It's hard to stay engaged in the offseason when 90% of the team will be likely turning over the following season. Just don't have the same storylines to follow as in the past.

I can see that but I don't agree. I think the offseason is much more eventful now. Used to be that you brought in 3 or 4 freshmen but they typically were committed before the offseason. Maybe a transfer or two came in during the offseason.

Now you might see 8 guys brought in during the offseason and even more recruited.

I agree that it's year to year now but that doesn't seem to bother me so much. Players aren't around long enough for me to get sick of them.

I think part of the issue is that opinions on Johnson have become so polarized, it's just like with politics. there is no middle ground. either you like Johnson or you think he should never have been hired.

There is a third option and it's not so much about liking or disliking Johnson. A person can think he probably shouldn't have been hired but he's the coach now and you support the team until the curtain comes down after the final performance.

I could be wrong - but I think part of the issue is that opinions on Johnson have become so polarized, it's just like with politics. there is no middle ground. either you like Johnson or you think he should never have been hired.

and every thread just turns into the same thing. endless p*ssing matches with people on opposite sides shouting (figuratively) at each other. after a while, it's just no fun to be on here either reading or participating in the same argument every day.

for me, Gopher Hole is entertainment. a chance to have some fun reading about and discussing Gopher Sports. but the politics board has become largely unreadable because it's the same people having the same argument on every thread. and now the Basketball board is going down the same path.

I expect traffic will pick up once the season starts. And I hope that people can at least try to respect other opinions even if they don't agree. but I'm not holding my breath on that.
The reason why i have only been checking in periodically.

Hope Built is doing well and checks in soon. Always respected his contribution. I think I may owe him a round of golf for one of our season projection bets. Would love to pay it off.

There is a third option and it's not so much about liking or disliking Johnson. A person can think he probably shouldn't have been hired but he's the coach now and you support the team until the curtain comes down after the final performance.
I think there is a large portion of the fanbase that is right here.

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