Has all your FB team been Vaccinated - CDC & U of Wisconsin


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Apr 1, 2019
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The new breaking medical news from the CDC and the U. of Wisconsin started with the study of the Shingles Virus and Vaccine , but now all pandemic and all vaccines will be delivered into the human body!))**

FIRST SHOT Glands Penis

The first shingle shot or Pandemic or any vaccine shot goes into the Glands Penis. While they only use one syringe they have to place the needle in 4 different areas around the head of the penis or Glands Penis . Still its only one half of a cc per stick with a small diameter needle yet it is injected with a needle that is 2 centimeters long. Its something about the compete absorption of the vaccine in just3 days!!!


3 days latter you can get your second shot. The 2nd shot might be a little uncomfortable for some, like baby ass Phil, but they do ask if you want a numbing shot in your rectum and prostate first! The second dose of vaccine is also injected into several different places. One shot goes into the center of each testicle but its with a exceptionally small diameter needle with only half a CC per testicle. As you know all sperm that arrives to the Seminal Vesicle that is not ejaculated in 4 hours is broken down and reabsorbed into the body. The other small shot has to go up your rectum and guided into your prostate by which is basically sonar. As you also know the Prostate is the densest soft tissue organ in the body. The shot is only 2 CCs however it takes ten full 10 minutes for the injection to take place because of the denseness of the Prostate.

Why the Prostate - Because of the prostates denseness. The Prostate releases the vaccine over a 2 week period, thus making sure the liver and kidneys don't over filter the vaccine out of the body before it has a chance to enter all the cells of the body or create enough anti-bodies.

The reasoning behind using the human reproductive system as a conduit or means to deliver vaccines.

(!) If you read the above you will understand the extremely quick uptake of any vaccine in the first dose and the benefit of the slower release uptake from the 2nd dose.

(2) Still the total time of the vaccine, any vaccine delivered this way has a 99% effectiveness over 17 days.

Picture of Human Penis

As long as it ain’t a shot in the nuts

Remember that the U. of Wisconsin did the research for the CDC!

Look under Prostate. - ;-(

3 days latter you can get your second shot. The 2nd shot might be a little uncomfortable for some, like baby ass Phil, but they do ask if you want a numbing shot in your rectum and prostate first! The second dose of vaccine is also injected into several different places.

One shot goes into the center of each testicle but its with a exceptionally small diameter needle with only half a CC per testicle

Talon, I love you man and am glad to see you back, but almost every single sentence in this post has factual errors and the overall premise is totally false. Speaking as someone who gave 50+ COVID shots last week, I can assure you they go into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

There is a grain of truth to the vulnerability of your testicles to Shingles, and for that matter Covid-19. Interestingly, Covid-19 also attacks your reproductive organs. The respiratory tract (lungs in particular) are most affected by COVID-19 because the virus accesses host cells via the receptor for the enzyme angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is very abundant on the surface of type II alveolar cells of the lungs and also found in great abundance in your testicles. Some Covid-19 patients face sterility.

I don't think I will be getting a shot down there anytime soon.
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