Halftime Football Toss Contest


Who hates Iowa?
Apr 23, 2019
Reaction score
They might as well have given Tyler and Marcus basketballs and had a chest pass competition. Am I wrong?

$100K scholarship every game today is what’s mind blowing!

Change the rules. Each person must throw the ball like a pass, not timed but they get 10 throws each. If tied after 10, go to OT alternating who throws first.

Change the rules. Each person must throw the ball like a pass, not timed but they get 10 throws each. If tied after 10, go to OT alternating who throws first.
When you give away 625k you can make the rules.

Another competition that should be added to the Olympics. Either that, or Punt Pass & Kick.

$100K scholarship every game today is what’s mind blowing!

Actually quite a bargain for a national brand like Dr. Pepper with tens of millions in marketing budget. They get a ton of residual brand awareness from championship weekend (like this thread, for example).

I gotta get my college kid into that competition!

Couldn't they have found kids from B1G schools for the B1G championship game?

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