Guy Landry to visit Gophers

We don't need another guy who is mainly a dunker. We have one too many of those already. If you can't hit jump shots, a 6'5" power dunking small forward or shooting guard won't help that much. We need basketball players with balanced games, good shooting, good D, and the ability to drive.

Well he can apparently shoot at least alright based on percentages, claims he can D up guys from the 1 to the 4, and says his strength is driving the ball to the basket. Sounds like you actually agree that we need him then lol. Of course, just cause he claims he can do these things doesn't mean he can, but of course just because he has a dunk reel doesn't mean all he can do is dunk either.

I would certainly welcome a player who will look to drive the ball to the hoop. Aside from Al and Chip we didn't have anyone who was capable of taking the ball to the rack last year. I don't think I can handle another year of passing the ball around the perimeter until the shot clock forces a bad shot or a turnover.

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