Great PHOTOS of Stadium Tour!!

Great shots!! Thanks for sharing.

Saw these when they went up last night and like MinnMarchDTF mentioned, the last two are the best, simply amazing view.

I expected/hoped it would be this way all along, but actually seeing the block M on everything - doors, sinks, tiles, carpet, seats, etc. makes me smile. Finally, somewhere to call home.

I expected/hoped it would be this way all along, but actually seeing the block M on everything - doors, sinks, tiles, carpet, seats, etc. makes me smile. Finally, somewhere to call home.

Exactly. Gopher Nation has a capital at last.


wow, amazing. simply cant wait, less than 4 months now! it was nice to see what it will look like for a night game/late afternoon.

Damn you for posting these on facebook so I can't see them at work. ;-)

Great pics!!! I almost expected the tunnel we come out of to be bigger, maybe it's just looks smaller than it is.

I can't wait for the first game in this stadium. I am gonna be jumping around like a giddy schoolgirl. If Brew is smart he will have a bunch of recruits in for that game, the atmosphere will be unbelievable.

thanks! are you able to make these photos "public" so those who do not do facebook are able to view them?

These are pictures posted from an account "Goldy G." which is or has been adopted to be be Goldy Gopher, so if anyone on here will be able to help (or at least that they'll announce it).

Help with pics needed

Can anyone help make these pictures public for all to see? :confused:

I made a generic facebook profile so people without facebook can login and and view the pictures. Please for everyone's sake don't go and change the passwords, etc.

1. Click on the link to the photos Photo Gallery Link

2. At the login screen that pops up enter the following:
Email: [email protected]
Password: skiumah

3. Enjoy!

Ski U Master - THANK YOU!

I made a generic facebook profile so people without facebook can login and and view the pictures. Please for everyone's sake don't go and change the passwords, etc.

1. Click on the link to the photos Photo Gallery Link

2. At the login screen that pops up enter the following:
Email: [email protected]
Password: skiumah

3. Enjoy!

this worked perfectly. appreciate you taking the time to do it for those of us who are not rolling with the facebook crowd.

Thanks much SKIUMAH. Very cool pix. I'm psyched!!

Sorry, meant Ski U Master. Got caught up in the atmosphere.

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