Grantland article: "Minnesota Basketball: Waiting for Tubby"

Here's how I took it: "Hey, bumpkins. Don't go getting all excited about being 11-1, because we all know you suck. I've seen you on ESPN twice and you have no chance. Just wanted you to know it."

I took it almost the same way Zips - well put. But also I got some undercurrent of this Jon Dolan character being approached by Sid or some other boundless optimist Gopher fan who couldn't stop telling him how pleased they were that the Gophers were 11-1, and things were looking up.

Every one of us here, and most outside of Gopherhole know damn well that the Big Ten season could get ugly. But we aren't we allowed feel positive about how the team has picked up the pieces since that fateful Old Spice Sunday, and observed some growth and development out of Rodney and our young guards?

It just bewilders me how the Gopher program just seems to attract negative editorials at such a steady clip.

Agreed about Grantland kix4kix.

I'm a longtime GH lurker but was compelled to register and log in to post one fact: Grantland is a waste of internet.

I don't mind some of Klosterman's non-sports writing and Simmons has a history of intermittent/marginal humor, but that whole site is a pile of self-indulgent horse void. The fact that it's affiliated with McSweeneys is disheartening.

Welcome to the posting side of GH. Good first post. Keep it up.

Agreed about Grantland kix4kix.

I'm a longtime GH lurker but was compelled to register and log in to post one fact: Grantland is a waste of internet.

I don't mind some of Klosterman's non-sports writing and Simmons has a history of intermittent/marginal humor, but that whole site is a pile of self-indulgent horse void. The fact that it's affiliated with McSweeneys is disheartening.

anyone who can work horse void into a coherent sentence needs to post more-- well played sir.

Simmons big book about the NBA- "The Book of Basketball" is pretty good if you like the NBA and its history.

I googled "boils on the anus" and low and behold this article popped up. Somehow, this article ties together both of the banes of my existence. Do any of you know of any household remedies?

Hey thanks Stan and Fan...although you may regret encouraging me.

Oh, and I'll try and bring more positivity to future posts. Should be a fun year at the Barn with plenty of dunkshots and drama. Go Gophers. May the spirit of Sweaty Frasier be with you. And also with you.

Hey thanks Stan and Fan...although you may regret encouraging me.

Oh, and I'll try and bring more positivity to future posts. Should be a fun year at the Barn with plenty of dunkshots and drama. Go Gophers. May the spirit of Sweaty Frasier be with you. And also with you.

*Catholic five*

Clarification: As an aspiring journalist myself I did some digging, and yes, indeed, the 7th St Entry is still extant.

Also, in an attempt to get a better handle on the Tubby situation, I’ve been digging into Lars von Trier’s oeuvre, and let me tell you, things are NOT looking good for us.

Thanks for the update on our squad Jon Dolan, here’s hoping you direct your gaze down upon us again sometime.

Agreed about Grantland kix4kix.

I'm a longtime GH lurker but was compelled to register and log in to post one fact: Grantland is a waste of internet.

I don't mind some of Klosterman's non-sports writing and Simmons has a history of intermittent/marginal humor, but that whole site is a pile of self-indulgent horse void. The fact that it's affiliated with McSweeneys is disheartening.
Well said, and welcome fellow new guy :cool02:


Agreed about Grantland kix4kix.

I'm a longtime GH lurker but was compelled to register and log in to post one fact: Grantland is a waste of internet.

I don't mind some of Klosterman's non-sports writing and Simmons has a history of intermittent/marginal humor, but that whole site is a pile of self-indulgent horse void. The fact that it's affiliated with McSweeneys is disheartening.

Yeah, it sucks that ESPN owns the site, right? Klosterman makes me look - to each their own. Welcome Sweaty --

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