

New member
Nov 18, 2009
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Rodney is doing great on the court but does anyone know how he is doing academically? I know he struggled in high school.

No one should know outside of Rodney, his professors, and the coaching staff and whoever Rodney decides to share this info with. A little something called data privacy, which we're all entitled to in this country. Anyone who posts on here about his current academics at the "U" is either being purely speculative or is violating the law. We'll know in January how first semester went-either he'll be eligible (he's doing fine) or he won't be eligible (he's struggling).

That is very true. I just know there was so much press about his grades and ACT scores when he was in high school so I was hoping that no news means good news. Here's to hoping that he's doing as well in the classroom as he is on the court.

That is very true. I just know there was so much press about his grades and ACT scores when he was in high school so I was hoping that no news means good news. Here's to hoping that he's doing as well in the classroom as he is on the court.

I'm guessing he's doing just fine. There are a lot of kids like Rodney, that didn't really take HS too seriously and dug themselves in a ditch after by Junior year. He proved that he could work his tail off to get his grades up those last 2 years, and study for the ACT. I find no reason to think he won't do well - he's under extreme supervision, they have tutors (no Gangelhoff references please), study tables, people that check up on them randomly to make sure they're at class...etc. As long as a kid isn't dumb as a rock, and exhorts a little effort, they stay eligible. Rodney isn't dumb, and it seems like he's a hard worker.

My buddy worked at Cooper and he said that Rodney would have never made it if it weren't for the help of his guidance counselor. I guess she used to stay with him almost nightly after school, meet to work with him after practice during the season, and would take him to the library on Saturdays. Complete credit to Rodney for working so hard but also a big shout out to great educators who go above and beyond to change lives. Rodney learned how much effort it takes to dig out of a whole with class so I doubt he'll make those same mistakes again.


I'm definitely rooting for Rodney academically as well.

This sentence made me laugh out loud though...

As long as a kid isn't dumb as a rock, and exhorts a little effort, they stay eligible.

Can we leave this alone? He's obviously in school, he's playing basketball, leave this be - as far as we know, it's not an issue; don't make it one.

My buddy worked at Cooper and he said that Rodney would have never made it if it weren't for the help of his guidance counselor. I guess she used to stay with him almost nightly after school, meet to work with him after practice during the season, and would take him to the library on Saturdays. Complete credit to Rodney for working so hard but also a big shout out to great educators who go above and beyond to change lives. Rodney learned how much effort it takes to dig out of a whole with class so I doubt he'll make those same mistakes again.

Welcome to the board, jamiljam! You make a good point and she deserves a lot of credit (and thanks from us fans who get to enjoy watching him play.

This is what he said this summer after a Pulley game:

GH: You worked very hard to qualify and get NCAA clearance – how did it feel when everything became official?

RW: It felt great, a big weight off my shoulders and it feels good. I worked very hard with my counselor and spent a lot of hours after hoops hitting the books. I studied for my ACT with my counselor Alyssa Miller and she was very helpful. I wasn’t able to get into summer school, so I’ll hit the books hard when I start class in fall semester.

Rodney Williams Excited to Bring High Flying Athleticism to The Barn

I know his counselor from back in the day (I'm only 25, lol). She's good peoples. He had good help

You can tell Rodney is having such a great time out there. This must mean so much to him considering he had to work so hard for it. I guess all of the guys have worked hard to get where they are though.

You can tell Rodney is having such a great time out there. This must mean so much to him considering he had to work so hard for it. I guess all of the guys have worked hard to get where they are though.

Much congrats to Rodney. :)

He's fun to watch and has a good head on his shoulders.

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