
Jan 6, 2009
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Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is strange that you can not find the press release or statement from Brewster on that went out about the coordinators leaving the Gophers. I can not imagine that the Tribune or anyone else has taken Brewster's statement word-for-word, and personally I would like to know more about what he had to say. Did I miss it on the site?

Not putting it on the web site gives it the apperance that they are not willing to acknowledge what happened and they are certainly going the wrong direction in terms of trying to control the message. This only allows the Twin Cities media to tell the story by taking pieces of Brewster's statement, rather than having a full account of everything Brewster wanted to say. The U probably does not think this is a big deal, but it kind of lessens the credibility of if they are not willing to post any and all news. I understand the primary purpose of the site is for promotion, but if they censor their own news then how do we value its credibility.

Just my thoughts. I really wanted to read more about what Brewster is thinking.

Maybe Brewster is too busy trying to find replacements and hasn't made much of a statement on everything yet. It hasn't even been a full day since we lost both coordinators, I would give it a little more time before we worry why Brewster hasn't said much.

Not sure if this is on Gophersports

but in the press release (which is also on GH), they issued this statement:

Coach Brewster is traveling Tuesday and will be unavailable for comment.

I just have not seen the press release. Obviously Brewster had a statement in the press release. The Star Tribune reference a release that went out this morning. I will look for it on GH...I just did not see it yet.

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