GopherSports: Black History Month Q&A with Amir Pinnix


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Nov 11, 2008
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What is it you miss most about the University?
I miss the people and my teammates the most at the University of Minnesota. I was able to build lifelong relationships with friends because of the University. I was also able to express my beliefs and the things I stood for and valued. I grew into a man at the University of Minnesota.

If you could give the current student-athletes any piece of advice, what would it be?
Be who you are, have an opinion and stand up for your beliefs. Make a conscious decision to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Take advantage of your time at the University. Prepare yourself for life beyond the field. Set yourself up for success in multiple ways: academically, athletically and intellectually. Groom your leadership skills so you will be prepared to lead your family. Finally, pay it forward. Help out the next young man and young woman to be successful.

Please share your favorite university or athletic event you've attended since you graduated and what made it so special to you?
Homecoming in 2015. My brothers from Class of 2003: Ernest Wheelwright, Brandon Owens, Justin Valentine, Laurence Maroney, Stephon Rhea, Desi Steib and Jamal Harris all came together to celebrate and reconnect at our first football game together post our playing days at the University of Minnesota. For the first time we got an opportunity to experience together tailgating, connecting with the current players and speaking with some of the people who played an important role in our development as young men.

What are you grateful for?
I’m grateful for my family, friends and life itself. It is easy to take for granted the things and blessings we have. I’m surrounded by people to whom I am grateful, those who have helped me along the way.

What does Black History Month mean to you?
I am in the position I'm in today because of Black History and the sacrifices those before me have made. Black history is at the top of my values system, therefore I live black history every day. We have come far but we still have a long way to go. I have always looked at black history and being a black man as a responsibility to pass knowledge to the younger generation. Being a student-athlete gave me a platform to do so and make a difference in my community. Those before me, such as Sandy Stephens, Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, Paul Robeson, Bill Russell, Bobby Bell, Alan Page and many others, were not only known for their greatness on the athletic field. They were also known for standing up for civil rights and what they believed in. They were my role models, they are black history to me. Black History Month is a time to deeply reflect but also a time to remind ourselves to live and teach it daily.

What occupies your time now?
My family, work and spending time with my wife as we are expecting our first child.

Go Gophers!!

Pinnix has got it together. Many others could learn from him. Good to read about him again.

Out paths cross occasionally at work, he's good people.

I wonder how Owens is doing? That one play changed his life. I think he would have played in the NFL if he didn't get hurt.

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