Gophers Wrap Up Winter Workouts With "Bowl Games"


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Jan 10, 2011
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Interesting video and comments by Coach Klein (Click on link at the bottom).

I particularly enjoyed the following note:


> There was a bit of a sub-plot in Accountability's win over Pride, as well. Team Accountability was captained by the starting left tackle and included two other offensive linemen - the men who are charged with protecting the quarterback. Meanwhile, Gray - the starting signal-caller - did not select an offensive lineman for his squad.

"(Offensive coordinator/offensive line coach Matt) Limegrover kept telling us all winter that he wanted us to beat MarQueis' team because he didn't have any o-linemen," Olson said. "We just tried to prove it to him today and we did a good job and came out with the 'W.'"

Gray told me late this morning that he had targeted Ed's brother Tommy to be on Team Pride, but Ed picked him before Gray had a chance. He also told me he felt not having any linemen on his team might have been the difference in the competition.

> Overall, Klein said he was happy with the way winter conditioning played out. He believes the team is in much better physical condition. Klein also said the conditioning sessions had a positive effect mentally, as well. Hear his comments about that below.

I suspect if Gray had to lose to anybody it may have felt a little better to lose to his linemen.

Good stuff.

As a fan of the big nasties in the trenches, I'm glad Olson's team won.

I love the competition aspect of this weight and conditioning program. Weight training is a lot of work and adding in the competion keeps everyone interested and engaged. It will be interesting to see how the strength and agility gains impact the play this fall.

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